Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1473 1 nest of snakes and rats

Chapter 1473

Let's say that after Meng Da and Li Yan left the stage, they soon came to a warehouse.

The warehouse is remodeled from a private house, and it is full of harvested sweet potatoes and potatoes.

For the sake of secrecy, Jia Xu separated a piece of land to grow these high-yielding crops, and sent soldiers to garrison all around.

Farmers who are responsible for farming can only sell things to the government and cannot sell them privately. Whoever dares to sell privately will be decisive.

Therefore, it is still very difficult for people from other places to buy privately.

But Meng Da couldn't help it, because he was Fazheng's deputy, and he also handled the purchase of sweet potatoes.

Purchased in the name of the government, and then withdrawn from the official warehouse with false bills, and secretly stored in a private warehouse.

Of course, Li Yan is responsible for this.

Because he is the one responsible for delivering the goods.

The two guarded and stole, and soon stored tens of thousands of catties of sweet potatoes and potatoes.

Looking at the house full of sweet potatoes and potatoes, the two excitedly eyes lit up.

"Baby, baby. A thousand catties per mu, a treasure from overseas fairy mountains. Do you know how much it costs to buy it? Ten thousand yuan, ten thousand yuan per catty. We are rich."

Meng Da said incoherently.

"This thing is festive, red and yellow, it's real gold and silver."

Li Yan also said excitedly.

Tens of thousands of catties, [-] yuan, this room full of things is worth hundreds of millions.

With these hundreds of millions, it is enough for the two of them to eat for a lifetime.

Why did they join the army, not these yellow and white things?
This is just the beginning!
Meng Da rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Now I have asked people to learn how to raise seedlings. Once we can master the method of raising seedlings, these things will lay eggs like chickens. Wealth is inexhaustible."

He has great ambitions, he wants to learn how to raise seedlings by himself, and he will produce and sell by himself.


Li Yan said worriedly: "It's a good thing, but it's also risky. If the superiors find out, we two can't afford it! We have to spend our lives to make money."

There is always some uncertainty in his heart.

Jia Xu repeatedly ordered that these things must not be leaked out, otherwise he would be beheaded.

Do not worry!
Meng Da has a full chest.

"These things were purchased in the name of the government, and I have fiddled with the receipts distributed to the counties. Even if the higher-ups track it down, it can only be counted as rotten sun loss along the road. As long as you and I don't tell, who will Know? Besides, there are millions of sweet potatoes in the treasury, who would care about such a loss?"

Hearing what Meng Da said, Li Yan felt relieved.

Just deducting such a small amount is enough for the two of them to eat for a lifetime.

Meng Da weighed a piece of sweet potato, drew out his long sword, cut it into two pieces, and opened his mouth to take a bite.

Crunch and crisp!
Put it on the fire and roast it, the taste will never be forgotten for a lifetime.

"It's [-] catties outside, and the supply is in short supply. As long as you sell the stock in the treasury, you will definitely be rich. But Guo Jia would rather let the common people eat it and rot in the treasury. Don’t want to take it out and sell it? If you don’t earn real money, what is it if you’re not a fool?”

Meng Da said with a smile.

"In my opinion, we two brothers have no future with him. After finishing this job, let's save some seeds and take them out to cultivate them ourselves. How about selling them?"

That's what he had in mind.


Li Yan was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice: "It's not very good!"

Although he also wanted to make a fortune, he was more enthusiastic about being an official.

You are confused!

Meng Da complained: "Guo Jia is a fool. You and I can't use talents like you. They have been helping Fa Xiaozhi all these years. How can there be any future? Now Fa Xiaozhi is the prefect of Shu County, and we have always been The identity of the staff. They also took refuge in him together, how could he be so uneven?"

Guo Jia knew the habits of Meng Da and Li Yan, so he never let them alone, but just gave Fazheng a hand.

Jia Xu also inherited Guo Jia's ideas, and didn't put much emphasis on Meng Da and Li Yan, let alone let them out to take charge of their own.

Even Fazheng's recommendation of the two to become county magistrates was rejected.

How could Meng Da have no resentment?

Li Yan frowned.

After what Meng Da said, he also felt that it made sense.

Guo Jia can't use them, and they have no future if they hang around here, so it's better to find another place.

Naturally, they can't just invest in other places empty-handed, and these sweet potatoes will be their hard-earned money.

very good!

Seeing Li Yan nod his head, Meng Da was relieved.

"To be honest, people from Xudu suddenly found me a few days ago. They are very interested in what we have."

Xu Du, Sima Yi!

Hearing this, Li Yan immediately became vigilant.

"He is not a good guy, even dare to kill the emperor. You... you plan to vote for him?"

no no!

Meng Da waved his hand hastily.

"If I let it go before, I still yearn for Xudu. But now that we have sweet potatoes in our hands, how can we live in Xudu?"

He dropped half a piece of sweet potato in his hand and wiped his mouth.

"This thing is more precious than gold. How can we give it to others easily? I want to leave Yizhou first, find a remote place deep in the mountains, old forests, and start growing seedlings. Then secretly sell it to other places. When we save enough If we don’t have enough capital, we will recruit troops and buy horses to rule one side. Someone who has money has territory, so we are qualified to bargain with others.”

Meng Da still had some ghostly ideas.


Li Yan hesitated again.


Meng Da continued to bewitch: "Your bravery, combined with my wisdom, can't be said to be able to do some great things. Even if you can't become king and hegemony, it's not a problem for the separatist party to be the emperor of the country. Have you always been willing to work for others? "

Li Yan was finally convinced.

"In that case, then follow what your brother said!"

very good!

Meng Da nodded in satisfaction.

No matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to transport tens of thousands of catties of sweet potatoes out of the city without anyone noticing, Li Yan must be indispensable.

Then... shall we speak to Xiaozhi?
Li Yan asked in a low voice.

Back then, the three of them were as close as brothers, and they voted for Yunzhou together.

The two of them wanted to leave, and it seemed that they wanted to say a word to this brother.


Meng Da shook his head hastily.

"We used to be brothers, but now that Xiao Zhi flies to Huang Tengda, we have long since disowned us two brothers. Besides, we are a shameless thing after all, if it arouses Xiao Zhi's suspicion, it will not be worth the loss. After we left, we found a place to stay." , and then write a letter of guilt. That’s it.”


Li Yan nodded, having been completely convinced by Meng Da.

"Without further delay, I will contact the buyer, sell what I have as soon as possible, and then leave Chengdu with money and some seeds. Let's split up."

Meng Da said in a low voice.


Li Yan nodded helplessly.

The two split up and acted, and they have already confirmed their intention to leave Chengdu.

(End of this chapter)

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