Chapter 1467 Tangled Guo Jia

"Husband, you have to be the master of my concubine!"

Liu Yan said sobbingly.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia helped him up, and said helplessly, "Your brother died at the hands of Cao Pi, and Cao Pi also committed suicide. What do you want me to do?"

Why is he too lazy to take care of the Liu family's mess?
Anyway, at the beginning, he was not less tossed by Emperor Ling of Han.

Fake, all fake!
Liu Yan said in grief and indignation: "This is obviously Sima Yi's plan to kill with a knife. How could Cao Pi kill my brother? He is the brother of my concubine and the uncle of my step-child. You are the great general of a big man, so you can't ignore it."

Tube, tube!
Guo Jia has a big head.

This matter is a bit complicated, and he doesn't bother to take care of it so much.

But for Liu Yan's sake, he had to ask.

"I'll send someone to question Sima Yi right now. How about preparing a grand funeral for your brother?"


Liu Yan also lost her temper and said angrily: "Sima Yi killed my brother and cut off my bloodline. How can I spare him. You must kill him to avenge your brother."

She hated Sima Yi to the bone.

This guy not only broke the lineage of the Han Dynasty, but also killed several sons of Liu Xie and Cao in the name of Cao's rebellion.

Since then, Liu Xie has completely lost his descendants.

Yan'er, don't worry!
Guo Jia said in relief: "I will definitely avenge this revenge. But now is not the time."

Sima Yi, a bastard with vicious intentions, broke the Han Dynasty, and cleared the way for other careerists to become emperor at once.

Yuan Shu of Lianghuai has proclaimed himself emperor and founded the Zhong family.

Sun Quan in Jiangnan is also ready to move, showing signs of proclaiming himself emperor.

Even Ma Chao, who was hiding in a corner of Yizhou, took the opportunity to play the name of Liang.

If Guo Jia stood up at this time to crusade against non-officials, he would definitely become the target of public criticism.

Some time ago, Xi Zhong and others proposed that Guo Jia establish himself as emperor and establish a political power.

But Guo Jia couldn't do that either.

Because he is the son-in-law, the son-in-law of the two princesses, one of whom is also the daughter of Emperor Hanling.

Once Guo Jia did this, he would definitely be criticized by those old and young.

So it doesn't work if you control it, or don't care about it.

After careful consideration, Sima Yi had already set a difficult problem for Guo Jia.

I do not care!
Liu Yan said angrily: "You must take revenge for this revenge. Otherwise, I will never end with you."

She was also willing to go all out, and she would not even ask Guo Jia to send troops.

Just then a voice suddenly sounded.

"Feng Xiao has his own difficulties. If you are smart, don't force him."

A beautiful figure came slowly, it was his wife Cai Yan.


Seeing Cai Yan coming, Liu Yan immediately stood with her arms tied.

Although her son has become the son of the eldest son, but facing Cai Yan, she still has no confidence in her heart.

After all, Cai Yan is her elder, the man who stole her aunt.

Wen Ji!

Seeing Cai Yan coming, Guo Jia also heaved a sigh of relief.

In the past two days, he was really screwed up by Liu Yan.

Cai Yan nodded to Guo Jia, and his eyes fell on Liu Yan again.

"Chang'an has just stabilized, and Yizhou is also using its troops with all its strength. It is unwise to use troops against Xu Du at this time. Feng Xiao also has difficulties. Since he agreed to you, you should be more patient."

yes, aunt!

Although Liu Yan has a hot temper, she turns into a docile kitten in front of Cai Yan.

very good!

Cai Yan nodded, and calmly said: "I still have some things to discuss with Feng Xiao, you go down first!"

Liu Yan blessed her helplessly and took the child down.

A wife is a wife, and a concubine is a concubine.

Even if Liu Yan's son becomes the eldest son, she still has to be respectful in front of Cai Yan.

Liu Yan went down, and Guo Jia was relieved.

"Wen Ji, it's too late for you to come. If you come a little later, I'm afraid Liu Yan will drive you crazy by now."

In the past two days, he was often pestered by Liu Yan.

Cai Yan just glanced at him meaningfully.

"Are you upset about what's inside or what's outside?"

The smile on Guo Jia's face froze.

Cai Meimei's eyes were as bright as a torch, and she saw through Guo Jia's thoughts at a glance.

It's not true that Liu Yan annoys him, but it's true that he is annoyed by the officials outside.

The courtiers outside are writing a letter to persuade Guo Jia to inherit the Han Dynasty and become the emperor.

Being the emperor is naturally Guo Jia's wish. After all, when he first started his business, he came here with this goal in mind.

It has been more than 20 years since the Yellow Turban.

Guo Jia also became a middle-aged uncle from a young fresh meat.

Now that he finally had the chance, how could he not be tempted.

But no.

If you want to become emperor, you can't use the excuse of restoring the Han Dynasty to talk about things.

If you use the excuse of restoring the Han Dynasty to talk about things, then you can't be called emperor.

This is a dilemma.

Guo Jia was very distressed.

The most fundamental problem is that he doesn't want to start a war with Sima Yi yet.

Because now is not the time.

After so many years of conquest, although Guo Jia occupied nearly half of the land and population of the Han Dynasty, the food problem still plagued them.

Although Jizhou is the granary in the north, it is already a bit stretched to supply the clouds and cool at the same time. The food around Chang'an depends on the transportation from the surrounding areas.

Once a war broke out in the surrounding areas, food from outside could not be brought in, and famine would occur.

Guo Jia could only bear it now.

In another year or two, when high-yield crops such as sweet potatoes and potatoes are planted in large quantities in the north, and the states have accumulated enough food, it will be the time for Guo Jia to go south to the Yellow River.

But it happened at this time that Sima Yi killed the king and usurped the throne.

At this time, Guo Jia was a little embarrassed.

Cai Yan seemed to understand what Guo Jia was thinking, and immediately sighed, "This is what my father wrote to you."

He said and took out a letter.

A letter from my father-in-law!

Guo Jia was slightly startled.

It seems that the old man rarely writes letters to himself.

Opening the letter reveals Cai Yong's unique Feibai official script.

After reading a few lines, Guo Jia suddenly felt a shock in his heart, and looked at Cai Yan puzzled.

"Old man, actually support me?"

He originally thought that the old antique Cai Yong would oppose his ascension to the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

After all, the Cai family is also a fan of the big man.

Cai Yong is also a famous Confucian in the world.

"The great sage Mencius once said that the people are more valuable than the emperor. The people are the foundation of the country. Once there are no people, the country will come to an end. The wood is rotten, and it will eventually fall."

Cai Yan said lightly.

Guo Jia was stunned, and suddenly he had a new understanding of Confucianism.

It seems to be quite flexible, no wonder it will last for thousands of years without falling.

But what he was struggling with was not this, but how to deal with Sima Yi.

Now Guo Jia doesn't want to do anything to Sima Yi, and it seems that Sima Yi doesn't want to do anything to him either.

There is only a fig leaf between the two sides. Once this fig leaf is torn off, the two of them will have no choice but to do it.

The problem lies in this fig leaf.

Guo Jia didn't know when the two sides would tear their faces apart and tear off this fig leaf.

That's why he was so troubled.

(End of this chapter)

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