Chapter 268
Everyone got on the horses, and after resting for half a day, the physical strength of the horses and knights had recovered to their peak.

Guo Jia raised his horsewhip and said in a loud voice: "The first team will follow me to the south, and Zilong will lead the second team to the north. When they run for five miles, they will meet the enemy's scouts. Don't pay attention to the harassment of these people, and go all out. Go to the enemy's front army and give them a rain of fire. Remember, once the surprise attack is completed, immediately retreat to the valley to gather, and there must be no mistakes!"

Everyone touched the bows and arrows and fire starters behind them and responded in unison.

This time their task is not to fight the enemy desperately, but to annoy the enemy.

set off!

Guo Jia shouted loudly.

A torrent split into two roads, running towards their respective targets.


Guo Jia rode his horse to the south, and the focus of this provocation was the Huns, because the Huns hated them so much that once they fought against the soldiers and horses of Youzhou and Jizhou, they would definitely find something wrong.

In order for the two sides to do it thoroughly, what Guo Jia has to do now is to anger the Huns.

"My lord, I have already seen the horses of the Huns."

Tan Ma in front said anxiously.

it is good!
Guo Jia took a deep breath and said, "Listen to my order now, prepare the fire starter and shoot him."

shoot him!

Although they didn't know what it meant, since the coach said so, they were happy to agree.

shoot him!

Everyone laughed.

This is occasionally quite cute for Mr. Inspector!
Everyone took out their bows and arrows one after another, lit them and shot at the vanguard of the Huns.

These people are the elite of Baima Yicong, who are skilled in bow and horse. More than 500 people fired in a volley. Thousands of rockets immediately illuminated the sky, and shot at the Huns' army in beautiful arcs.

Enemy attack!

The Xiongnu's probing horse immediately issued a warning to the headquarters.

The vanguard reacted quickly and quickly organized a defensive formation.It's a pity that after a day and a night of rapid marching, they were exhausted and had no ability to stop the elite attack of Baima Yicong, who was waiting for work.

Countless arrows rained down on their heads, and there were screams and screams.

The more than 500 people led by Guo Jia are the backbone of Baima Yicong, and their combat effectiveness is no less than that of the elite Huns.

Whoosh, sharpshooter Yang Fan took the lead and shot and killed several officials of the Huns.

His magic arrows are much better than the Huns.

Entrusted by Zhao Yun, he was sent to protect Guo Jia.

Under the leadership of Yang Fan, the five hundred cavalry were like a steel knife tearing a hole in the Huns' army.

"Don't panic!"

The leading general roared loudly: "The order is passed on, and all the troops will form pockets on the spot. There is no need to resist, just let them in!"

These people have experienced hundreds of battles, even if the enemy suddenly attacked, they did not panic at all.

what happened?

Yuvro caught up!
"Just got the news that a small group of cavalry suddenly attacked our vanguard. Although our army suffered some casualties, it quickly calmed down. The number of enemies is not large, and there are no follow-up troops. It may be a small group of harassment troops It must be Guo Jia's plan to exhaust the soldiers.

very good!

Yu Fuluo nodded, he was worried about not being able to catch up with the White Lotus Sect?This guy actually delivered it to the door.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Since they are here, don't let them run away, let our detective horses be on standby at any time, in case the enemy flees far away."

The leading general responded and was about to give orders.

At this time, there was an earth-shattering shout and curse in the distance.

"Tenjin is a hybrid of pig and cow."

"The ancestors of the gods were animals,"

"God's mother is a pig."

"The younger brother of the god is his son."

"Yufro is a fool, a coward, the son of a bitch, a bastard."

"The Huns are cowards, without blood."

"The Huns are tortoises, and all men are tortoises.""

It was Baima Yicong's voice.

Guo Jia has already quietly grafted onto Yu Fuluo the words of scolding Qiang Qu.

This thing has been tried and tested, and it will definitely arouse the anger of the Huns.


darn thing!

Hearing this guy's words, Yu Fuluo's heart immediately ignited anger. If it weren't for this guy's conspiracy, how could the Huns suffer such a disadvantage.He ran after this guy's ass abruptly for several days.

After Guo Jia led the crowd to shoot and kill for a while, the Huns had already reacted slowly, and their respective chiefs summoned their subordinates to form a circular formation one by one.

The Huns are a nation that grew up on horseback, and riding and shooting are their strengths.

He was caught off guard at first, but once he realized it, Guo Jia's strength was really not enough.

Time to retreat!
A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face!

Guo Jia immediately gave the order, and the soldiers of Baima Yicong immediately blew the horn to retreat.

"Guo Jia, I'll kill you!"

Kill him, kill him, kill him!

This thought immediately flooded Yuvro's brain, and he had already thrown other thoughts out of the sky.

I kill you!

Yu Fuluo drew out his long sword, stepped on the horse and gave chase.

At this moment, his anger can only be appeased by killing Guo Jia.

Yu Fuluo is the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and now he is so enthusiastic about being provoked by Guo Jia's few words, he doesn't care about the overall situation.

"The whole army obeys orders and advances quickly. I must catch up with Guo Jia and tear him to pieces."

All the Huns responded in unison and chased after him.

Sure enough!
Guo Jia chuckled, turned his horse's head around immediately, and said, "Retreat according to the original plan!"

Then he lifted the rein, and the sitting horse rushed out with all four legs.


Guo Jia over there successfully attracted the wrath of the Huns, and Zhao Yun did the same here, successfully raiding Yuan Shao's vanguard.

Yuan Shao and the others were hurrying on their way, they never thought they would be handed over to someone head on.

Thousands of arrows from five hundred cavalry fell on their heads.

The coalition forces of Jizhou and Youzhou were immediately beaten and fled.

Where are the rats?

A general suddenly rode out and rushed out.

The trails of the Taihang Mountains are not suitable for large numbers of horses, but it is not impossible for an army of [-] to carry horses.

So Yuan Shao and the generals also had horses to ride on.

The person who rushed out was Yuan Shao's vanguard official Wen Chou.

As soon as the two met, they immediately recognized each other.

It's you!

The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other.

The two fought once in Jiumen County.

"You Yunzhou army is so courageous. You dare to attack the official army. We were ordered to go to Bingzhou to support the fight against the Xiongnu Bingzhou army."

Wen Chou said aggressively.

Zhao Yun didn't answer, but rode his horse and rushed over, fighting with Wen Chou.

After a while, Zhao Yun suddenly retreated.

Naturally, Wen Chou pursued him relentlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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