Chapter 1482 I am Guo Jia
After all the calls came out.

Seeing Meng Da and Li Yan on the stage, Guo Jia nodded slowly.

Looking at this posture, these two people should be playing tricks.

I just don't know if Fazheng is involved.

When he came, Guo Jia had secretly sent someone to inform Jia Xu.

It should be here by now.

Reselling sweet potatoes is a capital offense, even if Fazheng was involved, Guo Jia would not show mercy.

very good!

Seeing that everyone had no doubts, Meng Da nodded in satisfaction.

During this time, he also let out the wind to attract buyers.

After all, there is still a lot of risk in doing it.

"Now, everyone can rest easy."

Meng Da said with a smile.

Peace of mind, peace of mind!
Zhang Song shouted loudly: "These two are officials from the prefect's mansion of Shu County, they will definitely not lie to us."

He had a bad time with Fazheng, and Meng Da and the others were willing to help him, so he naturally wanted to speak well of them.

Meng Da and the two nodded to him.

All right!

Meng Da coughed and said, "Since that's the case, everyone should pay to subscribe. If you pay with one hand, you will deliver with the other hand. There is no deception."

Said and waved.

The guy on the side lifted the blanket in the middle of the room, opened the wooden boards, and revealed a downward passage.

This is the sweet potato cellar. Under the light of the oil lamp, the inside is glowing red, and there are piles of sweet potatoes.

"I'll give the money, I'll give the money, and I'll take the money with me."

"Please wait a moment, my lord, I will ask the man to bring the money."

"Wait, I subscribed for two thousand catties, and no one can grab it."

After seeing the actual product, the merchants no longer had any doubts, and started to snap up the items one after another.

At this moment, Zhang Song walked forward alone.

"Zidu, Zhengfang, haven't seen each other for many years, how have you been?"

Meng Da and Li Yan also hugged each other.

"Brother Yongnian!"

The three of them are knowledgeable and have a good relationship. When Zhang Song defected to Ma Chao, he also wrote a letter asking them to vote.

I think it was still Liu Zhang's world at the beginning, but now things have changed.

The three sighed for a while.

At this time, Guo Jia suddenly said: "Brother Zhang, you met your old friend, why don't you introduce him to me?"

Hearing this, Meng Da and Li Yan's eyes fell on Guo Jia.

Meng Da was obviously taken aback, as if he felt that the young man in front of him looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

In fact, it is normal for them not to recognize Guo Jia.

When they were in Yizhou, they only met Guo Jia briefly. Who would have thought that Guo Jia would appear here?
Who is this……

Li Yan was careless, and he didn't seem to recognize Guo Jialai.

Zhang Song hurriedly said: "This is a friend I met halfway..."

He suddenly remembered that he didn't know Guo Jia's name, but he was not familiar with Guo Jia, so he didn't introduce it anymore.

Hearing that Guo Jia came with Zhang Song, the two obviously lost interest.

Guo Jia glanced around, and said with a smile: "It must have taken a lot of effort to keep so much stock, right? I heard that there is an order in Yizhou that sweet potatoes and potatoes cannot flow out, otherwise they will be killed. The two seem to be doing the same." What audacity!"

As soon as these words came out, Meng Da and Li Yan's expressions changed drastically, and Zhang Song who was beside him was also startled.

He was a little dissatisfied with what Guo Jia said just now, but now he said that in front of Meng Da and Li Yan, wouldn't he be uncomfortable?
Sure enough, the shopkeeper who had just been squeezed by Guo Jia's words came up and whispered a few words to Meng Da and Li Yan, and the two looked at each other with murderous intent in their eyes.

"You were the one who made trouble just now, and now you still say that. It seems that you are not here to buy things?"

Li Yan's martial arts are superb, and he has already clenched his fists, his face is very cold.


Zhang Song hurriedly grabbed Guo Jia, and said with a smile, "You two, he is just a jerk, you don't need to know him as well. He is also here to buy things."

He turned back to Guo Jia and said, "Brother, don't say a few words."

Although Zhang Song didn't want to be nosy, after all, he brought Guo Jia in. If Guo Jia died here, Zhang Song's face would not be very good.

Guo Jia ignored Zhang Song's kindness, and said with a smile, "That's right, I'm not here to buy things."

He took a few steps slowly and said, "I just want to see who has the guts to blatantly resell prohibited items."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Song knew it was over, and he couldn't protect himself anymore.

The young man must be dead.

Meng Da laughed and said, "Okay, I didn't expect such a bold person to exist in Yizhou. Not bad, not bad."

His complexion suddenly darkened, and he said coldly: "Boy, as you wish. I am Meng Da, the chief secretary of Shu County's prefect's mansion, and this is Li Yan, the meritorious service officer of Shu County's prefect's mansion. We did it. You What can I do?"

Li Yan immediately stepped forward and reached out to hold the long sword at his waist.

In his eyes, the young man was already a dead man.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia also smiled slightly.

"I can't do anything to you? I'm afraid... maybe not"

At this moment, there was a sudden panic.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

Several guys came in a hurry.

what happened?

Meng Da asked in surprise.

"My lord, my lord, the outside is surrounded by an army."

Hearing this, Li Yan couldn't help being surprised.

"Is it... the guard of the governor's mansion?"


Hearing that the guards of the Governor's Mansion had been mobilized, Meng Da and Li Yan couldn't help feeling cold.

They always feel that what they do is rigorous, without anyone noticing.

As long as the things are exchanged for money today, the two will immediately fly away and never stay in Chengdu.

It's you?

Meng Da's face was fierce, staring at Guo Jia.

"You reported it?"

If he can't guess Guo Jia's purpose at this time, he will be really stupid to his grandma's house.

Who are you?
Li Yan on the side also looked at Guo Jia viciously, and now he felt that Guo Jia looked familiar.


Guo Jia suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed a few times, and said: "My surname is Guo Dan, and my name is Jia, Meng Da Li Yan, tell me, can I do anything to you?"

Meng Da and Li Yan were a little dark under the lights for a while, and Zhang Song couldn't understand what was unusual, but Zhang Song at the side trembled all over, looking at the young man in front of him in surprise.

The great Han has long since lost its former prosperity, and now is also the era of feudal lords dominating.If you want to say that the strongest prince today is Guo Jia.

The word Guo Jia is enough to subdue the princes of the world.

Zhang Song had wanted to meet this hero for a long time, but the two were too far apart, so it was difficult to see him for a while.

What he didn't expect was that the young man in front of him was the famous general Guo Jia.

When meeting Guo Jia for the first time, Zhang Song felt that this person was a little different.This is also the reason why he wants to make friends with Guo Jia further.

It's just that he didn't expect to meet the hero in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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