Chapter 256
Belden was furious and felt slighted.

Ah Ah screamed and rushed up, the scimitar in his hand flashed for a while, and slashed at Dian Wei obliquely.

"come on! Come on!"

The Hun captives on the side shouted loudly, cheering for their captain.

Bei Lai was shocked, and the scimitar turned into a beam of light surrounding him.

The Xiongnu's sword technique was learned from the battlefield. It is not fancy, but very practical.

To be able to be the captain of the Huns, Beilai naturally has some skills.

Unfortunately, he met Dian Wei.

This is the top general of the Three Kingdoms.

Dian Wei dodged a few times, and he was ready for Bei Lai's move.

Just a few tricks coming and going, how can there be such a broad and profound martial arts in the Central Plains?
So, taking advantage of Bei Lai's slash, Dian Wei used an opening to attract Bei Lai to slash, his left hand quickly grabbed Bei Lai's arm, and his right hand struck out heavily.

Dian Wei had the strength to split a tiger and a lion, he punched Bei Lai into the air, rolled over on the ground a few times, and immediately stopped moving.

He struggled to get up, and spat out a big mouthful of blood with a wow.

The punch had already shattered his sternum and internal organs.

The cheering of the Hun captives stopped abruptly.

They never expected that their captain would be punched to the ground.

Bei Lai stood up unsteadily.

Although he was seriously injured, he still did not give up.

I kill you!

He roared and rushed towards Dian Wei.

Dian Wei was not polite, and punched out the second time.

This punch was stronger than the last one, and Bilai's body flew farther.

Bei Lai, who received Dian Wei's second punch, was completely unable to stand up.

The Huns were silent.

Dadu Wei Beilai was also considered a well-known warrior of the Huns, but now he was beaten to the ground with two punches by a Han, and he was unarmed.

The Han people are not all sheep, and the Huns may not be able to beat ten people.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled, and slowly came in front of Bailai.

"What else do you have to say?"

Humble fell silent.

Compared with arrows, he lost to Yang Fan and was captured alive by Yang Fan.

In close combat, he lost to Dian Wei, and was knocked down by Dian Wei with two punches.

So far, he has nothing to say.

very good!

A stern light flashed across Guo Jia's face.

"Come here, light a fire, roast this guy on the fire, and serve me the food and drink."

The Huns were all terrified.

It is also very common for the two armies to kill prisoners.In the Huns' army, there were many kinds of death, the most common being beheading.They also died of suffocation by covering their mouths and noses with sheepskin soaked in water.A little more cruel and the car will crack.

As Guo Jia said, the current food and drink, this can be regarded as extremely cruel.

Even the Huns rarely used such cruel punishments.

They also didn't want to understand, the two sides didn't have much hatred, why did they torture people so much?
Bai Lai also opened his eyes wide.

"The two armies are at war, and each is the master. Both sides will be innocent. I was captured by you, and you can kill me. Why bother to torture me?"

He was hysterical.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled coldly.

Pointing to the land under his feet, he said word by word: "This is the land of the Han people. You Huns came here to kill and set fire. How many people have died under your hands these years? Aren't they innocent?"

Hearing this, Beilai was in despair.

Soon the bonfire was lit, several soldiers pulled Bei Lai out, hacked a few times, then took out more than a dozen bloody sticks, pierced them on bamboo sticks, and roasted them on the fire.

The bonfire was roasting for half an hour, and there was a sizzling sound.

The soldiers on the side also sprinkled some salt and condiments on it.

The Hun captives looked frightened and trembling.

A gust of wind blows, and the meat is fragrant!
Guo Jia reached out for a bamboo stick, sniffed it, and praised, "Not bad, the heat is just right."

He opened his mouth to bite a piece of meat, and came to the front of the Hun captive.

"It tastes good, would you like a piece?"

The Hun prisoner couldn't bear it anymore, his body collapsed on the ground, and he retched for a while.


Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, and asked puzzledly, "Isn't it to your taste? Why don't you get some offal?"


The Huns knelt down involuntarily.

"My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life!"

Most people can't help retching.

Guo Jia's face darkened.

"Are you convicted?"

Convicted, guilty!
All the Xiongnu touched the ground with their heads and dared not get up.

It's a joke, the innocence of guilt is probably a delicacy for these people.

Heaven, earth, sun, moon!
These southerners actually eat people?

In the Xiongnu, even the most vicious horse thieves would not dare to eat people.

Cannibalism is punished by heaven.

These Nan people are not people, they are devils.

The Huns were terrified.

Seeing this, Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, since you are all convicted, I will let you go back."


These Huns could hardly believe their ears.

Their chief lieutenant has become a delicacy for the southerners, and I am afraid they will not follow suit.

Unexpectedly, these devils actually let them go back.

Not bad!

Guo Jia said with a smile: "God has the virtue of being good at life. We Han people pay attention to being a human being and staying on the front line so that we can meet each other in the future. Go back and tell the Huns that whoever dares to step into Han soil half a step, don't blame us for being cruel. We will definitely do it." Eat you like rare animals."

He couldn't help laughing out as he spoke.

It is said that eating rare animals is also a stalk of Chinese foodies in later generations.

Often there are countries where these creatures overrun and those creatures overrun, causing problems for local governments.

In fact, this kind of thing is not a problem at all for Chinese foodies.

At that time, foodies shouted out.

Do you want to be a rare animal, or do you want to be a prehistoric animal?

Of course, it is impossible for the Huns to understand this cold joke, but they have seen the cruelty of these southerners.

After getting Guo Jia's permission, the Huns fled in a swarm, each running as fast as they could, without even the courage to take a second look.


Guo Jia couldn't help laughing, he took out the meat skewer and took another bite.

The outside is tender and the inside is very refreshing.

"Why are you standing still, if you don't do anything, it will be gone later!"

Guo Jia said something to his subordinates.

Everyone coaxed and rushed to the bonfire to snatch the bamboo sticks.

It turned out that this wasn't the meat from Beilai at all, but a lamb prepared by Guo Jia.

This little lamb was marinated by Guo Jia with salt, pepper, green onion, and sauce.And it's already ready.The soldiers just cut a few times on Bilai's arms and thighs and bled a little.

So fragrant, so fragrant!
Everyone was immediately conquered by this unique and fresh delicacy.

Dian Wei and Zhao Dachui were even more exaggerated, grabbing a lot of sticks with both hands, grinning from the heat, but they still couldn't bear to put it down.

They have long been hooked by the smell of barbecue.

(End of this chapter)

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