Chapter 29
The delicacies of mountains and seas, delicacies, silk, bamboo and orchestral beauty are wonderful.

This is the life of the rich.

Zhao Yun and Dian Wei were dumbfounded. One of them was at the bottom, and the other was at the level of a small landlord. They had never seen such a luxurious banquet.

Guo Jia was also amazed.

This is the true portrayal of the tyranny of the Northland.

Whether there is land or not, life is boundless, and Wubao is heavily guarded, just like local emperors.

It's a dance!
Su Ze clapped his hands, and the singers retreated slowly.

The old guy stood up and picked up the wine cup.

"The prefect is here, and there is nothing to entertain those in the backcountry. I hope the prefect will forgive me!"

"Old Su's words are serious! It should be the official who thanked you for the hospitality."

Guo Jia immediately stood up.

"I don't know that the prefect is here, what advice do you have?"

Su Ze put down his wine glass and asked with a smile.

The Su family is one of the most powerful in Zhongshan County, and the previous eunuchs would come to visit. Guo Jia came to visit, but Su was not surprised, but Su Shuang said that the eunuch had not yet assumed his new post, and the first stop was at the Su family. Su was a little surprised.

Because the most powerful person in Zhongshan County is Lu Nu Zhang's family, Guo Jia should be the first to visit Zhang's family if he wants to visit.

"To be honest, I came this time to give the Su family a fortune."

Great wealth!
Everyone was immediately attracted.

With the assets of the Su family, ordinary wealth is simply insignificant. If other people talk about great wealth, the Su family will definitely sneer at it.But these words came from the mouth of the prefect, so naturally it is not a trivial matter.

Su Ze's eyes narrowed immediately.

"Appreciate further details!"

The old man smiled unchanged.

Guo Jia smiled and said: "If I understand well, the Su family can't be regarded as the most powerful, and it can barely be regarded as the third in Zhongshan."

The Su family nodded.

Although they are very confident in their own power, they dare not claim to be the number one in Zhongshan, after all, there are Zhang family and Zhen family on top.

in case……

Guo Jia raised his voice.

"The Su family is willing to cooperate with me, so it won't take long for the Su family to become the most powerful in Zhongshan and even in the north!"

As soon as the voice fell, it immediately caused a commotion.

No. [-] power in the north?

It's a big pie.

How could they not be interested?

Su Ze's eyes narrowed again.

Although he was also very tempted by Guo Jia's proposal, he is an old man and knows that there is nothing good in the world.

"I don't know how Mr. Fu intends to cooperate with the Su family?"

Everyone immediately held their breath.

They also want to know this question.

Very simple!
Guo Jia smiled and said, "Do business in partnership!"

Partnering in business?
Everyone suddenly looked at each other in blank dismay.

The Su family was originally a businessman, and there were several large caravans. They came from south to north and made a lot of money every day, so they still need to cooperate with the government?
Su Shuang was also a little puzzled.

What kind of wealth is this?

Everyone who saw the Su family showed puzzled expressions, and Guo Jia showed a smile on his face.

"The Su family has a caravan, and they are no strangers to doing business. Traveling from south to north to buy low and sell high, although it can be regarded as making money, the business scale is too small and the cycle is too long. Once there are natural disasters and man-made disasters, bandits will still lose money. heavy."

He didn't say a word, and the people from the Su family nodded.

They agree with Guo Jia's evaluation.

in case……

Guo Jia raised his voice again.

"If I can build Zhongshan County into a border trade transfer station on the border, I think you won't be so hard."

Transfer station?
Everyone was stunned.

Do you need a transfer station for this business?

However, if Zhongshan County really becomes a transit point, then it will be much more convenient for them to do business.

"Your Majesty, do you mean to open a horse market here?"

Su Shuang on the side interjected.

The horse market is a way of border trade. The Han Dynasty opened bazaars on the border from time to time, and people from the two countries could go in and do business within the specified time.

Both parties set up cards to collect taxes, which is the horse market.

It is said that the Su family's horse team is mainly doing business in the horse market, so they are naturally much clearer about it.

But the problem is coming.

Zhongshan is not considered a border county, even if Guo Jia manages the horse market, there is no reason for people to come here to trade.

When doing business, location is the most important thing.

Guo Jia had already thought about this issue when he came, and he already had a draft.

"What if the official promises that all transactions in Zhongshan will not be taxed? And will they protect their safety?"

Guo Jia once again dropped a blockbuster.

The people of the Su family were stunned.

The reason why the imperial court is keen on the horse market is to collect taxes, which is an important income.

If Zhongshan County can really do not collect taxes as Guo Jia said, then the surrounding cavalry will definitely flock to it.

In this way, Zhongshan County will really become a transit point for the cavalry.


Su Shuang was puzzled again.

But what good does this do for Guo Jia?

He couldn't figure it out.

I can't figure it out, but if Guo Jia can really do it, Zhongshan may not be unable to become a transit point for the goods of the North and South cavalry.

This plan works!

Several core figures of the Su family nodded.

If Zhongshan can really become the largest transfer station in the north, then the Su family can naturally rise to the top by virtue of their own advantages, and it may not be impossible to become the number one wealthy family in the north in the long run.

"My lord!"

Su Ze also cupped his fists.

"There is a question that I don't quite understand. Please advise me! Why does Mr. Fu cooperate with our Su family instead of the Zhang family for such a good thing?"

This is what the Su family doesn't understand.

If Guo Jia can really build Zhongshan into a transit point for the circulation of goods from north to south, then even the Zhang family will bow to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Because, there won't be any Zhang family in the future!"

How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch.

Guo Jia is the prefect of Zhongshan County, and the Zhang family is the most powerful in Zhongshan. If Guo Jia wants to control Zhongshan County, he must first get rid of the Zhang family, not to mention the Zhang family has Zhang Chun, a rebel.

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

The new official took office three fires. Is the county sheriff going to take the Zhang family first?
Su Ze suddenly became thoughtful.

He suddenly understood the purpose of Guo Jia's trip.

The prefect was single and weak, and if he wanted to get rid of the Zhang family, he had to rely on the Su family's help.

If the Su family is willing to contribute, then the future development of Zhongshan County will definitely depend on the benefits of the Su family.

But if the Su family refused, then the Su family might be the ones who got rid of them.

Because since the prefect can visit them, he can also visit other big clans, so what he said may mean that there will be no Su family in the future.

The prefect drew a big cake for them, do the Su family want to eat it?

Several core members of the Su family couldn't help but look at each other.

This is really a huge gamble.

If the bet is won, the Su family may really become the most prominent family in the north. If the bet is lost, the Su family will be doomed.

To gamble or not to gamble?
The people of the Su family once again fell into a dilemma.

(End of this chapter)

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