Chapter 1492

A loud bang!
Instantly smoke rose from the slope.A big tree with a thick bowl mouth was cut off more than half of its crown.

Zhao Dachui came to Guo Jia excitedly.

"My lord, this is the Hu Zun cannon researched by our workshop! Loaded with shotguns, the live ammunition has a range of 150 steps, and the shotgun has a range of [-] steps. It can destroy construction fortifications and has a large damage radius."

Not bad!

Guo Jia came to the cannon that was still emitting green smoke with his hands behind his back.

After more than [-] years of development, Yunzhou cannon casting technology has been fully mature.

With the massive mining of copper mines in the Korean peninsula, silver mines in Japan and iron mines in the Jizhou area.

The materials for making cannons are also very sufficient.

The Yunzhou Artillery Bureau is fully capable of casting a large number of artillery pieces.

Guo Jia stretched out his hand and pulled out the Akasaka Sword and tapped it on the cannon barrel.

Ding Ding Dong Dong!

There was a crisp sound from the barrel.

it is good!
Guo Jia couldn't help but praise.

The clearer the sound, the less impurity the material has.

It seems that Jizhou's forging technology has improved again.

This cannon is based on the Hu Zun cannon of the Qi family army of Guo Jia's later generations, and it is specially designed for field combat.

The wide angle is large and covers a wide area.

Its power is too far behind the red cannon, but it is better than the bronze cannon, which is similar to the black iron cannon on the sea ship.

Due to its simple structure and no gun base, it is very light to transport and can be operated by a single soldier, which is suitable for mountain and jungle operations.


Pound on the side was a little puzzled.

"We have good guns in Yunzhou. They have a long range and great power. Why do we have to make new ones?"

He was a little confused.

Huang Zhong and Zhao Dachui also looked at each other, feeling strange.

They have seen the power of the red-clothed cannon, it is definitely a powerful one, a single cannon can knock down buildings several miles away, and the power to smash people and horses is huge.

But Guo Jia chose to leave those powerful cannons unused, and had to use these cannons that seemed so small that they couldn't be smaller.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

"The red cannon has a long range and great power, but it's also cumbersome. How much work will it take to transport it into Yizhou for a thing that weighs several thousand catties? Besides..."

He stretched out his hand to fight a Tiger Cannon, and continued: "This time, we are not attacking the city. We are fighting in the field. In this place full of mountains and plains, this thing is most suitable."

That's it!

Everyone suddenly realized.

If it's just for field battles, these tiger guns are much more convenient.

An adult can back it up and run all over the mountain.

"My lord is going to fight the Nanman?"

Huang Zhong asked suddenly.

He has lived in Jingzhou half his life and is no stranger to Nanman.

Jingnan is mostly inhabited by Nanman.

These people are brave and good at fighting, live in deep mountains and old forests, and hate the Han people very much.

Hearing Guo Jia said that he wanted to fight in the mountains and forests, Huang Zhong guessed that Guo Jia was going to attack the Nanman.

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

At present, Yizhou has basically fallen into the hands of Guo Jia, leaving only the wealthy families in the three southern counties and the Nanman who refuse to accept Wang Hua.

The turmoil in the Central Plains will soon end, and the next is the Central Plains War. Guo Jia must seize the time to eliminate this unstable factor.

Is there a war?
Hearing this, Zhao Dachui immediately became excited.

It is said that since this guy was upgraded to a technician, he has not been on the battlefield for many years. Hearing that there will be a battle this time, he will naturally not miss this opportunity.


Pang De clasped his fists and said: "My subordinates are from Xiliang, where Han and Hu live together, mostly Qiang people. The Qiang people are also disobedient and hate the Han people, but after all, they live here for generations, and it is very difficult to eliminate them. Besides, in the south of Yizhou, the mountains are dangerous and the miasma is rampant. Even if we have artillery in our hands, the outcome is unpredictable. My subordinates believe that if we want to use troops against southern Sichuan, we must understand the terrain of the three southern counties."

Among the generals in Xiliang, Pang De is still a good talent, and he has a very comprehensive view of problems.

Not bad!

Guo Jia also nodded in satisfaction, and said, "There is no need to worry about this, I have a live map here. As long as he is willing to cooperate, we will enter Nanman like walking on flat ground."

Of course he was talking about Zhang Song.

Guo Jia believes that Zhang Song must have a topographic map of the three southern counties.


Zhao Dahammer became a little impatient.

"Why bother!"

The fellow shyly said: "I heard that the Nanman believed in gods, so I simply let Zhao Dahammer go out. The golden armor and silver hammer master, go down with a hammer, and keep them beaten."


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but smile.

It should be said that in addition to his ability to shoot cannons, Zhao Dahammer is also good at playing tricks.

In the early days of Yunzhou's establishment, this fellow showed his face a lot.

A hammer scares away thousands of troops.

General Zhao!
Pound was out of breath laughing.

"Back then you were still a little fresh meat, but now you have become an old bacon. Even if you pretend to be a ghost, you don't have that style anymore. I advise you to save yourself, lest you can't frighten others, and you will be frightened by them. Pants."

is not that right?

Back then, Zhao Dahammer was tall, majestic, majestic and majestic. Although he was an idiot, he looked good, and he could really scare people with a pair of outfits.

But now?

He is also very old, with gray hair at the temples and a big belly. How can he still have the same style as before?

Pang Lingming!
Zhao Dachui was a little dissatisfied, and put his hands on his hips and said, "Don't underestimate people. Back then, when I, Zhao Dahammer, followed my lord to fight in all directions, you were still blacksmithing in Xiliang? What's wrong with my appearance? If you clean up, you are still a good man. one."

This guy has not pretended to be aggressive for many years, and his heart is itchy, and he is really excited.

Pang De was not angry, and smiled immediately: "Yes, yes, you were indeed the number one person in Yunzhou back then. Although I, Pang De, had heard of it in Xiliang. If you want to pretend now, you won’t be able to pretend like it was back then.”

Zhao Dachui was a little dissatisfied, and was about to say something when Huang Zhong suddenly reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"Sledgehammer, this Nanman is different from us Han people. Their gods are also different from ours. Besides, the language barrier between the two sides, even if you pretend to be up, they won't understand you. I said, forget it!"

I can't!

Zhao Dachui said angrily: "Old General Huang, don't rush to make a conclusion, let me demonstrate it, and you can watch it before talking."

After so many years of not pretending to be aggressive, he is indeed a little itchy, and now he does not show it.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia waved his hand and said, "Stop making trouble."

Hearing Guo Jia's words, the three of them stopped talking immediately.

Guo Jialue pondered for a while, and said slowly: "The sledgehammer's words also make sense. There is a saying in the art of war that the best strategy is to subdue the enemy without fighting. If we want to destroy the Nanman, we must first defeat them spiritually. They Don’t you also believe in gods? We can start from this aspect. Sledgehammer’s suggestion, you can try it.”


Huang Zhong and Pang De couldn't help but looked at each other.

Ha ha!My lord is mighty!
Zhao Dachui couldn't help being overjoyed.

After holding it back for so many years, it finally came in handy again.

Forced the king out of the mountain.

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(End of this chapter)

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