Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 33 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 33 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Catch that shit prefect!

Zhang Cheng yelled and rushed up with people.

They are used to running rampant in Zhongshan County, with the backing of the Zhang family, even the eunuch doesn't look down on them.

The former prefect just couldn't stand this birdishness, so he resigned and returned home.

"Who dares to hurt my lord?"

"Who dares to hurt my lord?"

Two big men jumped out suddenly, one was holding a big axe, the other was holding a pair of halberds, they were Xu Huang and Dian Wei.They roared and rushed towards the rioters.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the county soldiers uttered screams.

Xu Huang and Dian Wei were like fierce tigers joining a herd, killing each other in an instant.

Both of them are famous generals in the world, and their martial arts are superb. How can these county soldiers be their opponents?
With a gust of wind, one hundred county soldiers had been killed and dispersed.

Broken limbs and broken knives were all over the ground, and blood flowed like rivers in the courtyard.

Xu Huang and Dian Wei were covered in blood, and the weapons in their hands were still waving to harvest the lives of the soldiers in the county.

The order they received was to kill without mercy, and they would not stop until Guo Jia issued a new order.

Zhang Cheng was petrified.

How could these two men be human, they were heavenly killers, especially the one who wielded the double halberds. At least 30 to [-] people died in her hands.

He is just a local hooligan, he became the leader of the county soldiers by hugging the Zhang family's thigh, and usually bullies the common people, where has he seen such a battle?


I don't know who yelled, Zhang Cheng turned his head and ran away, how dare he take another look?
Where to run!
Standing on the roof was Yu Jin. When he saw Zhang Cheng, he immediately bent his bow and set up an arrow, and shot Zhang Cheng with one arrow.

Zhang Cheng screamed and fell to the ground, unable to move.

Someone outside said viciously: "Brothers, they are just a few people, we have a lot of people, we will fight them!"

This time, in order to give Guo Jia a bad start, Zhang Cheng brought hundreds of soldiers from the county. Although they were caught off guard by Dian Wei and Xu Huang, they still had the upper hand.

Are there many people?
Guo Jia sneered and gestured to Yu Jin.The latter understood and immediately shot a loud arrow.

There was a trembling sound from the ground, and the soldiers of the county were stunned for a moment, and suddenly found a large number of cavalry on the street.


The first general with a white horse and a silver gun is Zhao Yun.

He was ordered to command [-] private soldiers from Su Zhen's family to camp outside. Hearing Guo Jia's call, he immediately led the cavalry to quell the rebellion.


The county soldiers were terrified at the moment.

They never expected that Guo Jia had been on guard for a long time and actually used cavalry.

Cavalry against infantry, commanded by a good general like Zhao Yun, slaughtered all these county soldiers in one meal.

At this time, the streets of Lunu were already bleeding like rivers.

After the cavalry passed, the infantry came up, and they quickly cleaned up the corpses and cleaned up the mess.

Soon, the whole street was tidy again, and even the prefect's mansion was cleaned up.

Zhao Yun was covered in blood, holding Zhang Cheng in his left hand and a spear in his right hand.

"My lord, the rebel army has been wiped out, and the leader has also been captured alive."

As he spoke, he threw Zhang Cheng on the ground.

"My lord, please forgive me, my lord, please forgive me!"

At this moment, Zhang Cheng was already pissing and shitting.

"Those who are in chaos will be killed!"

Guo Jia sneered, and slowly drew out his long sword.

Zhang Cheng's head flew up, and blood splashed several feet high.

Goo, goo, goo!

It was the sound of a person lying limp on the ground, and the officials of the prefect's mansion, big and small, were frightened out of their wits.

What about more than 500 county soldiers?

It was killed in the blink of an eye.

During the whole process, the prefect didn't even blink his eyes.

This man in front of him is no prefect, he is simply a murderer!

Especially that Gongcao Shi, who has fainted now.

How dare he offend this kind of prefect?
Really impatient to live.

Seeing that the officials looked at him with eyes full of fear, Guo Jia watched all this with satisfaction.

Violence is always the easiest and most effective way to deal with these old fritters.

"The county soldiers rebelled and attacked the government. They are rebellious and have been slaughtered by the government."

Guo Jiasi said slowly.

"Yes, yes, these county soldiers are bold and reckless, and they killed well!"

"In recent years, the county soldiers have been rampant and oppressed the good, and we dare not speak out. The prefect's action is to eliminate harm for the county!"

"The prefect is wise!"

Officials, big and small, immediately changed their positions and stood on Guo Jia's side with a clear-cut stand. Even Cao Shi, who pretended to be unconscious on the ground, praised Guo Jia greatly.

Is it okay not to appreciate it?
The human head on the earth is their example.

They don't want to fall into the fate of those county soldiers.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded with a smile.

He is well aware of the reactions of these fools.

The Sheriff's Mansion is a huge office. Although he brought a lot of people here, the efforts of these people are indispensable to make this machine work.

"Very good, since that's the case, I'll leave the aftermath to you. My lord is a little tired."

He said haha, turned around and walked into the inner courtyard.

After he left, a group of vicious generals also left.

All the officials breathed a sigh of relief as if they had been released again.

It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive!

Guo Jia rested, but they didn't dare to rest, so everyone used [-]% of their strength to work.

There is no need to urge at all.

The entire prefect's mansion is busy, and the work efficiency has improved rapidly.


Xu Shu, Xi Zhong and other civil officials looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

In all fairness, they still have some resistance to Guo Jia's killing method.

After all, these county soldiers are not all vicious and vicious. It is only necessary to kill the chief culprit, and there is no need to kill them all.

In order to establish his prestige, Guo Jia slaughtered all the county soldiers.

Although the method was somewhat bloody, Xu Shu and others had to admit that the effect of this method was very significant, and it could be called immediate.


Xu Shu suddenly asked: "What do you think of Fu Jun's move?"

Xi Zhong smiled slightly, but said nothing.

He didn't think there was anything wrong.

If it was him, maybe he did more than this.

Cheng Yu who was on the side suddenly said: "I think Mr. Fu Jun should be decisive, and he has the demeanor of doing great things."

Not bad!

Man Chong also nodded: "This is the master we want to vote for. Foresight is definitely not material for great things."

Filial piety first!

He turned his head and said, "What do you think?"

Filial piety is the character of Mao Jie.

Mao Jie is not good at words, and has always cherished words like gold.

Only one word was said at the moment.


A Shuangzi actually resonated with other people.

It has to be said that they are very satisfied with what the prefect has done.

"Everyone, since your lord has done a good job at the beginning, the next step is our business. Since we have decided to assist your lord and make an indelible contribution, we must not weaken the reputation of our humble children."

Xi Zhong Nianxu said.

High aspirations!

Everyone clasped their fists together.

Since taking office, Xi Zhicai has vaguely become the head of all scholars.

(End of this chapter)

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