Chapter 247 The Road of Blood and Tears

Dai County!

After experiencing the double blow of the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the plunder of the nomads, this border county has been rarely populated.

Rarely populated does not mean that there are no people.

The vast land still attracted some refugees to cultivate it.

If they were captured by the Huns, they would die, and if they had no food to eat, they would die of starvation.

Anyway, they are dead, they still choose to make a living on the border.

They also risked their lives for a little food to survive.

Besides, the Huns may not be able to catch them every time, but hunger will not let them go.

However, this time, they did not seem to have escaped the catastrophe.

In the past, the Huns came out to plunder in small groups, and they usually left after they had caught enough.

But this time tens of thousands of people were dispatched, and the entire Dai County was overwhelmed by them.

Countless men, women, old and children were driven out by the Huns, besieging them on the grassland like cattle and sheep.

The cavalry of the Huns were all around, and these people couldn't get out, and they fell to the ground one after another.

Not far away, it was Qiangqu Khan of the Southern Huns who set up this banner.

Huns and Han people are born with hatred.

Although the Southern Huns surrendered to the Han Dynasty, Qiang Quhan was still very upset when he saw the Han people.


A tall figure rode a horse and appeared in front of him, it was his eldest son Yufulo.

Grassland pays attention to strength, not to any system of heirs.So as long as you have the strength, you can become a profuse sweat.

Of course, they also pay attention to a little blood, and not everyone is qualified to be a sweat.

Yu Fuluo is the eldest son of Qiangqu Khan, and he also owns a large tribe, so it seems natural to succeed him as Khan.

But Qiang Qu Khan didn't like Yu Fuluo.

Because Yuvro's mother was a lowly slave.

Although Yu Fuluo was also very good at fighting, Qiang Qu Khan still excluded him from the list of successors.

Even if the youngest son survived, Qiang Qu Khan would not hand over the position of Great Khan to Yu Fuluo.

In this regard, Yu Fuluo is also very resentful.

But he didn't dare to show it, and he was very respectful on the surface.

"Father Khan! We came all the way and captured all the pigs in the territory."

For the Han people, the Huns used to call them pigs.

Pigs are inferior to cattle and sheep. Even if the Southern Huns surrendered to the Han, it did not change their contempt for the Han.

Qiang Quhan's eyes swept over the men, women, old and young on the grassland.

There are at least tens of thousands of people on this scale.

After a long period of war, Dai County has become a hunting ground for the Southern Huns.

Unexpectedly, so many people could be caught.

The Han people are really strong, and they can still survive tenaciously in this war-torn land.

"Father Khan!"

Hu Chuquan on the side also rushed over immediately.

"Although most of these Han people are old and weak, they are also very strong. They are very good slaves. I hope Father Khan can give them to me."

The Huns come out every year to hunt grass valleys, that is, to capture slaves to rob food.

But at most it is the scale of hundreds of people.

Now more than 1 people have been arrested, which is not a small number.

Using these people as slaves is not a small force.

You must know that there are not many people in the entire Southern Huns.


A chill flashed across Qiang Quhan's face.

He looked at Hu Chuquan coldly.

Hu Chuquan is his second son, and his background is not bad. His mother is a descendant of a nobleman.


A look of disgust flashed across Qiang Quhan's face.

This son was born tall and strong, with good martial arts and a very simple mind, he was not made to be a profuse sweat at all.

What a stall, he still wanted to catch slaves.

Dead wood cannot be carved!

For some reason, Qiang Quhan suddenly thought of this sentence.

Only the youngest son was his favorite. Originally, Qiang Qu Khan was supposed to pass on the Khan position to the youngest son, but he was beheaded by a Han official.

clap clap clap!
Qiang Quhan swung his whip on Huchuquan's body.

Father Khan!

Hu Chuquan didn't know why he was beaten, and stared at Qiang Quhan with eyes like copper bells.

"You bastard, you came here to avenge your younger brother, not to capture any prisoners. As an older brother, you don't want to avenge your younger brother, but you still want to annex these slaves. It's really unreasonable!"

Qiang Quhan scolded and beat him.

Father Khan!

Hu Chuquan hurriedly begged for mercy.

Yu Fuluo on the side was secretly happy.

He didn't like this younger brother either.But the old man doted on his younger son, so he had to hold the younger brother in a hug to keep warm.

Now that the youngest son is finished, there is no need for him to drag this younger brother any longer.

"Father, calm down!"

Yu Fuluo dismounted and knelt down.

As the eldest prince, he still had to put on a show.

After a while, Qiang Quhan was tired, so he dropped his whip.

Hu Chuquan was already limp on the ground.

Qiang Qu Khan looked at those Han people again, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Come here, kill them all, leave none behind!"

Hearing this order, everyone was stunned.

It is a pity to kill these more than 1 slaves, including many women.

Only King Youxian frowned.

Only then did he understand Qiang Quhan's determination.

This time, he wants to completely break through Yunzhou, maybe Yunzhou is not his end.

Further south, Jizhou, Sili, and even Luoyang.

It seems that this big sweat really can't bear it, and wants to fight hard.

If this is the case, bringing these slaves is really a burden. It will not only slow down the marching speed, but also consume the food of the army.


King You Xian's heart suddenly rose.

Although the big man is weak, his strength is still strong enough to crush the Southern Huns.Perhaps this time Qiang Qu Khan was able to open the fortress of the Han with the help of archers, but it is still very difficult to conquer the Han.

Undoubtedly, this time the Southern Huns will dig their own graves.

Thinking of this, Youxian King's heart trembled.

There is something wrong with Da Khan's disposition, is it because the little prince's matter is so destructive.

The more You Xian Wang thought about it, the more this happened, and he became a little vigilant in his heart.

Soon, Qiangqu Khan issued an order.

The Huns immediately massacred the Han people in the field.

Screams resounded through the sky, and the entire grassland was shrouded in blood mist.

In an instant, more than 1 people died under the butcher's knife of the Huns.

Qiang Quhan waved his hand, and the troops continued to move forward without stopping.

His goal was further south, not this small place.

Most of the Huns left, leaving only a few hundred people to deal with the aftermath.

They collected the scattered arrows in the field, and stabbed the civilians who were dying, and some people took off some thick-looking clothes.

A chunky Hun was mending the corpses of the people on the ground one by one, and it seemed that he liked doing it very much.

Regardless of whether he was dead or alive, he would make up for it with a perverted excitement on his face.

When he faced a tall figure on the ground, a figure suddenly turned over and snatched his knife, and then inserted the scimitar into his chest.

The Huns opened their eyes wide, as if they didn't believe what they saw.

It took a long time before he screamed and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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