Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1440 Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 1440 Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes
Soon, Yunzhou transported potato and sweet potato seedlings to Chang'an.

These seedlings are very precious.

The soldiers transported along the way were also very careful.

After being transported to Chang'an, Guo Jia immediately organized people to set up a test field to plant these seedlings.

At present, Guo Jia cannot be promoted in large quantities, and only a small part of it can be trial planted.

Seeing is believing, hearing is not.

If you want ordinary people to plant these novel things, you must let them see the real benefits, otherwise empty words are useless, why should people listen to you.

Furthermore, Guo Jia tried his best to get this thing back from the Americas, in order to solve the problem of the low grain yield per mu in the north, so that the common people can have enough food, so that they can enjoy long-term peace and stability.

Therefore, potatoes and sweet potatoes are also the core secrets of Yunzhou. For this reason, Guo Jia also specially formulated protection measures to avoid being learned by other princes.

Once these two crops spread in the north, Guo Jia no longer has to worry about food.

What really worried him was the inflated land price in Chang'an City.

With the withdrawal of Su Qinglian's people and the absence of new entrants in the market, the land price in Chang'an finally stopped rising rapidly.

But it is still rising slowly at a high level.

Because although there is no new blood added, private transactions continue directly.

What Guo Jia can control is only the transactions within half a year, but the transactions beyond half a year are powerless.

Those who have bought it for more than half a year are all powerful merchants, and Guo Jia's policies can't shake their foundation at all.

As a last resort, Guo Jia had no choice but to seek help from the Su family, the Zhen family and the Mi family, asking them to help him stabilize the land price.

Why is it stable?

Because Guo Jia does not want Chang'an to be in crisis, this issue must be softly landed.

Perhaps they have received Su Qinglian's instruction, the Su family fully supports Guo Jia, no matter what request Guo Jia puts forward, they will fully implement it.

Su Qinglian's cutting first and playing later has already angered Guo Jia, this is an excellent opportunity to mend the relationship.

Seeing the Su family react so quickly, the Mi family and the Zhen family couldn't help but look at each other.

They also planned ahead and sent people to Chang'an to buy a lot of land before moving the capital.

When the land price in Chang'an rose, they seized the opportunity again and bought a large number of properties.

It can be said that most of their net worth is in these lands. Now that the land prices are soaring, it is time to make a fortune.

Guo Jia suddenly proposed to curb land prices, and they didn't understand.

It's all money!

Let their worth shrink, although they don't say it on the surface, they are still upset in their hearts.


Guo Jia said in a deep voice: "Right now, Chang'an is on the cusp of the storm. Letting the land price go up will definitely bring about devastating consequences. Whether Chang'an can survive this catastrophe depends on you."

As he said, he clasped his fists.

He also understands the difficulties of the two families.

Originally, there were hundreds of billions in wealth, and if you insisted on reducing it by half, they would naturally not be willing.

Even if you want someone to cut your flesh, you have to give a good reason.

You are welcome, General!

The two stewards hurriedly stood up.

"When we came, the Patriarch also said that everything about our two families is given by the General. As long as the General needs it, our Zhen family/Mi family will also help us with all our strength."

The two are also good at talking.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Guo Jia is not surprised that the Su family has this attitude, but he is somewhat relieved that the Zhen family and Mi family have this attitude.

This is the partner.

No matter what Guo Jia does, people will support him unconditionally.

After sending away the three managers, Guo Jia didn't relax much.

Although the three are one of the largest merchants in Chang'an City, they are somewhat dwarfed by the flood of merchants, and their capital is not as good as them.

Even if they sell all the land in their hands at a low price, with the current market capabilities, they can completely afford it.

Must do both!

Thinking of this, Guo Jia immediately called Jia Xu and whispered something to him.

Hearing Guo Jia's words, Jia Xu couldn't help but shivered suddenly.

" too dark!"

He suddenly had a new view on the protagonist.

When necessary, people will also make harm moves.

"I'm here to save them, so that they won't be able to find a place to cry in the future!"

Guo Jia couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said.

At present, all the people in Chang'an City are speculating on land. Once the land price finally collapses, these common people and dignitaries will definitely suffer great losses. In order to prevent these people from suffering huge losses, Guo Jia intends to let them save themselves.

He repeated the old trick, trying to make the old fox make a bad move.

For example, the five-color auspicious cloud last time was very good. People in this era are very superstitious, so maybe we can use this.


Jia Xu shook his head.

"The city of Chang'an is crazy right now. They are all looking forward to the increase in the price of the land in their hands. Even if a magic stick pops up and says that the land price is going to fall, those people will not believe it, and they might beat the magic stick to death. I don't know. If you dare to find someone, if you want to do it, find someone yourself!"

Jia Xu flatly refused.

The last time he helped Guo Jia build momentum, he was sweating.

If something went wrong, it would be a small matter if his reputation was ruined, but it would be a major event if Guo Jia was ruined.

The so-called multicolored auspicious clouds are made with gunpowder mixed with metal powder.

This thing is not a rare thing, and with the entry of the Yunzhou Army, it is no secret.

If he misses again and reveals the past, Jia Xu will be in complete trouble.


Guo Jia smiled wryly, "Only you can help me with this matter."

He was trying to persuade Jia Xu to help him with a bad move.

"Don't do this!"

Jia Xu doesn't eat this.

"Whoever caused the trouble, who do you go to, the subordinate has important matters, so I will leave first."

Saying that, Shi Shiran left.

Su Qinglian was behind the scenes, and Jia Xu also got some news.

The old fox has a principle, as long as he doesn't get involved in Guo Jia's family affairs.

Who knows if this is Guo Jia and Su Qinglian singing a double reed, fooled by these fools who are trying to sell their land?

If he meddles and ruins Su Qinglian's good deed, this woman will naturally not let him go easily in the future.

Said that knowing that Su Qinglian's descendants would not become the crown prince in the future?
Everything is possible, so Jia Xu is very cautious on such issues.

This old guy!
Guo Jia couldn't help being a little upset when he saw that Jia Xu wasn't up to the trick.

Although this old guy is good at fighting, his damage moves are still very powerful.

So far, Guo Jia has benefited a lot.

Jia Xu was also depressed.

He is obviously a good military adviser and a gentleman, so why does Guo Jia like to force him to make bad moves?

Jia Xu refused to accept the offer, and Guo Jia had no choice.

He can't force Jia Xu too much.

After all, this matter is his own responsibility, and the old fox has put a lot of effort into Chang'an.

(End of this chapter)

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