Chapter 1431
The food and wine were delicious, and the two beautiful maidservants were full of charm, with bright eyebrows, but Guo Jia had no intention of admiring them.

He's still worrying about politics.

The business problem still needs to be solved by the businessman, so Guo Jia pinned his hopes on Su Qinglian.

"General, this is the wine specially prepared for you by my lady, you should try it first."

A beautiful maid poured Guo Jia a cup.

Grape wine luminous cup, urge you to drink Pipa immediately.

A sentence from a poet in the Tang Dynasty left an eternal swan song.

To drink wine, use a luminous glass.

The luminous cup is a kind of jade translucent cup.

The reason why luminous glasses are used to hold wine is to reveal the dark red color of the wine.

The cup is like jade, and the wine is like blood, which complement each other.

But the luminous cup is not cheap, even in Dahan, it is a scarce item.

Most people will definitely not be able to afford it.

Yunzhou glass products satisfactorily solved this problem.

Smart businessmen put wine cans in glass bottles, and then sell them, and suddenly they have both appearance and grade.

This combination immediately became popular among the big men.

Guo Jia picked up the glass.

There is still a lot of room for improvement in storage technology in this era, so glass is not the clear and transparent texture of later generations, and some particles are mixed in it.

Flawed as it is, it's shocking in this day and age.

However, the pair of glasses in Guo Jia's hands are very clear, and the content of impurities is very small. It must be a fine product specially made by Yunzhou Glass Workshop.

The cups made in Yunzhou are four-sided, because there is no blow molding technology in this era, and all glass products are cast in molds.

But the pair of cups are indeed round and tall, because the glasses Guo Jia made at the beginning were goblets.

Su Qinglian liked it very much, so she asked the craftsman to make some for her own use.

Picking up the wine glass, Guo Jia shook it habitually.

This stimulates the aromas of the wine.

It's just that the wines of this era are somewhat different from those of later generations, perhaps because the brewing process has not yet reached the level of later generations.

The fine wine comes first, but Guo Jia only tastes it.He was really in no mood to eat and drink.

Why does Su Qinglian take so long to take a bath?

Guo Jia waited for a long time, his patience was worn out a little bit, when he was about to get up to find Su Qinglian.Footsteps sounded suddenly, and Su Qinglian walked slowly, dragging her long wet hair.

Her body was only wrapped in a robe, her feet were bare, and her slender legs protruded from under the robe, revealing two slender feet that were crystal clear and jade-like.

She seemed to have just taken a shower, and she had a lazy look on her face.

"Keep your husband waiting for a long time."

Came across from Guo Jia, Su Qinglian did not sit upright like a traditional woman, but knelt with her legs slanted aside, holding an ivory comb in her hand, and combed her long hair slowly.

Guo Jia was dumbfounded.

He now understands how painful it is to wait for a woman to take a shower.

Su Qinglian just smiled slightly, reached out to pick up the wine bottle and poured herself half a glass, followed Guo Jia's example and shook it, then lightly parted her vermilion lips and took a sip.

"This is the top quality wine given to my concubine by wealthy merchants in the Western Regions. They want to spend money to buy the secret recipe of high-purity baijiu from us. Many places in the Western Regions are hot in summer and cool in the east. Yunzhou's baijiu is deeply loved by them. Big market. However, the concubine refused."

Su Qinglian put down her wine glass and said cunningly: "Teaching apprentices the principle of starving the master to death, I am still very clear. If they learn the recipe, our fine wine in Yunzhou will lose the market in the Western Regions."

As it should be!

Guo Jia nodded.

Yunzhou's high-quality wine is their commercial secret, and this stuff must not be passed on to the outside world.

As an outstanding talent in the business, Su Qinglian understands this point.

"Qing Lian, today I..."

Guo Jia just wanted to bring up something serious with her, but she interrupted her.

In the meantime, Su Qinglian picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of butcher's shop, and said with a smile: "This is the bear's paw given to my concubine by the Fuyu merchant. It has been smoked for many years, and it is very delicious. Husband, please taste it."

Said and delivered to Guo Jia's mouth.

Guo Jia opened her mouth in embarrassment and ate it.

It is plump and juicy, and the smell of spices covers the fishy smell of bear meat. After chewing carefully, you can still hide a faint aroma of honey.

It seems that honey with bear's paw is not a modern patent.

After finally eating the bear's paw, Guo Jia was about to speak, but Su Qinglian picked up a piece of preserved fruit again and handed it to Guo Jia.

"This is preserved fruit made from honey in Jiaozhou. It tastes very good and is suitable for storage all year round. Husband, try it."

One piece after another, one bite after another, as long as Guo Jia wants to speak, Su Qinglian will definitely block his mouth with that thing.

After some time, Guo Jia could see it.

The girl didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

However, Chang'an had such a big problem, how could he enjoy himself here?
"Your pity!"

Guo Jia blocked the mushroom slices that Su Qinglian handed over, and said seriously: "I really have something to ask you, I hope you can help me."


Su Qinglian said helplessly: "I knew you wouldn't come to me for no reason."

The voice was suddenly a little lonely, which was lovable.

Guo Jia was suddenly a little embarrassed.

Although there are many women around him, there are only three who are really inseparable from him. One is Cai Yan. She is the female head of the Guo family and is in charge of everyone's affairs.

Regardless of whether Guo Jia is present or not, Cai Yan can control the Guo family well, eliminating Guo Jia's worries.

The second is Cai Yu, who controls the entire Skynet in her hands and is Guo Jia's eyes and ears.

Although she is already raising a baby at home, without her, Guo Jia is still a little worried.

The third one is Su Qinglian.

Although this woman is not as famous as the Cai family sisters, she controls the economic and trade power in Yunzhou and is responsible for dumping all the products in Yunzhou.

Yunzhou earns a lot of money every year.

With her here, Guo Jia would not have to worry about funding.

Therefore, when there is a problem with Chang'an's economy and trade, Su Qinglian is the first thing Guo Jia thinks of.

In recent years, Su Qinglian has also made great contributions to Yunzhou, and she is not idle. Basically, she travels around and spends less time with Guo Jia.

Now that he finally came back, Guo Jia came to him, not only did not inquire about his health, but directly talked about it.

It's a little too unsatisfactory.

Su Qinglian naturally had some resentment in her heart.

She deliberately delayed taking a bath for some time, just to let Guo Jia walk in by herself, and the two of them would be tender for a while.

Unexpectedly, Guo Jia, who was always in a hurry, actually waited outside obediently.

This made Su Qinglian a little unhappy.

Although she has no status, she is also Guo Jia's concubine, and she also needs Guo Jia's favor.

This guy is good, not interesting at all.

Su Qinglian was very upset.

What an elm bump, don't you know how to come in to comfort her fiery heart?

(End of this chapter)

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