Chapter 1426 Conspiracy in Xiangyang
In the front hall of Kuai's house, a middle-aged scribe looked at the decorations in the hall with his hands behind his back.

This man was tall and burly, with two thick eyebrows that were not angry and pretentious. He was Niu Jin, Sima Yi's counselor.

Cao Wei has two Niu Jin, one is a fierce general under Cao Ren's account, and the other is Sima Yi's cronies.

Niu Jin under Cao Ren is a military commander, short in stature, but not weak in martial arts.

Niu Jin, Sima Yi's confidant, is a civil servant. Although he is burly, he is an out-and-out scholar.

In the history of later generations, it was this Niu Jin of the civil servant who made great contributions to the Sima family's sole control of power.

But this person did not end well.

Because there was a prophecy book "Xuanshi Tu" that was widely circulated at that time, in which there was a prophecy of "the cow following the horse".

Sima Yi was suspicious and jealous, fearing that Niu Jin would harm his descendants in the future, he sent someone to invite him to a banquet, and poisoned the wine. Niu Jin was frank and said "drink and die", so he died in a muddle-headed way. .

Sima Yi thought that since Niu Jin was dead, his children and grandchildren could sit back and relax and enjoy their blessings.As everyone knows, things are unpredictable.His grandson Sima Jin succeeded in making Queen Langya, and his wife Xiahou was made a concubine.The Xiahou family was very romantic, and it didn't take long for them to hook up with a small official named Niu Jin in the palace, and later gave birth to Sima Rui.

That is to say, Sima Rui is not of royal blood, but the son of Niu Jin, a small official in Langya Palace.It was only because of rumors that "the cow followed the horse" that Niu Jin was unjustly killed.

Later generations jokingly called Sima Rui Niu Rui. For example, Li Zhi, a thinker in the Ming Dynasty, directly called the Eastern Jin Dynasty "Niu family of Jin in the Southern Dynasty".

Of course, at this time, the rumors of Niu Jima's empress have not yet come out, and Sima Yi also uses Niu Jin very much. The latter does not know that he will die in Sima Yi's hands in the future, so he is also very loyal to Sima Lingjun.

At this time, Kuai Yue changed his clothes and hurried to the hall.

"Kuai Yue pays homage to Mr. Niu."

Said a deep salute.

Niu Jin's current job is just a scribe in Sima Yi's mansion, but Kuai Yue dare not neglect and is very polite.

Because he is Sima Yi's confidant.

"General Kuai is too polite!"

Niu Jin also saluted back.

Now Kuaiyue official pays homage to General Fanting Hou Pingnan, and his official position is higher than that of Niu Jinke.

Don't dare to be!
A smile appeared on Kuai Yue's face.

"Mr. Niu has traveled all the way here, and Mr. Kuai has already prepared a banquet to clean up the dust for him."

Don't bother!

Niu Jin hurriedly waved his hand.

When he came this time, Sima Yi had already explained that the meeting between the two parties must be held in secret.

Kuai Yue nodded hastily.

"General Kuai!"

Niu Jin said solemnly: "Lingjun just received the news that Yuan Shu is ready to usurp the throne at any time."

Hearing the news, Kuai Yue was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a puzzled look.

Although the Han Dynasty is now in decline, the princes from all over the country are also doing their own things.But the superficial appearance still needs to be done.

Even Guo Jia didn't openly protest. Was this Yuan Shu short-circuited or kicked by a donkey? How dare he jump out and usurp the throne?
Ha ha!

Niu Jin smiled slightly, and said: "Yuan Shu is a man of great ambition and talent, and has always been a little arrogant. Now he has occupied the Lianghuai area with a lot of soldiers and a lot of food. I heard that he recently got the Jade Seal of the Kingdom presented by Sun Quan. He started planning to usurp the throne."

Sun Quan?

Hearing that the jade seal was presented by Sun Quan, Kuai Yue couldn't help squinting his eyes.

