Chapter 234 Subduing Ma Teng
Guo Jia reprimanded Dian Wei a few words, which of course was just pretending.

Dian Wei was also submissive, with an expression of dissatisfaction, but he still clasped his fists.

"Sorry for being reckless!"

It would be fine if he sincerely apologized, but this kind of half-hearted attitude made Ma Teng even more upset.

Lord Inspector!

Ma Teng's face was ashen!

"Ma has lived in the frontier for a long time, and has never met a hero from the Central Plains. He used to speak a little arrogantly, and I hope the governor will forgive me."

He took a deep breath.

"Master Inspector has hidden dragons and crouching tigers, so Mr. Ma left."

Ma Shoucheng is also a figure in Xiliang, and he dare not say that Liangzhou is number one, but there are really few people in Liangzhou who are his opponents.

However, in Zhongshan, he was abused one after another, which made Ma Teng a little ashamed.

"What did Shoucheng say?"

Guo Jia hastily grabbed his hand.

"Guo also yearns for the heroes of Liangzhou very much. If Yunzhou was not busy with official business, I would have gone to visit you heroes in the morning."

He coughed a few times.

"Nowadays, the imperial court is dispatching troops and generals, most of which are to attack the heroes of Liangzhou. Guo is not talented, and he is willing to help the heroes of Liangzhou."

Hearing this, Ma Teng couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Master Inspector, what you it true?"

The main purpose of his coming here is to persuade Guo Jia to join forces with Liangzhou.

After being here for such a long time, Guo Jia has no attitude at all.

Ma Teng also tried many times, but was unable to get a satisfactory answer.

Just when Ma Teng was about to go back to Liangzhou in despair, Guo Jia suddenly said these words.

"Really! It's more real than real!"

The smile on Guo Jia's face did not diminish.

Ma Teng is a fierce general, well-known in Liangzhou.

After accepting Ma Teng, Liangzhou is just around the corner.

"Since this is the case, I would like to ask Mr. Inspector to send troops earlier. Ma is willing to take the lead."

Ma Teng clasped his fists again and said.

Liangzhou has already raised troops. Although the imperial court has gone through the Yellow Turban Rebellion and its strength has been greatly damaged, its foundation is still strong.

In the battle between the two sides, Liangzhou heroes also lost more than they won.

If Guo Jia raises troops in time, he can fully share the pressure on Liangzhou. This is also the main reason why Ma Teng came to Zhongshan.

With Guo Jia's help, Liangzhou will definitely be able to succeed.

"Shoucheng, please! It's not that simple."

Guo Jia supported Ma Teng's arms, but his face showed a dignified look.

Ma Teng's heart sank suddenly.

During this time, he also saw the prosperity of Zhongshan County and the bravery of Guo Jia's men.

Although there is only one county, its strength is extremely strong.He defeated the imperial army several times.

If you let Ma Teng say that Guo Jia's army is the most powerful army to defeat the imperial court.

"Lord Inspector!"

Ma Teng said cautiously, "Do you have something to hide?"

Although he is tall, he is not stupid.

"Shoucheng, now I'm telling the truth!"

Guo Jia coughed.

"Zhongshan still had some background, but today he fought against the Yellow Turban bandits, and tomorrow he fought against the imperial court. The Southern Huns in the north are still a little ready to move. What worries me even more is the governor of Jizhou, Yuan Shao. This guy was under the soldiers of Zhongshan County. He has been defeated. Now that he has just taken office as governor of Jizhou, he has started recruiting troops. In just one month, he has gathered [-] troops. If he sends troops rashly, he will definitely be taken advantage of by others."

That's it!

Ma Teng suddenly realized.

Yunzhou is also glamorous on the surface, but it is actually in crisis.

With the Xiongnu in the north and Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses in Jizhou in the south, the governor of Yunzhou may not be able to sleep well.

He thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "Lord Inspector, since this is the case, Ma will not force others. I will return to Liangzhou now."

Since it is inconvenient for Guo Jia to send troops, there is no point in staying here for Ma Teng.

It's better to go back to Liangzhou and call the old department to deal with the army with everyone!

Seeing that Ma Teng was leaving, Guo Jia naturally couldn't agree.

Ma Teng is a titan, and with Ma Chao, a son who is no less than Lu Bu, he will naturally not let him go easily.

"Shoucheng doesn't have to worry. Although Zhongshan's army can't be dispatched, it's okay to harass."

Guo Jiasi said slowly.


Ma Teng froze for a moment, then looked at Guo Jia in confusion.

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and made a gesture of invitation to Ma Teng.

Ma Teng clasped his fists and followed Guo Jia into the Governor's Mansion.

This is the original county guard's mansion, but after Guo Jia became the governor of Yunzhou, the mansion was also upgraded.

Guo Jia led Ma Teng into the hall, and the two sat down again as the guest of honor.

"Look, Shoucheng, this is the terrain of Jizhou!"

Guo Jia personally took out a map and placed it in front of Ma Teng.


Seeing the map drawn by Guo Jia for the first time, Ma Teng couldn't help being surprised.

As a military general, Ma Teng is no stranger to maps, but this is the first time he has seen such a detailed map.

This map is too exquisite, exquisite beyond Ma Teng's imagination.

A mountain, a river, a city, and a place are all very detailed.

What surprised Ma Teng even more was that this picture actually included the entire territory of the Han Dynasty.

"Lord Inspector!"

Ma Teng suddenly fell to the ground.

"I don't know if you have any extra maps in your hands. Ma really likes them so much. Can you give me a copy?"

With this map, the terrain of the entire Han Dynasty is in sight, which will be of great convenience for future marches and wars.

no problem!
Guo Jia smiled and pointed to the map in his hand.

"This picture is what I prepared for Shoucheng."

Thank you, Lord Inspector!

Ma Teng was overjoyed again.

Can't help but look at this picture carefully.

With this picture, there will be no scruples in marching and fighting in the future.

This Guo governor is really capable, and he can draw such a detailed map.

"Look, Shoucheng!"

Guo Jia pointed in the direction of Jizhou.

"The current Yunzhou is the former Zhongshan. After Zhongshan left Jizhou, it has been surrounded by Jizhou in three directions. Even if I want to send troops, I will be blocked by Yuan Shao in Jizhou immediately."

Not bad!

Ma Teng nodded.

Originally, he was still very vague about the terrain of Jizhou, but with this map, he can understand it at a glance.

To the south of Zhongshan is Julu.

Julu is the northern gate of Jizhou, and Yuan Shao has already deployed a large number of troops in Julu.

If Guo Jia wants to send troops, he must first take down the Julu, but since Yuan Shao is prepared, it will not be so easy to take down the Julu.

From this point of view, the imperial court also considered Zhongshan from Jizhou.

Julu is a gate, both to the outside and to the inside.

In order to successfully advance from Zhongshan, the Julu must be captured.

"A frontal attack is definitely not an option. Otherwise, we will fall into the pincer attack of the Southern Huns and the imperial court. We can only advance from other directions."

Guo Jia pointed to the map and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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