Chapter 1485 Drinking Pingsan County

When Guo Jia entered Chengdu, the butcher's knife was stained with blood, and everyone in Yizhou was panicked.

Zhang Song lived like a year in prison.

He never imagined that the young man whom he has always called his brother and brother is Guo Jia, the great general of the dynasty?
By the way, there is no Han Dynasty anymore.

After Sima Yi killed Liu Xie, the Han Dynasty was over.

Now it's officially entered the age of heroes fighting for hegemony.

Among these heroes, Guo Jia is the strongest.

Originally, I had some expectations for Guo Jia and Zhang Song, but I had no choice but to lose my identity as a thief, so I just missed it.

During these years under Zhu Bao's sect, it's not that Zhang Song never thought about going back to join Guo Jia.

Good friend Fazheng Mengda is on an errand in Yizhou.

But Zhang Song couldn't let go of this face!
At first he betrayed Liu Zhang to welcome Ma Chao, and then betrayed Ma Chao to Zhu Bao. If he betrayed Zhu Bao and defected to Yizhou, wouldn't Zhang Song become a capricious villain?
The geese leave their voices, and the dead leave their names.

Zhang Song has already made up his mind, this time he can't bow his head no matter what.

Even if he died, he couldn't die with shame.

While Zhang Song was thinking wildly, the prison door had already opened, and a familiar figure walked in, it was Fazheng.

"It's Xiaozhi!"

Zhang Song smiled: "It seems that the general still has some tolerance, and asked you to see me off before he died. Thank you, Zhang Song!"

Brother Yongnian!
Fazheng wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Song.

"I said Xiaozhi, you are also a prefect, why are you so careless, let Meng Da and the others take advantage of the loopholes. You are still the same as before, treating people with sincerity!"

Mentality determines a person's attitude.

Since Zhang Song no longer intends to leave alive, he naturally speaks openly, without twitching, and regains his previous pride.


Fazheng smiled wryly, and said, "Blame my carelessness."

is not that right?

Zhang Song walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "Actually, when I bribed you back then, I felt a little ashamed and flustered. Xiaozhi scolded me righteously, and I let go of my heart." I am happy for you from the bottom of my heart if you can do this for the reward of eating the emperor and the matter of being loyal to the emperor."

Thank you Brother Yongnian!
Fazheng clasped his fists again and said: "I, Fazheng, also know that brother Yongnian is not the kind of young man who is so young. If there is no unspeakable secret, he will never bribe me."

How arrogant Zhang Song was back then, looking at the whole world, there were not many people he could look up to.

But now you are bribing old friends with money?
It was really difficult for him.

Don't mention it, don't mention it!
Zhang Song shook his head helplessly: "Man's luck is determined by the sky. My life is ruined. But Xiaozhi, you have caught up, and you have found a wise master. If you work hard, it is no problem to be named a marquis and general with your ability." .Of course you don't bother to listen to the nonsense of a dying man."

He was really happy for his friend.

Thank you Brother Yongnian!
Fazheng said solemnly: "Actually...Fazheng has always regarded Brother Yongnian as a close friend."

well said!
Zhang Song patted his thigh, and said with a smile: "I, Zhang Song, still have some face to be valued by Fa Xiaozhi. But Xiaozhi, I have to talk about it. Since you came to see me, why don't you bring some wine and food? You can't let me on Huangquan Road Be a starving ghost?"

He was really upset when he saw that Fa was coming empty-handed.

How about a full meal before beheading?
This filial and upright magistrate of a county came to see an old friend empty-handed?

Hearing this, Fazheng remembered something serious.

"Brother Yongnian, of course you have to drink this wine, but can't you drink it here?"

Not here to drink?
Zhang Song thought about it for a while, and said: "It's fine, when you go on the road for brother, you can just take some."

Ha ha!

Hearing what Zhang Song said, Fazheng suddenly laughed.

"Brother Yongnian misunderstood. This wine is not for the road, but the general invited you to drink."

He came this time to invite Zhang Song out for a drink on Guo Jia's behalf.

Hearing this, Zhang Song couldn't help being a little stunned.

It took him a while to come back to his senses.

"Guo Jia invites me to drink? Is he going to send me on the road in person? That's right, the two of us have called each other brothers in the Chengjia goods station. It makes sense for him to send me off in person. Two words, pay attention! Zhang Song admires it .”

Zhang Song cupped his fists.

If Guo Jia personally sent him on the road, he would naturally have no complaints.

Brother Yongnian!
Fazheng couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

"When did I say that I would send you on the road? Don't think about it, the general has already let those businessmen go. He didn't kill those people, so would he kill you alone?"

Zhang Song suddenly felt a little silly.

At first he thought he would die, but now Fazheng's words gave him a chance.

It's like a hopeless person suddenly sees a glimmer of light.

Soon Zhang Song's body trembled.

It was a kind of vengeful backlash, and it was also a kind of luck after the disaster.

"The general...really...really don't kill...don't kill me?"

Zhang Song tried his best to make his words sound more peaceful.

But he couldn't control his trembling body, and it was also difficult for him to maintain the unchanging demeanor of Taishan collapsed in front of him.

It was a joy from the heart.

Those who have not really experienced the test of life and death will not understand this kind of emotion.

do not kill!

Fazheng smiled and said: "The general made his fortune in business, so he treats businessmen more preferentially. Besides, you haven't bought it yet, have you? Don't think about it, pack it up quickly, and come with me."

Zhang Song was stunned again for a while, then suddenly let out a strange cry.

"Mom! Hurry up and fetch some water. I need to wash my face and clean my clothes. How can I go to see people like this?"

Fazheng hurriedly grabbed him, and said: "Don't bother, the general has already ordered people to prepare outside, you come with me to take a shower and change clothes, he is waiting for you at the governor's mansion?"

As he spoke, Zhang Song was dragged out involuntarily.

Zhang Song said to himself: "So who, hurry up, take out my incense, my jade belt, and other accessories. I saw you took it a while ago... and tell you that I am going out now Now, all of you, be smart, and be careful that I will let someone clean you up..."


Governor's Mansion!
Guo Jia was sitting in the middle, Jia Xu was not there, and he didn't know where he had gone.

Guo Jia's face was stinky, and his tricks couldn't make Jia Xu compromise.

It seems that this time the old fox completely refused to attack him.

This time, he had to come by himself to recover the three southern counties.

"This Jia Xu is real, are you a subordinate or he is a subordinate!"

Diao Chan on the side was a little angry.

"You are the lord, and he is a subordinate. Isn't it natural to ask him to make an idea? He's even showing face. How did you become the lord?"

The girl was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Don't blame him don't blame him!

Guo Jia shook his head helplessly.

It seems that he made the old fox miserable, so the old fox also has a long memory, and he will not be fooled for anything.

This is to say that the organ's calculations were too clever and missed Qingqing's life.

In a word, Jia Xu must be hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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