Chapter 232
Such a small episode did not affect Guo Jia, and soon the whole Yunzhou was thrown into intense development again.

The bridgehead of Daijun was normal after Xun You, Zhang He and others were stationed. Guo Jia then asked Gao Lan to lead the remaining soldiers to the bridgehead.

As a result, there are already more than 1 people in Dai County's bridgehead.

Under the command of Xun You, these 1 people continued to build small strongholds to connect the surrounding land into one piece.

The stronghold is both a military camp and a farmland. During the war, the farmland can be fully self-sufficient for a period of time, saving a lot of food for Yunzhou.

Guo Jia devoted himself to development without any abnormal behavior, which made the court heave a sigh of relief.

Since Guo Jia had no intention of rebelling, the imperial court immediately recruited troops from Jizhou to Liangzhou to suppress the rebellion.


"General Huangfu, please accept the order!"

One of the eunuchs screamed.

Because of his military exploits in pacifying the Yellow Turban, Huangfusong was granted the title of Marquis and led the governor of Jizhou.

"Chen Huangfu Song accepts the order!"

Huangfusong immediately knelt down in front of the eunuch with his helpers.

The little eunuch read aloud in frustration.

Huangfusong couldn't help but raised his head.

The imperial court wants to transfer him to Beijing as an official, isn't this Ming Sheng's deed?

Not only Huangfusong, but even his subordinates didn't understand.

"Congratulations, General Huangfu!"

The little eunuch said with a half smile.

He didn't have any good feelings for Huangfusong.

Although this man is good at fighting, he can't be a man.

The yellow turban thief has been running for a year, causing chaos in the entire Central Plains, how many treasures have they taken away?
You, Huangfusong, defeated the Yellow Turban Army, conquered Julu City, swallowed it all by yourself, how can others have no opinion?
In fact, they misunderstood Huangfusong.

When Guo Jia retreated from Julu, he had already scraped all the valuables inside, so what would be left for the officers and soldiers?
But the imperial court didn't know about it, and one of them, Huang Fusong, was eating alone.

So the ten permanent attendants, all the high officials of the court tacitly took Huangfusong down.

There is a saying that a rabbit dies like a dog!
Now that the war is over, what do you want Huangfusong, who can fight, to do?
Besides, Huangfusong is from Xiliang, Xiliang is now in a time of war and chaos, so if you are in a high position and hold a heavy army, you are asking for trouble.

That's politics, that's reality.

Huangfusong shook his head helplessly.

"Dare to ask my father-in-law, after this general leaves, who will take over my position?"

This is what Huangfusong cares most about.

Although the Yellow Turban Army has been calmed down now, there are still Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army in the vast Taihang Mountains.More importantly, Guo Jia, the governor of Yunzhou in the north, is not a good stubble, he is the master who dared to besiege the imperial army.If one is not handled well, I am afraid that we will have to use weapons again.

"Don't worry about General Huangfu!"

The little eunuch smiled and said, "The new governor of Jizhou has arrived!"

Speaking of which, a group of people came in front of Huangfusong, and the leader was Yuan Shao.

"General Huangfu!"

Yuan Shaopi clasped his fists without smiling.

"Unexpectedly, you are still alive!"

A cold light flashed across Huangfusong's eyes.

For this Yuan Shao, he hated it deeply.

If Yuan Shao hadn't intervened and taken Huangfusong's command, how could the army have experienced such a big defeat?
What's more, this guy has a small belly and a chicken heart, and he abolished the court's righteousness because of his personal grievances.He gave up the Yellow Turban Bandit and went to attack Guo Jia, but he was beaten to death.

Now he is still shy to take over as governor of Jizhou?
It really doesn't make sense.

Huangfusong couldn't help feeling a little sad.

He only now realizes the problem.

He has worked hard and fought more than a dozen battles, and he has wiped out more than half of the hundreds of thousands of yellow scarves.

Even so, in the eyes of those high-ranking officials, he was still an outsider, not as good as a playboy from a famous family.

"Congratulations, General!"

Yuan Shao cupped his fists again and said.

The Shichang Attendant attacked Huangfusong, and Yuan Kai followed suit. After sending a lot of gold beads to the Shichang Attendant, Yuan Shao's previous affairs were wiped out, and he was made the governor of Jizhou.

This is the power of money.

Although Huangfusong was angry, there was nothing he could do.

He was originally a foolish and loyal person, even if the court was unkind to him, he would not be unjust to the court.

This is also the fundamental reason why Yan Zhong left him.

Although this man is a hero, he is not a hero.

So it is not worth entrusting.

"Yuan Benchu!"

Huangfu Song said earnestly: "Jizhou has experienced several wars, and the people have been displaced. It is time to recuperate. I have written to the imperial court to reduce the tax of Jizhou for one year. I hope you will treat the people kindly after you succeed the governor."

Don't worry, general!

Yuan Shao nodded.

He still attaches great importance to this matter.

Huangfu Song nodded.

After tidying up briefly, he set foot on the road back to Beijing with his entourage.

After Huangfusong left, the entire governor's mansion was under Yuan Shao's world, and the staff of the governor's mansion stared at each other, feeling uneasy.

Yuan Shao laughed out loud.

"Everyone, this official has just arrived, and I will rely on you a lot in the future."

With a wave of his hand, the soldiers immediately sent a box of jewelry.

"From now on, the salaries of the big and small officials in the mansion will be doubled."

As expected of the rich and powerful Yuan family, they raised the salaries of their officials as soon as they spoke.

The salary of the imperial court is limited, and Yuan Shao will naturally pay for the salary increase.

"Lord Inspector is mighty!"

The crowd cheered in unison!

Naturally, they were very happy to have such a generous and rich governor.

Seeing the grateful expressions of his subordinates, Yuan Shao showed satisfaction on his face.

He likes this feeling.

"Although the rebellion has been quelled in Jizhou, there are still bandits from Heishan and some officials with ulterior motives in the surrounding area. So I decided to recruit troops and buy horses to fight against non-officials."

Yuan Shao said solemnly.

Lord Inspector said yes!
Although the officials said so, they suddenly realized in their hearts.

Drunkard’s intention is not to drink!
The newly appointed Chief Inspector suppressing the bandits is a fake, but it is true to deal with Guo Jia, the Inspector of Yunzhou.

Because there is grievance between the two parties.

It's no secret that Yuan Shao was beaten to death by Guo Jia.

Everyone here has heard of it.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

Now that Yuan Shao is the governor of Jizhou, he will not easily let go of Guo Jia, the great enemy in his life.

It was so easy to quell the flames of war, but now I am afraid it will start again.

It's just that the people in Jizhou will suffer again.

It's a pity that General Huangfusong is kind.

I'm afraid it won't be long before Jizhou and Yunzhou will fight again.

Of course, these have nothing to do with them.

They don't bother with that either.

very good!

A smile appeared on Yuan Shao's face.

"Come here, post a notice in Ye County to recruit talents."

It has to be said that the Yuan family in Runan is still somewhat famous.

As soon as Yuan Shao's recruitment order was posted, it attracted many talents.

They were still very tempted by Yuan Shao's offer.

(End of this chapter)

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