Chapter 1442 VAT
In fact, Guo Jia's method is nothing special, it is completely copied from some experience of later generations.

What is the reason for the rise in land prices?
It’s because this thing can’t be regenerated, and if you sell it for one piece, you’ll lose one piece. It won’t be like leeks, once you cut off a stubble, another stubble will grow again.

Since ancient times, the Han people have had a special liking for the land.

Many people don't pass on any gold and silver treasures to their grandchildren when they are developed, but buy land, because this thing can be passed down from generation to generation.

At present, Chang'an has gathered more than half of the country's merchants, and they all set their sights on the surrounding land.

Yunzhou's military strength is superior, and Chang'an is their new political center, and its future value is immeasurable.

So they will go bankrupt and hoard the land here.

They are like a giant monster, constantly devouring the land of Chang'an.

What's even more frightening is that the common people in Chang'an also joined this array, using their few resources to continue buying these lands that they feel can make a lot of money.

You can only get in and out, so the land price in Chang'an will continue to rise.

Anyone who is familiar with economic laws knows that once a certain commodity rises continuously for a period of time and reaches its peak, it will then fall crazily.

This is a cycle.

Once land prices pass the peak and start to fall, the disaster in Chang'an will begin.

In order to avoid this disaster, Guo Jia must let the price land softly.

The launch of the vacancy tax cannot effectively curb land prices, but has a somewhat fueling effect.

As a last resort, Guo Jia wants to launch the ultimate killer move - value-added tax.

As long as the land value-added tax is introduced, the land price in Chang'an will inevitably collapse overnight.

In this way, Chang'an will become a mess.

Chang'an is the new political, military, and cultural center of Yunzhou. Once the land price plummets, it will definitely cause chaos and damage the positive image of Yunzhou.

This kind of thing is what Guo Jia does not want to see.

So unless it was absolutely necessary, Guo Jia would not use this trick.

However, the state of Yunzhou has developed to a critical stage, and it may be difficult to solve the problem without this trick.

The introduction of value-added tax is also inevitable.

But Guo Jia didn't think that Chang'an's land price would land hard all of a sudden, that would be a disaster.

There are bankrupt people everywhere, and Chang'an will definitely become devastated.

That's why he begged Jia Xu to sing a double reed, which not only showed the sword of value-added tax, but also left a little time for those speculators.

These people are smart people.

As soon as the value-added tax came out, the era of huge profits in land prices passed.

The value-added part of your land is all for the government, and has nothing to do with you.

And if there is too much land, it will be a hot potato in their hands.

So they will throw out the excess land in their hands within six months.

Once liquidity is restored in the market and the supply of land exceeds demand, without Guo Jia's intervention, the land price will definitely drop to a reasonable level.

It is Guo Jia's ultimate goal to let the land price in Chang'an drop steadily.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to deceive and deceive, and also asked Jia Xu to accompany him in frequent plays.

Why Jia Xu?

Because Guo Jia felt that he had the image of a treacherous minister, the common people would still accept him as a bad face.

Besides, this old fox has been kind to Chang'an for a long time, and Guo Jia was afraid of something wrong, so he planned to let him sing a good face, lest the people of Chang'an be grateful in the future, and only know Jia Xu but not Guo Jia.

Hearing Guo Jia's explanation, Jia Xu was stunned for a while, then suddenly sighed.

"Fortunately, I have already surrendered to Yunzhou, otherwise I would probably die in your hands."

He is already considered a smart man that is rare among big men.

But compared with Guo Jia, there is still some gap.

Guo Jia's strategy can be described as perfect.

Even Jia Xu couldn't fault her.


Jia Xu suddenly became upset, and said: "But why do you always catch someone? I provoked you. Don't the people of Chang'an hate me to death?"

If his bad face really sang, he would probably be scolded by the people.

The reason, of course, was that Guo Jia was tricking him.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled and said: "For the great cause of Yunzhou, for the happiness of the people, Wenhe you sacrifice, we will be grateful to you."

No need to be grateful!

Jia Xu shook her head helplessly.

He knew that there was nothing good in agreeing to Guo Jia.

After careful consideration for a long time, he nodded and said: "I can make a fool of myself on this matter. But I hope the lord can agree to me. After the matter is done, change the place for me!"

After doing this, Jia Xu also lost the hearts of the people in Guanzhong, and the Sili captain naturally couldn't do it.

However, in these years, he has also devoted countless efforts to Chang'an. As long as Chang'an is on the right track, he can leave with peace of mind.

no problem!
Guo Jia agreed straight away: "After the matter is completed, I, Guo Jia, will never ambiguously ask for anything."

Thank you!

Jia Xu cupped her fists, turned and left.

With Guo Jia's promise, he felt a lot more relaxed.

He always felt sorry for the people in Guanzhong.

At the beginning, it was Jia Xu's strategy that Li Jue and other talents laid down Chang'an, which brought countless catastrophes to the people of Guanzhong.

That's why he wanted to do something for the people in Guanzhong.

After so many years of hard work, Guanzhong has gradually restored its former prosperity, and it is time for Jia Xu to become famous.

Although the people may not be grateful, Jia Xu doesn't care anymore.


Soon, the Sili Captain posted a notice again.

In view of the soaring land prices in Chang'an, which caused instability in the Guanzhong area, it was decided to levy value-added tax on the land after research.

The tax rate is one-fifth.

That is to say, how much did you buy this acre of land at the original price, how much is it worth now, and you have to pay one-fifth of the tax on the value-added part.

The threshold is 25 mu per capita, and those below 25 mu are exempt from taxation.

Why 25 acres?

This is also very particular.

In the era without chemical fertilizers and irrigation technology, the harvest of one mu of land in the north was very small. If you want to farm land, pay taxes and pay rent to support yourself, a person needs to plant about 25 mu of land.

Therefore, the government stipulates that the value-added tax is exempted within 25 mu per capita, and a large fee must be paid for land beyond 25 mu.

The common people saw nothing, and the land they bought without breaking their fortunes did not meet the standard of 25 mu per capita.

So this value-added tax does not affect them at all.

But those rich people who hold large amounts of land are a little flustered.

The previous vacancy tax has cost them a lot of meat.

The value-added tax in this game made them even lose their pants.

Naturally, they were not happy, and they clamored one after another.

"It's not fair. Why do we have to pay value-added tax? If our land depreciates, will the government subsidize us?"

"That's right. When we bought the land, we had already paid the tax. You are double-calculating the tax."

"This value-added tax is simply unreasonable and we cannot pay it."

 Today's New Year's Eve, the family had a dinner, drank some wine, and my head was dizzy, so I was lazy and stopped.

  In addition, I would like to wish everyone an early year, and wish you all success in your work and good luck in the new year.

  Yours sincerely!

(End of this chapter)

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