Chapter 15
"Brother Zilong, do you still recognize Zhao Dahammer?"

The figure of Zhao Dahammer appeared in front of Zhao Yun.

"It turned out to be a sledgehammer, why are you back!"

Zhao Yun was very surprised.

This Zhao Dachui escaped from Zhending by resisting grain a few months ago and wounding an official. It is said that he fell grass outside.

"Zilong, it's hard to explain. This gentleman is looking for you."

Zhao Dachui pointed to Guo Jia and introduced.

In fact, Zhao Yun had already noticed the arrival of this team, and even more noticed the existence of Guo Jia.

It is said that those who are well-dressed are naturally rich or expensive.

"I don't know what your Excellency is looking for me?"

He didn't know Guo Jia.

"Our lord is..."

Dian Wei was about to speak, but was stopped by Guo Jia.

"I have heard about Zhao Zilong's name for a long time, and I admire him very much. I am here to really pay a visit!"

Guo Jia said with a smile.

You are welcome!
Zhao Yun smiled lightly.

He likes people with straightforward personalities, and doesn't have much affection for such secretive people.

"I'm afraid I've disappointed you. Zhao Zilong is actually just a farmer in Zhaojiazhuang, and he doesn't deserve your attention."

Since the other party refused to reveal his real name, he didn't bother to bother.

Sensing Zhao Yun's indifference, Guo Jia didn't take it seriously.

He glanced left and right, and said, "Maybe it's just a coincidence that we came here. Something seems to have happened to Zhaojiazhuang."

Zhao Dachui said angrily: "What else can there be? These bastard officials are forcing food. They won't give up until they kill the people of Zhaojiazhuang."

He was a victim of forced food by officials, and he is still wanted by the government at the moment. If it wasn't for Guo Jia's coercion and lure, he wouldn't come back and throw himself into the trap?
Mentioning this matter, Zhao Yun couldn't help but sighed.

Hebei suffered a severe drought, and almost all the crops failed. However, the government's grain requisition not only did not decrease, but increased compared with previous years.The officials who collected grain also filled their pockets.As a result, many people are about to face the situation of not being able to pay the food and their families being ruined.

If bandits came, Zhao Yun could save them by single-handedly killing the enemy.

But when the officials came to ask for food, Zhao Yun was helpless.

After all, their brothers are not considered rich, and it is impossible to help so many people pay for food.

In the past six months, people died every day because they couldn't pay the food requisition. Zhao Yun was also heartbroken, and he would help if he could.

"Brother Zilong is a good man. He not only saved Zhaojiazhuang from the robbers, but also often used his own food to help those people who can't afford food!"

Zhao Dahammer smiled bitterly, and continued: "It's just that everyone knows that their brothers are not easy, so they don't want to make things difficult for them. Most of them went out to find a way out by themselves."

Zhao Yun's face darkened.

"Sledgehammer, don't talk about it, Zhao Yun is incompetent, and the folks in Zhaojiazhuang who can't be protected are Zhouquan."


Zhao Dachui excitedly said: "Those officials are more ruthless than the bandits. The bandits at least know how to leave some room, but they don't even give us a way to survive. This is the rhythm of them trying to kill us!"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Zhao Dachui became a little hysterical.

He has a criminal record here, and he was timid at the beginning, but when he talked about forced food, he couldn't help being filled with righteous indignation, and his voice became much louder, which attracted the attention of the officials.

In fact, there are so many well-dressed people in the village, it is impossible not to attract attention.

"Bold Zhao Dahammer! Do you still dare to come back?"

The fat official just now recognized Zhao Dahammer immediately.

The enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.

In other words, he was the one Zhao Dahammer beat at the beginning.


Zhao Dahui was not to be outdone: "I will come back if I love it, come and bite me!"

Talking about the demonstration, he looked at the fat official.

Anyway, now he has Guo Jia's backing.

This is a prefect!
In fact, the fat official had already noticed Guo Jia.

The one who can wear this suit is naturally not an ordinary person, so he didn't dare to make a mistake.

But since he recognized Zhao Dahammer, the fat official had no intention of letting him go.

"How many of you!"

The fat officer shouted loudly, and said: "This Zhao Dahammer in front of us is a key criminal wanted by the government. Be smart and hand him over, otherwise don't blame us for not being sympathetic."

Several officials!

Seeing Zhao Dachu suffer, Zhao Yun could not stand idly by.

"It's just a little misunderstanding, how about it, I'll pay for the sledgehammer."

He tried to rescue Zhao Dahammer in this way.


This time the fat official didn't give face.

It is one thing to fight against grain, but it is another thing to be a poor official.

They used to be domineering in the village, but now they were beaten by Zhao Dahammer. If they were not severely punished, how could they still be here?

At this time, an official servant suddenly said something in the fat official's ear.

A pair of mung bean eyes of the fat official suddenly shone brightly.

"Okay, you Zhao Dachui, you didn't say you injured the officials and resisted food, but you actually ran outside and became a bandit? Come, someone, take this bandit from Taihang Mountain down for me!"

All the officials responded in unison, and they were about to step forward to arrest the man.

Taihang bandits have always been a serious problem for the government, and catching a bandit is a great achievement.

As soon as he heard that Zhao Dachui had become a bandit, Zhao Yun couldn't speak for a while.

Their brothers have always been good people in the local area.

Lord, save me!

Zhao Dachui panicked, and hastily grabbed Guo Jia's horse by the reins.

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about the sledgehammer, no one can take you away today."

As he spoke, he looked at several officials with unkind eyes.

Originally, I didn't plan to get to know a few young people, but I didn't expect these people to rub their noses and faces.

How dare you take someone in front of him.

“What a big breath”

The fat officer sneered and said, "This man is a thief from Taihang Mountain. If you protect him, he will be his accomplice. Be careful, we will take you along with him."


Guo Jia shook his head helplessly.

He turned his head to look at the rest of his men, and saw that they were all amused.

The new sheriff is an accomplice, and this group of people must have a bad vision.

Zi Long!

Guo Jia suddenly said with a smile: "I originally wanted to buy you a drink, but unfortunately I can't do it today. I was swept away by these guys."

As he spoke, his face darkened.

He's getting a little impatient with the gang's greed.

"I see that you don't look like a vicious generation. Most of you were deceived by this Zhao Dahammer. But the law of the country is hard to violate. You are also suspected of being part of the party when you come with him. How about this, keep your horses and leave immediately , we pretend we didn’t see it.”

The fat officer looked at the horses of Guo Jia and the others, with greedy eyes in his eyes.

He also knew that these people were not thieves from Taihang Mountain, but if he could use Zhao Dahammer to blackmail them, he would naturally not let them go.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled instead of anger.

"very good!"

He suddenly said: "There is one thing, what you said is wrong, we are actually Zhao Dahammer's accomplices."

(End of this chapter)

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