Chapter 1469 Unstable Factors

Yizhou was stable, and Jia Xu hosted a banquet for officials big and small.

Talking about sweet potatoes during the period, in order to exaggerate Guo Jia's wisdom and courage, Jia Xu told everyone that this thing was brought back from overseas fairy mountains.

Everyone is also dubious.

Jia Xu asked everyone to keep it secret, and everyone nodded, with a look of clarity in their hearts.

They also know the value of this thing in their hearts.

Only a few acres of Susukida can feed a family. In this era of food scarcity and low yield, it can be said to be the treasure of treasures.

If the enemy has to go, and follow the scriptures, it must be a confidant of Yunzhou.

But Li Yan and Meng Da didn't think so.

They thought it was a good opportunity to make a fortune.

As long as the high production value of this thing is released, it will definitely become a hot seller.


Jia Xu raised his glass and said, "For the safety of Yizhou, Jia Xu is here to ask everyone."

Everyone immediately stood up.

"Master Inspector, please rest assured, this is my duty."

Fazheng said hastily.

very good!

Jia Xu drank it all in one gulp, and said, "Please take care of everything."


After the banquet was over, Li Yan and Meng Da couldn't wait to leave.

Looking at the backs of the two, Jia Xu's brows suddenly twitched.

Lord Fafu!
He suddenly called out.

Fa Zheng, who was about to leave, immediately stopped.

"What is the order of the governor?"

he asked respectfully.

For this Jia Xu, Fazheng was still very cautious, because he had heard of Jia Xu's name.

At the beginning, this boss led the Xiliang army into Chang'an, which harmed the entire Gyeonggi.

It was also at that time that Fazheng and his family left Chang'an and went to Yizhou.

"I heard that Xiaozhi is a Fufeng man?"

Jia Xu asked with a smile.

Not bad!

Fazheng pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"That Meng Da is also a Fufeng man, right?"

Jia Xu asked again.

Fazheng was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Jia Xu.

He and Meng Da are from the same hometown, and this is no secret in Yizhou. Why does Jia Xu ask this?

The keen Fazheng sensed the problem.

Ha ha!

Jia Xu smiled and said, "Don't worry about Xiaozhi. I just ask casually."

Although he asked casually, Fazheng was a little flustered.

Wanting to ask a few more questions, Jia Xu had already left with her fists clasped, leaving only Fazheng who was confused.


"Lord Inspector!"

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Jia Xu, it was Pan Yin who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Pan Yin has been working in Skynet since he betrayed Chi Xiao last time.

Now, in order to allow Jia Xu to better control Yizhou, Guo Jia asked Pan Yin to follow Jia Xu's command.

"What happened to them?"

Jia Xu snorted and asked.

"They have stockpiled tens of thousands of catties of sweet potatoes and are ready to sell them at any time."

Pan Yin said in a low voice.

During this time, Skynet has not been idle.

After the famine was resolved, their main purpose was to keep these high-yielding crops from flowing out of Yizhou.

Not long ago, they suddenly discovered that someone in Yizhou was hoarding these things secretly, and the amount was also very large.

Pan Yin immediately reported the matter to Jia Xu, who remained calm and told them to continue the investigation to see who had the guts to hoard these high-yield crops privately.

After some investigation, the people of Skynet found that these sweet potatoes had been collected into the treasury of Shu County.

After entering the treasury and going around, it was finally transported secretly to a private warehouse.

Skynet has narrowed its sights on two people—Meng Da and Li Yan.

These two people are Fazheng's subordinates.

And Fazheng is the prefect of Shu County.

Jia Xu was a little surprised.

After entering Yizhou, he attached great importance to Fazheng and gave him the key official position of prefect of Shu County.

Unexpectedly, Fazheng would do some things like reselling grain in private.

If it's just reselling other things, that's all.

As long as it is not serious, Jia Xu will turn a blind eye.

But these are all high-yielding crops sent by Yunzhou.

Once these things flow out of Yizhou, there will be irreparable losses early.

Jia Xu remained calm and started a secret investigation.

Suddenly he noticed a problem.

Both Fazheng and Meng Da came from the surrounding areas of Chang'an. When Jia Xu brought the Xiliang army into Chang'an, the surrounding areas of Chang'an were also tortured. It was at this time that the two escaped with their families.

In other words, it was Jia Xu who made the two leave their homes.

If it's because of this, it's okay for the two of them to hold grudges against Jia Xu, after all, what Jia Xu did back then was against the law.

In order to make atonement, he has been in Chang'an for three years.

It was just because of hating Jia Xu that these strategic materials were resold, and they were high-yield crops that Guo Jia had repeatedly told him not to sell.

Jia Xu would not agree.

That's why he called this banquet, the purpose is to alert Fazheng.

Never abolish the public for personal reasons.


Jia Xu couldn't help frowning.

It seemed that Fazheng didn't feel guilty at all.

Jia Xu can allow Fazheng to hate himself, but he will never let him resell these high-yielding crops.

"According to the news, the Nanman side has sent people here. Kuai Yue from Xiangyang is also a little tempted."

Pan Yin said in a low voice.

The news of Skynet is pervasive.

Fazheng and others have hoarded grain and are going to sell it.

Outsiders are still very interested in these high-yield crops in Yunzhou.

There was a famine in Yizhou, and Zhuge Liang was alone, and the surrounding princes all held the attitude of watching the fun.

No one thought that Guo Jia could be saved.

Because Yizhou has suffered from wars and the people's livelihood has declined, it has long been a mess.Is Zhuge Liang powerful?

Young talents, three strategies to fix Jiangdong, and go to Yizhou while talking and laughing.

Such a powerful person is helpless in the face of a great famine.

No matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to produce food in a short time.

Because of the war in Yizhou, the common people have long delayed their farming work. Even if a batch of grain can be brought in, it is not enough for these victims to survive for a year.

But what caught their attention was that Yunzhou really did it.

On the one hand, they brought in grain, and on the other hand, they brought in a high-yield crop called sweet potatoes.

This thing is high-yielding, easy to feed, and does not choose land.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Yizhou are counting on things to come alive.

The yield per mu is a thousand catties, which is a treasure!
Who wouldn't want it?
Once it gets out, Yunzhou's food advantage will disappear.

So no matter what, Jia Xu can't let these things flow out of Yizhou.


Jia Xu still hesitated.

Yizhou was initially determined to be at a time when manpower was needed, and Fazheng was a good talent, and with a little polishing he would be able to take care of himself.

Meng Da and Li Yan also have their own strengths.

Once he got stuck because of food matters, Jia Xu had fewer people available.

What Jia Xu is most worried about is that for his own sake, it would be a pity that Fazheng, who was born in Gyeonggi, would resell the grain with jealousy.

Just to be on the safe side, and to save this talent, Jia Xu felt that she should have a good talk with Fazheng.

(End of this chapter)

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