Chapter 1489 Problems

The person who came was naturally Diao Chan.

Guo Jia didn't use beauty tricks to let Diao Chan come, because dealing with people like Zhang Song doesn't need beauty tricks at all, just showing his face a little can solve the problem.

Sure enough, under the earnest persuasion of Guo Jia and Diao Chan, Zhang Song quickly passed out after drinking.

Naturally, he couldn't resist Diao Chan's charm.

All right!

Seeing that Zhang Song was already drunk, Guo Jia put down his glass.

"Come here, take Mr. Yongnian down and settle down properly."

A tiger guard had already stepped forward and carried Zhang Song down.

Guo Jia raised his glass and said, "Shall we continue drinking?"

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Diao Chan burst into a smile and said, "I think you want me to accompany this three-inch man?"

When Guo Jia asked her to come up just now, Diao Chan was really startled.

If Guo Jia really asked her to accompany Zhang Song, she would rather die than accompany him.

Now is not the past, she is no longer Guo Jia's maidservant.

Fortunately, Guo Jia just asked her to come forward to get Zhang Song drunk, and didn't have any other orders.


Guo Jia said displeased: "Who do you think I am? How can you let your own woman accompany other men?"

He stood up slowly, and said domineeringly: "Even if it is the emperor who dares to plot against my woman, I will kill him with one blow."


Diao Chan suddenly couldn't hold back tears, and rushed over to hug Guo Jia tightly.

The reason why her fate is so tragic is that her biological father asked her mother to accompany the guests.

Not to mention that Diao Chan and Guo Jia have no status yet, even if they have status, they are still just concubines.

Even if Guo Jia really asked her to accompany other men, it would not be deviant.

The status of women in this world is very low, and there are not many men who can treat women as human beings.

Guo Jia is one of them.

"Okay, okay! If I cry again, my front will get wet."

Guo Jia reached out and stroked Diao Chan's back lightly for a while.

After a long time, Diao Chan let him go in embarrassment.

She twitched and said: "I'm just a little sad!"

Guo Jia also thought of her life experience, couldn't help but sighed, and immediately took her hand and said a few words of relief.

"This three-inch man is easy to kill, and he will be unconscious after a few bowls of wine. Husband, what ability does this person have that make you value him so much?"

Diao Chan was a little curious.

In my impression, Guo Jia rarely let the women in the backyard show up.

Zhang Song was the first one.

Don't underestimate him!
Guo Jia put down his wine glass and said with a smile, "Whether the three southern counties can be leveled or not depends on him."

Diao Chan was also a little surprised.

She also knew that Guo Jia came to Yizhou to completely solve the barbarians in the three southern counties.

I didn't expect Guo Jia to place high hopes on this three-inch ding.

She didn't see anything out of the ordinary.


Guo Jia restrained her smile, and asked doubtfully, "I always feel that this guy is not telling the truth?"

His eyes fell on the topographic map of Western Shu drawn by Zhang Song.

In this picture, the three southern counties are also vague.

Zhang Song should have never been to the three southern counties at the beginning, nor did he intend to take over this wild land.

But now he is under Zhu Bao's family and has lived in the three southern counties for many years. It is impossible for him to say that he does not want to make up for the terrain of these three counties.

We must know that people are pursuing perfection.

The topographic map of Western Shu lacks only the three southern counties, which is also a pity in Zhang Song's heart.

If there is a chance, he will definitely make up these few sums.

Guo Jia doesn't believe that Zhang Song hasn't investigated the terrain of the three southern counties these years?

Not telling the truth?

Diao Chan was a little annoyed.

"You pardoned his capital crime, and hosted a banquet to entertain him. This guy still hides it. It's really unreasonable. Simply, cut it with a knife. The concubine sent someone to draw a map of Nansan County, and kept it more detailed than him. "


Guo Jia waved his hand hastily.

Zhang Song can't be killed. This person is a talent. Although he is a bit ugly and has a bad temper, he is good at drawing.

This is still very helpful for future wars.

"Don't worry about this matter, let him stay for a few days to see the situation."

Guo Jia said to himself.

What he wants to know most now is why Zhang Song refuses to help him?

This is absolutely unwise.



Back in his room, Pan Yin immediately stepped forward. He is the person in charge of Skynet staying in Yizhou.

"How's Chang'an?"

Guo Jia has not heard from Chang'an for several days.

"All the officials have stopped, and under the governance of Lord Zhuge, calm has been temporarily restored."

Pan Yin said in a low voice.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

After the Han unification was broken, the ministers kept writing letters to persuade Guo Jia to proclaim himself emperor.

Guo Jia was also very annoyed, so he simply hid.

"Sima Yi gathered an army and prepared to go south to attack Yuan Shu. Lv Bu, Jiang Jiong and others also obtained the support of Jin State and began to harass Yuan Shu on the border."

Pan Yin brought a second piece of news.

"Sima Yi really did something to Yuan Shu!"

Guo Jia said to himself.

He had already expected this.

At present, Sima Yi's territory is compressed by Guo Jia to the south of the Yellow River, and he has only three options for expanding his territory.

One is going north, one is going west, and the other is going south.

To the north is Jizhou, with Xu Shu and Yu Jin sitting in the town, and Yizhou has strong troops and horses.It is unlikely that Sima Yi wants to beat him down.

Going west is also a dead end, because the stronger Yunzhou Army is blocking Chang'an.

Sima Yi has only one way, and that is to attack Yuan Shu in Lianghuai.

Although Yuan Shu is not as strong as Jin, he should not be underestimated. With the support of Zhou Yu, it may be difficult for Sima Yi to win Yuan Shu in a short time.

This is better!

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

He didn't want to start a final decisive battle against Sima Yi for the time being, so he took the opportunity to come to Yizhou to pacify southern Sichuan.

After destroying the barbarians in southern Sichuan, he will be able to gather the strength of Yizhou and advance eastward to Xiangfan.


Pan Yin suddenly hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice: "I don't know if I should say something or not?"

what's up?

Guo Jia asked puzzledly.

Skynet is his intelligence organization, and he has always been loyal to him. If Pan Yin is so twitchy, there must be something difficult.

It's Lord Inspector!
Pan Yin said in a low voice: "Before, when my subordinate came down, I accidentally saw him discussing with Zhang Song in the front yard for a long time. They seemed to be discussing something?"

As an intelligence leader, Pan Yin is very vigilant.

He just glanced at it, and he saw that the two were not just reminiscing about the past, but were discussing something.

The old fox and Zhang Song!

Guo Jiadeng's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt a little unbelievable.

The two don't seem to have any friendship, do they?

How did the two of them end up together?
Guo Jia suddenly woke up.

He felt something strange about it.

The old fox is not a simple person, he must have some purpose when he sees Zhang Song.

Reminiscent of Zhang Song's performance today, Guo Jia immediately frowned.

It seems that there is really a problem here.

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(End of this chapter)

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