Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1418 Brother and Sister Turn Against Each Other

Chapter 1418 Brother and Sister Turn Against Each Other
"Mother, don't stop me!"

Sun Shangxiang said angrily, "Today I have to make it clear to this bastard."

She was originally a fiery character, and was sent back to Jiangdong by Sun Quan. Her son was taken hostage, and her heart was already simmering with anger. Unfortunately, Sun Quan never showed up. It was so easy to block this bastard, and Sun Shangxiang would naturally not let this one go. Chance.


Wu Guotai said heartbrokenly: "We are all a family, what can't we say, do you have to make a fuss?"

The palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh, so she naturally didn't want to see her sons and daughters having conflicts.

Now that Sun Quan has become the head of the family, Sun Shangxiang is making such a fuss, which makes him a little bit embarrassed.


Sun Shangxiang said: "As long as he lets me and Jiang Er go back, I will kowtow to him."

Now that Guo Jia has moved her capital to Chang'an, she also wants to go back and reunite with her husband immediately.

Wu Guotai sighed, took Sun Shangxiang's hand and walked over.


Zhou Tai was a little embarrassed.

Because Sun Quan had ordered it, no one could come in.


Wu Guotai gave him a cold look, and said: "Little bastard has only been in office for a few days, and he doesn't even recognize his old body. There is nothing like you here, so get out of the way."

As for Sun Quan's tricking her daughter and grandson back, Mrs. Wu also has a big opinion on Sun Quan.

So you are not polite to Zhou Tai.

Although the old lady has no position or authority, she is Sun Jian's wife after all, and her power is still there.

dare not!

Zhou Tai hastily stepped back a few steps to get out of the way.

This kind of thing is no longer something he, an outsider, can talk about.

Wu Guotai dragged Sun Shangxiang into the mansion boldly.

"Mother is here!"

Hearing Wu Guotai's voice, Sun Quan naturally didn't dare to pretend to be deaf and dumb anymore, and immediately came out and knelt down on the ground.

Wu Guotai's real identity is his aunt, and the mothers of the four Sun Quan brothers died early, and they were all brought up by Wu Guotai.

So I am very grateful to this stepmother.

"Sun Quan, you bastard is indeed here!"

Seeing Sun Quan, Sun Shangxiang became furious immediately, grabbed Sun Quan by the collar, rolled up his sleeves and was about to strike.

Back then, she was the little princess of Jiangdong, and it was not uncommon for her to beat Sun Quan.

"Shang Xiang, you stand aside for me."

Wu Guotai suddenly shouted loudly.

She seldom gets angry, and once she gets angry, several children are a little afraid.


Sun Shangxiang hesitated for a moment, put away his fist, and retreated obediently.

Mother calm down!
Sun Quan was also taken aback.

The reason why he was able to successfully receive everything from Sun Ben was also supported by Wu Guotai and the Wu family.

It can be said that Wu Guotai played a big role in this matter.

"Zhongmou, you are promising. Now that you are sitting in the four states in the south of the Yangtze River, and you have [-] soldiers under your command, why do you still think of me as an old woman? I am afraid that within a few days, the old woman will turn around and call you What about Marquis Wu?"

Mother joked!
Sun Quan hurriedly laughed and said, "No matter what time it is, Zhongmou is still your son. You can beat him or scold him as you like. A few days ago, the fur fur sent by your son still fits right?"

Not long ago, Sun Quan bought a ferret fur from Liaodong, and it was immediately sent to Wu Guotai.Wu Guotai took his children to suffer from cold in his early years, and his legs and joints have always been not very good.

For Wu Guotai, he is also filial from the bottom of his heart.

is it?

Hearing this, Wu Guotai felt a little warm in his heart.

Even though Sun Quan was wrong in every way, he was still filial to himself.

Seeing that his mother's anger had subsided, Sun Quan hurriedly stood up and helped his mother to sit down.

"Mother, why is your old man here?"

he asked bravely.

This belongs to knowingly asking.

Sun Shangxiang was irritated again, but after glancing at Wu Guotai, she closed her mouth resentfully.

Wu Guotai snorted, and said: "Zhongmou, although you were not born to me, I have always regarded your brother as my own all these years. Shang Xiang is my daughter and also your sister, why do you even cheat on her? In your eyes And my mother?"

Speaking of this, it is already stern.

Mother is serious!

Sun Quan hurriedly said: "Although Shang Xiang and I are not born of the same mother, I have always treated her as my own sister."

Don't say it's nothing, once it comes to this, Sun Shangxiang couldn't bear it anymore.

"Sun Quan, you bastard, don't be hypocritical here. If you really treat me as your own sister, how can you frame me back?"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. If it wasn't for her mother's side, she might have to do it again.

Wu Guotai waved his hand, signaling Sun Shangxiang not to be impulsive, and then stared at Sun Quan.

"So, did you frame Shangxiang's mother and son out of kindness?"


Sun Quan nodded.


Sun Ren said angrily: "You tricked our mother and son back, and Jiang'er lost his position as the heir. What are you talking about for our own good? You are talking nonsense with your eyes open."

"Shang Xiang, don't get excited, listen to me!"

Sun Quan hurriedly said: "Do you think that if you stay in Yunzhou, the position of heir will fall to Guo Jiang's head? It's a big mistake. I dare to conclude that if you continue to stay in Yunzhou, I'm afraid it will be even more dangerous."

Wu Guotai was puzzled and said, "Why?"

Sun Quan pondered for a while, and said: "Mother, you also know that Guo Jia is very ambitious. He not only occupied Chang'an, but also made many colorful and auspicious things. It is obvious that he wants to be the emperor. Once he becomes the emperor , that will become the target of public criticism. It is even more dangerous for my sister to stay by his side."


Sun Shangxiang couldn't help retorting: "My husband is an invincible hero, and Yunzhou has strong soldiers and horses. Even if he wants to be the emperor, who in the world would dare to say no to it? Besides, the man is already strong, so what if he wants to be the emperor? Don't you think so?" To be emperor?"

Qin lost his deer, and the world chased it.

Now that the Han style is weak, which prince does not covet the great treasure?
Sun Quan nodded and said: "Guo Jia is powerful, and the Yunzhou army is also strong and strong, but strong soldiers and horses do not mean that the world is invincible. Nowadays, the princes of the world are ready to move, and now usurping the throne is completely courting death. No matter how powerful Yunzhou is, is it the opponent of the princes of the world? Besides... ..."

He shook his head and said: "The danger I'm talking about doesn't refer to the external, but the internal. Especially about my sister and little nephew."

Wu Guotai was slightly moved: "Tell me!"

In fact, the old lady didn't care whether Guo Jia became emperor or not. She cared more about her daughter and grandson.

Sun Quan coughed and said: "Now Guo Jia's rebellion is very clear, and he will definitely usurp the throne in a short time, and his heir must be the future prince. In this way, the disputes in the Guo family's backyard are bound to be dire. Several wives For his own son, he will definitely do whatever it takes. Guo Jia's wives, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps."

Speaking of this, he suddenly took a look at Sun Shangxiang, and said helplessly: "How can you be their opponent with such a careless and careless person? You may have been killed by them long ago."

(End of this chapter)

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