This kid is poisonous!
He wanted Yuan Shu to play with fire and set himself on fire!

Who doesn't know that the Chuan Guo Yuxi is a hot potato. The Sun family got it from Luoyang at the beginning, and fought Yuan Shao and Liu Biao for this matter.

The Sun family suffered heavy losses, and since then they have also feuded with Jingzhou.

Now that Sun Quan dared to give the jade seal to Yuan Shu, it can be seen that this son has a lot of scheming.

This Yuan Shu is also an idiot, actually he really wants to be the emperor.

Could it be that he has no capable people under his command, didn't he see that this is a plot by the Sun family to set him on fire?

If others can't see it, can't Mei Zhourou also see it?
Niu Jin seemed to see Kuai Yue's doubts, and immediately explained: "Yuan Shu wants to usurp the throne, and there are people around him who oppose it. Among them, Zhou Yu is the most vocal. But Yuan Shu is headstrong and doesn't listen at all. In addition, Zhou Yu's refusal to marry his daughter made Yuan Shu a little upset, and immediately locked Zhou Yu up. After Zhou Yu was locked up, the rest of the people naturally didn't dare to speak out, and they all acquiesced to this result."

That's it!

Kuai Yue nodded.

Zhou Yu is Yuan Shu's number one adviser, if he is imprisoned, naturally no one would dare to object.

"We, Jing Xiang, fully support Ling Jun. Once Yuan Shu proclaims himself emperor, we will definitely fight on the western front."

Kuai Yue hastily added a sentence.

Xudu's imperial court was under the banner of Emperor Han. Once Yuan Shu really usurped the throne, the two sides would definitely fight.

Now that Kuai Yue wanted Sima Yi to surrender, he naturally wanted to stand on the same side as Xu Du.

No, no!
Niu Jin shook his head hastily.

"What Lingjun means is to ask you Xiangfan and Yuan Shuxu to wait for the opportunity."

What do you mean?
Kuai Yue was a little puzzled.

What hypocrisy and obscenity?
Could it be that Kuai Yue still sent a congratulatory message when Yuan Shu ascended the throne?
In that case, wouldn't it offend the people of the world?

He Kuai Yue is not so stupid?

General Kuai!
Niu Jin smiled and said, "You don't need Xiangfan to express your opinion, just secretly send someone to say a few ambiguous words to Yuan Shu. Remember to make Yuan Shu mistakenly think that you support him."

Right now Sima Yi is attacking Qingzhou with all his strength, so he has no time to pay attention to Yuan Shu.


Kuai Yue was still a little puzzled. As an orthodox Han Dynasty, Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor and they would definitely be ridiculed by the world if they didn't say anything.

General Kuai, don't worry!
Niu Jin smiled and said: "We let you make your own plans, you just need to follow them."


Kuai Yue nodded.

Although this made him a little uncomfortable, he could only bear it.

Ha ha!

Niu Jin suddenly changed the subject, and said in a low voice: "When Ling Jun came, I told my subordinates to tell General Kuai. Zhuge Liang is very cunning. Once he knew that General Kuai was going to defect to Ling Jun, he would most likely attack him. I hope General Kuai will make preparations early."

Kuai Yue's heart trembled, and he immediately understood what Niu Jin meant.

Sima Yi wanted him to completely wipe out the forces of the Huang family in Xiangfan and cut off Zhuge Liang's retreat.

It seems that the new master has a strong resentment towards senior brother Zhuge Liang.


Kuai Yue narrowed his eyes.

"Please reply to Lingjun, Kuai will definitely do it, and he will never be allowed to return to Xiangfan."


Hearing this, Niu Jin laughed a few times.

"General Kuai is indeed a smart man. If that's the case, I'll wait for the good news."

As he spoke, he clasped his fists and walked away.

Seeing Niu Jinyuan's back, Kuai Yue's eyes flashed sharply, and finally heaved a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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