Chapter 1507
Let's say that Yongkai's envoy rushed to Meng Huo's barracks overnight.

Little did they know, Meng Huo and his barbarians had already returned to the underworld.

At present, Meng Huo's men are all dressed up by Huan Huan and his men.

As soon as the envoy entered the camp, he was immediately taken to Su Huan's tent.

"Your Majesty, the villain is ordered by the two eunuchs Yong and Zhu to report something important."

the messenger whispered.

The lights were dim, and he didn't see that the king in front of him was a fake.

Jing Huan put on a show and said, "What did they send you here for?"

Soon, Yong Kai and Zhu Bao met, and the two teamed up to set up a net, just waiting for Gao Ding to drill into it.

The envoy glanced left and right, and said in a low voice: "Please screen back to the left and right."

Su Huan frowned, but still waved his hand.

The envoy then took out the letters from Zhu Bao and Yong Kai.

"My lord, Gao Ding is a man with ulterior motives. He has secretly taken refuge in Yizhou and wants to give our heads to Guo Jia. The two eunuchs have already decided to get rid of this beast. The second king Meng Youhe has been consulted on this matter." Mrs. Zhu Rong supports them, and they are currently in Master Yong's barracks."

The so-called Meng You and Mrs. Zhu Rong support Yunyun, but it sounds nice. In fact, he wants to remind Meng Huo that your brother and wife are in our hands, so be sensible and honest.

Huan was stunned for a moment, before saying after a long time: "What do you want me to do?"

The man captured "Meng Huo" when he saw "Meng Huo", and he was very proud of himself. He said immediately: "This time, the two adults Zhu and Yong made their best efforts, and set up an ambush in front of them. As long as Gao Dingyi enters the field. Our two families The ambushes are all out, and Gao Ding is eliminated. At that time, it is only necessary for the barbarian king to lead the army to cut off Gao Ding's retreat, and then the general situation is settled."

It has to be said that this strategy is still feasible.

Zhu Bao and Yongkai have more than 2 people in total, and Meng Huo also has more than 3 people. The three families jointly deal with Gao Ding, and they do their mental calculations without intention. It is really easy to eliminate Gao Ding.

very good!

Su Huan nodded slowly.

So, the king agreed?
the messenger asked excitedly.

As long as "Meng Huo" agrees, he will be considered to have made a great contribution this time, and he will definitely be rewarded when he returns.

Ha ha!

Jing Huan just smiled slightly, and said: "Actually, there is no need to be so troublesome. Wouldn't it be easier for me to invite Mr. Gao to come and chop him off with one knife?"


The messenger was a little dumbfounded.

If it was really that easy, how could Yong Kai and Zhu Bao have planned for so long?
Suddenly Huan waved his hand and said, "Come here, please come in, Mr. Gao."

Lean less!
A group of people walked in, and the leader was Gao Ding.

Gao Ding looked at the messenger coldly.

barbarian king!

Only then did the envoy realize that something was wrong, how could Gao Ding be here?

Gao Ding snorted, and said: "It seems that Zhu Bao and Yong Kai, the two bastards, also spent a lot of thought in order to kill me."

The envoy couldn't help swallowing, and hurriedly said: "The barbarian king, the barbarian king, kill him quickly, kill him. Killing him is a great achievement."

Su Huan just sneered and didn't speak.

The envoy took a few steps back and found that the outside was already surrounded by soldiers, so he said bravely, "Master Man, don't forget that Mrs. Zhu Rong and Meng Youke are both in our hands. If you don't cooperate, their heads will fall immediately. "

In such a world, he could only choose to threaten Meng Huo.


Huan laughed a few times, pulled off his hat and fake beard, and said coldly: "Things with eyes but no eyes, just look at who I am?"

As he spoke, he took a weapon from his subordinate's hand.

Seeing Fang Tian's painted halberd, the envoy immediately understood that the person in front of him was not Meng Huo, but Zhu Bao's number one general, Jing Huan.

What about the barbarian king?
What about the barbarian king?
He is still a little confused.

Meng Huo, the barbarian king?

Gao Ding snorted, and said: "He earlier you stepped into the underworld."

Then his face darkened, and he said, "Jian Huan, do it."

Huan Huan responded with a cry, and swung Fang Tian's painted halberd out, stabbing the envoy to death immediately.

He is a well-known fierce general in the three southern counties, even against Zhang Ren, the fierce general of Yizhou, he will not fall behind, and killing an unknown soldier is even more effortless.

The messenger's throat was pierced, and he fell to the ground, with blood gurgling from his throat, and he was dying.

"Kill all the people in Yongkai and throw them out to feed the wild dogs."

Gao Ding's eyes flashed sharply.

A group of subordinates responded and began to clean the battlefield.

This time Yongkai sent a total of more than a dozen people, none of them escaped.


Su Huan put down Fang Tian's painting halberd, clasped his fists and said, "This subordinate suddenly has an idea, I don't know if it's feasible or not?"

what do you think
Gao Ding looked at Su Huan strangely.

It seems that apart from being skilled in martial arts, this subordinate is not very smart in mind.

Is such that!

Huan Huan laughed and said, "Since Yongkai sent someone to alienate Meng Huo, why don't we come and use our tricks?"

How can I do everything I can?

Gao Ding asked excitedly.

Su Huan lowered his voice: "We can write letters to Yong Kai and Zhu Bao in the name of Meng Huo, pretending to have caught you, as long as you hand over one or two of your personal things, the two of them will not be suspicious." Then the last general will bring half of the troops disguised as barbarians to pretend to escort you to meet them, and the general will lead the troops to follow behind. When the time comes, we will launch a surprise attack, the last general will be in front, the general will be behind, and the reinforcements from Yizhou, We will definitely be able to capture the two thieves alive."

Gao Ding was stunned for a moment, and then laughed a few times.

"A clever plan, a wonderful plan."

He reached out and patted Su Huan on the shoulder.

"This strategy is very good. Since the two thieves dare to cheat, then we will deal with him in the same way. Very good, let's do it like this. I will immediately send someone to see General Zhang Ren and tell them the plan. "

Your lord is wise!

Jing Huan hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "It's not too late, that's tonight."

So, that night, Huan pretended to be the barbarian king Meng Huo, captured Gao Ding, killed Gao Ding's men and horses, and sent envoys to see Zhu Bao and Yong Kai.

The two didn't expect Meng Huo to be so powerful, and before they could do anything, Gao Ding was captured.

Overjoyed at the moment, the venue was built overnight to prepare for the Torch Festival.

This fake holiday turned into a real holiday.


Gao Ding's people sent the letter to Zhang Ren's barracks overnight.

Zhang Ren didn't dare to neglect, and immediately sent the letter to Jia Xu's tent.

it's over!
After reading Gao Ding's letter, Jia Xu couldn't help shaking his head.

He didn't expect Gao Ding to use deceit, this time Zhu Bao and Yong Kai were defeated.

Even if the Yizhou army doesn't make a move, the two are not Gao Ding's opponents.

Lord Inspector!

Zhang Ren on the side was puzzled and said, "Then what should we do?"

Jia Xu frowned, got up and walked a few steps.

Originally, he wanted Gao Ding, Zhu, and Yong to fight to the death. In this case, the power of the powerful families in the three southern counties would be greatly consumed, and even if they took refuge in Yunzhou, they would not be able to do anything.

But if Gao Ding used fraud, the matter would be out of Jia Xu's control.

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(End of this chapter)

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