Chapter 1515
Soon, under the leadership of Meng You, Huan Huan's army quietly sneaked into the camp of Zhu Baoyong and Kai.

The two are still immersed in the dream of eliminating "Meng Huo" and dominating the three southern counties.

With the sound of a thunderbolt, Huan Huan's army launched a sudden attack, Zhu Baoyong was caught off guard, and immediately retreated step by step after being beaten.

Fortunately, the troops brought by the two were all elites, and the number was larger than that of Jing Huan. After some confusion, they temporarily stabilized.

At this moment, Gao Ding's troops suddenly rushed in obliquely, breaking through the rear of Zhu Bao and Yong Kai in one fell swoop, and the stable situation collapsed again.

Jing Huan and Gao Ding attack back and forth, defeating Zhu Bao and Yong Kai.


"Happy, happy!"

Meng You dropped the big knife in his hand and said excitedly: "Zhu Bao and Yong Kai, these two bastards, dare to kidnap Lao Tzu, they are really impatient to live. Brother Jing Huan, you give me a soldier and horse, and I will kill you immediately." Chase up to Yizhou County and capture this old boy Yongkai alive."

During this period of time, he also suffered a lot, and finally turned over, so naturally he had to beat the dog in the water.

Su Huan on the side just smiled and said nothing.

After a while, a general walked in, covered in blood, it was Gao Ding.

"Master Gao!"

Seeing Gao Ding walking in, Meng You rushed to meet him.

"Where is my brother? I have rescued my sister-in-law and the others."

Meng You looked out while walking.

Ha ha!

Gao Ding smiled, and said: "The barbarian king has come, just behind."

Meng You didn't doubt that he was there, and walked a few steps quickly, turning his back to Gao Ding.

The latter's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, and he drew his sword and stabbed in the past.


Meng You only felt a chill in his back, a section of the sword tip protruded from his chest, and blood dripped down to the ground along the sword tip.

He turned his head slowly, glaring at Gao Ding.

Meng You never dreamed that Gao Ding would suddenly kill him.

Gao Ding smiled contemptuously, and said, "I forgot to tell you, Meng Huo died a long time ago. Now I will send you two brothers to reunite."

As he spoke, he drew out his long sword fiercely.

Meng You staggered a few steps forward, suddenly yelled, and fell to the ground dead.

Gao Ding shook the blood on the long sword in disgust, then looked at Huan with a half-smile.

Huan Huan's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said: "Congratulations to the lord, congratulations to the lord. From now on, the three southern counties will belong to the lord."


Gao Ding laughed a few times in satisfaction, and said: "Very well, you have made great contributions to this matter, and I will never treat you badly."

Thank you my lord!

Jing Huan clasped his fists again, and said: "Zhu Bao and Yong Kai have become bereaved dogs now, and my subordinates are willing to lead people to chase them to Zangcang and Yizhou counties to retrieve their heads."

For some reason, he always felt that something was wrong.

Don't worry!
Gao Ding waved his hand and said, "Come with me!"

Said and walked out of the tent.

Huan Huan hesitated for a moment, and followed him out.

Just as he walked out, countless knives and axes rushed in from outside the camp, instantly surrounding Su Huan.

my lord...

Su Huan's heart sank, and he said to himself: "You... what do you mean by this?"

What do you mean?
Gao Ding gritted his teeth and said: "You dog who eats inside and out. I have treated you well, but you secretly colluded with Yizhou and wanted to replace me. Bah, dog, I think you were hunted down by Meng Huo back then , like a lost dog, who took you in. How dare you bite back now. "

Huan's complexion changed drastically.

The connection between him and Jia Xu has always been a secret, how did Gao Ding know about it?

Do it!

Gao Ding didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he immediately asked his subordinates to get rid of Su Huan.

Naturally, he would not be merciful to this kind of stuff.

Jing Huan is highly skilled in martial arts, but at the moment he has no horse or halberd, so he has to draw his sword and fight on foot.

Gao Ding brought hundreds of elite soldiers this time, and he was too tired to fight with them.

Su Huan secretly groaned in his heart, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and carry on.His confidants were all dismissed by Gao Ding, and the entire camp was under Gao Ding's control.


Lord Inspector!

Zhang Ren walked in excitedly, holding a scroll in his hand.

"A report from the front, Gao Dingjiuhuan broke Zhu Bao and Yong Kai's camp, killed and captured more than 1 people, Zhu Bao and Yong Kai only led a small number of confidants to retreat into the camp."

This is great news.

Zhu Bao and Yong Kai were defeated before Yizhou took action, and the next thing was much simpler.

is it?

There was no trace of excitement on Jia Xu's face, instead there was some worry.

He had already planted the seeds of internal strife between Su Huan and Gao Ding, and it should take effect now.

"Lord Inspector?"

Zhang Ren on the side was puzzled.

Jia Xu walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said: "According to the time calculation, the Lord and the others should have arrived at Zangcang City, right?"

Zhang Ren nodded.

By the way, Guo Jia and others have also been there for some time.

Besides, Zhu Bao and others have already brought out all the elites, and Zangcang City is an empty city, presumably they have already occupied Zangcang City.

Can't wait!

Jia Xu immediately ordered: "The army advances at full speed and catches up with Gao Ding's army."

He wanted to completely wipe out the tyrants in the three southern counties before Guo Jia could react.

Only in this way, perhaps these three counties can be saved from a massacre.


"Report, my lord, there is a big scuffle ahead. Gao Ding and Meng Huo unite and launch a surprise attack on Zhu Bao and Yong Kai. Zhu Bao and Yong Kai are defeated, and they are currently being defeated."

A guard replied.

Huang Zhongpound and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

How did the film start in the three southern counties?
But this is a good opportunity, they can deploy pockets and beat the dogs in the water.




Huang Zhong, Pang De, and Zhao Dahammer asked for a fight one after another.

Guo Jia's face was extremely ugly.

The worry in his heart suddenly came true.

Originally, he didn't really believe Meng Xiang's words, but looking at the current situation, Gao Ding really took refuge in his own side.

In other words, Jia Xu has been hiding it from herself.

Guo Jia suddenly narrowed his eyes.

What on earth does the old fox want to do?
I asked him for advice, but he didn't give me face at all.Now they are privately recruiting Gao Ding.

Does he want to rebel?
Thinking of this, Guo Jia felt a little uneasy.

Jia Xu is the top figure under him, if he wants to rebel, it will be very difficult for Guo Jia to deal with it even if he wants to.

Just in case!

Guo Jia took a deep breath and said, "Send out troops immediately, set up a pocket array, and destroy Zhu Bao first."

If Jia Xu really wants to rebel, the Yizhou officials are definitely not his opponents, Guo Jia will rush back immediately, and take care of Zhu Bao along the way.

Guo Jia has a deep understanding of the power of poisoners.

Once he succeeds, Guo Jia's decades-long foundation may be destroyed.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, everyone shouted in unison.

Especially Zhao Dachui, who is gearing up to show off his talents.

His cannon was already hungry.

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(End of this chapter)

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