Chapter 229

Hearing that Cai Yan doubted him so much, Guo Jiadeng felt a little dizzy.

"Wen Ji, Cai Yu really went out to do something, and didn't intentionally hide from her father-in-law. I really don't know!"

he whispered.

During this time, Cai Yu has been running around for news channels outside the Great Wall, and Guo Jia doesn't know where she is.

is it?

Cai Yan glanced at him in disbelief.

I swear!
Guo Jia raised his right hand.

alright, alright!

Cai Yan hastily tore off his arm.

"Why do you swear on a little thing! I'm not such a petite person."


Guo Jia smiled slightly, and couldn't help hugging Cai Yan.

"It's still Wen Ji who treats me well!"

Cai Meimei couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"Hiding is not an option, and it is impossible for Zhen Ji to hide outside for a lifetime. Guo Fengxiao, since you provoked this matter, it is up to you to solve it. You can't always let me, a woman, help you support the tank, can you?"

Cai Yan's tone was somewhat resentful.

Originally, she didn't really agree with her younger sister and Guo Jia, but later the two hit it off, so she just turned a blind eye.

But Cai Yong will not tolerate such things.

The old man has that temper, what is square is square, and what is round is round, and he doesn't know how to adapt it at all.


Guo Jia was embarrassed again.

It's fine if it's someone else, Guo Jia has many ways to shut him up, but this person is Cai Yong, the father of his children.

He can't beat and can't scold and can't scold, and he has to be careful as a father.

Seeing this, Cai Yan couldn't help but sigh.

"Forget it, the old man can't make sense here. Zhen Ji is also stubborn, so naturally it doesn't make sense. Then I have to think of another way."

other way?

Guo Jia regained his spirit immediately.

"Wen Ji, what can you tell me?"

As he spoke, he hugged Cai Yan tightly.

He almost forgot that the woman in his arms was a talented woman?

Cai Yan rolled his eyes at him again, feeling angry and amused in his heart.

It was obviously this guy who caused the trouble by stealing food, but his wife actually wanted to take care of the aftermath for him.

It really makes no sense!
For the sake of being a woman, Cai Yan feels that she is very great.

"You know my father, he has a good reputation. Cai Yu originally promised others, but now he is sneaking with you behind the back of Yang's family. Once the news gets out, what will our Cai family's face be? So father will not say anything. I agreed. But I also know Cai Yu's temperament, since she has decided on you, she will not give up halfway. Really, I don't know what is so good about you, but it makes both of us sisters give up."

Cai Meimei complained.

Guo Jia laughed a few times, and suddenly hugged Cai Yan in his arms.

"What's good about me, don't you know?"

This is a bit ambiguous.

Talking about his hands is a bit dishonest.

Cai Yan blushed slightly, and hastily stopped his evil hands.

"Don't make trouble, just get down to business."

Her voice suddenly dropped.

"Since both father and Zhenji can't make sense, for the present plan, we can only let the Yang family give up on their own initiative."

Give up voluntarily!

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

Cai Yan explained: "If the Yang family proposes to terminate the engagement, then the Cai family will lose face. But it is reasonable, and my father will not stop you from being together."

Great plan!
Guo Jia couldn't help but slapped his thigh.

Why didn't he think of this question?
Why did this guy have a headache for many days because of Cai Yu's matter?

Unexpectedly, what Cai Meimei said was right, she could come up with such a wonderful method.

Let the Yang family voluntarily withdraw from the engagement.

This can be regarded as fulfilling Cai Yu.

As for the Yang family voluntarily retiring the engagement, Guo Jia couldn't help it.

He can bully and seduce.

Although he is in Yunzhou, there are still some ways to deal with a local tyrant.

"Actually, another way is better!"

Guo Jia suddenly said mysteriously.

any solution?
Cai Yan asked puzzledly.

For the sake of her sister and Guo Jia, she also thought hard for a long time before she came up with such a feasible solution.

Is there a better way to hear Guo Jia now?
Cai Yan couldn't help being a little curious.

The method is very simple!
Guo Jia said solemnly: "I sent someone to secretly click that guy from the Yang family."

He then made a throat-slitting gesture.

"Of course a dead person cannot marry Cai Yu. In this way, wouldn't the face of Cai Yu and the Cai family be saved?"

Cai Yan couldn't help shivering.


She hastily stopped her and said: "Our Cai family ruined the marriage and we are already sorry for him. How can we still kill him? This is absolutely impossible."

Cai Yu said seriously: "Feng Xiao, if you dare to do this, I will never forgive you."

She still knows a little about this husband, this man is very pragmatic, instead of spending all his energy trying to coerce and lure the Yang family to destroy the marriage, it would be easier to assassinate the Yang family.

But in this way, the Cai family is even more sorry for the Yang family.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia smiled, and said: "I know, since Wen Ji is not sure, then I won't do it."

He hugged Cai Meimei with both hands.

At this moment, Xu Chu came in a hurry.

"My lord, Miss Yan, there is news from Chen Liucai's family. The sheep of Taishan Yang's family was suddenly assassinated and killed. They are coming to cancel the engagement."

Guo Jia and Cai Yan were surprised at the same time.

They were talking about the Yang family just now, what happened to the Yang family right now?
"Feng Xiao, did you do it?"

Cai Yan's voice trembled a little.

She was really scared.

no no!

Guo Jia shook his head like a wave drum.

Although he had this intention, he was strangled by Cai Meimei before he took any action.

Cai Yan was relieved to hear that it wasn't Guo Jia's hand.

A question rose from her heart again.

Who did it?


The two couldn't help but glanced at each other, and both could see the shock in the other.

Cai Yu!

Except for Guo Jia and Cai Yu, no one would attack Yang Qin at this juncture.

is her?

Cai Yan couldn't believe it.

Guo Jia was also a little shocked.

"It shouldn't be this girl!"

Speaking of this, he is also uncertain.

Since handing over intelligence work to Cai Yu, Guo Jia asked for money and people, but never asked about Cai Yu.

Cai Yu did not take the initiative to tell him about the intelligence network.

It is also thanks to this girl's intelligence network that the matter of alienating the high-level Xiongnu went so smoothly.

Guo Jiacai realized that Cai Yu should have a huge network in his hands.

This is a huge underground force.

Naturally, it is no problem to deal with a sheep who has no power to restrain the chicken.

The more Guo Jia thought about it, the more likely it was.

A sense of vigilance also rose in his heart.

If this girl has any other intentions, his so much investment will be in vain.

To be on the safe side, it's better to control this girl first, so as not to cause any trouble again.

(End of this chapter)

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