Chapter 337 Undercurrent
Guo Jia suddenly remembered that the mysterious old Taoist Zuo Ci had come.

It's been three years since I saw this old guy.

The bell also needs to be tied.

This dual cultivation method was passed down by Zuo Ci, and now it cured Guo Jia's stubborn illness, but took away his fertility.

Guo Jia really wanted to ask this old guy for clarification.


Zhang Ning felt a little ashamed on his face.

It is said that after having this child, her heart has long been tied to her son, and she never thought of Master.

Now being brought up by Guo Jia, I feel a little embarrassed.

Everything about her was bestowed by this master.

"Master, he is an old man who can't see his tail but see his head. I haven't heard from him for a long time."

Zhang Ning said in a low voice.

Guo Jia frowned.

For some reason, he always felt that this incident was a bit weird, and he was very wary of this old man.

There is no free lunch in the world.

This old guy is helping Guo Jia to treat illnesses and giving female apprentices, buy one get one free, and he also brought a big fat boy.

The two don't have any friendship, what is this old guy trying to do?
The more Guo Jia thought about it, the more wrong he became.

In the past, he always thought it was because of the aura of the protagonist, but now thinking about it, he was just being self-indulgent.

Is there a conspiracy?

If Zuo Ci did something to make him infertile, Zhang Ning's son would naturally become the only heir of the Guo family.

So if Guo Jia has any accidents, all of this is Guo Ye's.

For Zhang Ning's mother and son, Zuo Ci is the closest person to them, and when this old guy jumps out, Zhang Ning's mother and son will naturally obey this mentor.

At that time, this old man will be able to take it all away without any effort.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia's eyes suddenly narrowed.

However, when he saw Zhang Ning's clear eyes, this idea was immediately shaken.

Although Zhang Ning is the saint of Taiping Dao, she doesn't have much scheming. If she really has this plan, she will definitely not be so calm.

Guo Jia took a deep breath.

I wish I thought about it too much!
"Since this is the case, then promise Ye'er and hold a grand banquet for him."

Guo Jia said without thinking.

"Thank you, husband, thank you, husband!"

Zhang Ning smiled.

Her husband dotes on her son, so she, a mother, is naturally happy too.

"Oh, it's really affectionate!"

A discordant voice appeared, it was the independent Cai Yu.

I haven't seen her for a while, but this girl is still the same, and she doesn't leave any room for her words.

When Guo Jia got married, she refused to enter Guo Jia's backyard desperately, and put a dagger on her neck when she was forced.

In the end, Guo Jia had no choice but to continue to let her be in charge of the intelligence department, and the two of them could only become a pair of wild mandarin ducks without a name.

Although she is not in Guo Jia's harem, this girl is also very concerned about her sister's affairs, so she naturally doesn't like Zhang Ning who has stolen her sister's favor.

"Second miss!"

Zhang Ning blushed, blessed, and retreated.

As the only woman who gave birth to a son for Guo Jia, Zhang Ning has long been used to all kinds of cynicism.

Cai Yan is benevolent, although he didn't say anything, but other people may not have such a good cultivation.

For the sake of his son, Zhang Ning also supported it.


Guo Jia smiled wryly and said, "What's the matter, who dared you to provoke you, and spoke so vitriolicly?"


Cai Yu snorted, rolled her eyes, and said resentfully, "Of course you provoked me. Miss Ben is very upset when she sees a chicken that can't lay eggs!"

A chicken that can't lay eggs?

Guo Jia immediately sprayed it out.

Unexpectedly, one day, he would be ridiculed as a chicken that cannot lay eggs.


Guo Jia was a little annoyed.

"You can't say that. If I'm a chicken that doesn't lay eggs, how did Guo Ye get here?"

Cai Yu immediately stopped talking.

This is indeed a flaw.

If they can't do it, how can Zhang Ning do it?
Men don't like to be told no, and so do women.

"Hmph, maybe whose egg is it?"

The girl said resentfully.

Even so, Guo Ye's boy was carved out of the same mold as Guo Jia. You don't need to look to know that they are father and son.

In fact, she was in a hurry and had no choice but to do this.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia has no intention of arguing about this matter.

"Girl, tell me, what news do you bring this time?"

Cai Yu became the intelligence leader, controlled all the intelligence in Yunzhou, and was Guo Jia's right-hand man.

"The Guanhu uprising in Lingling was defeated by Sun Jian, the prefect of Changsha. Sun Jian was granted the Marquis of Wucheng because of his official duties."

Hearing Guo Jia's serious words, Cai Yu also took out a scroll and said softly.

Sun Jian!

Hearing this name, Guo Jia showed a smile on his face.

This is the founder of Soochow.

Unexpectedly, it also started to emerge.

What Guo Jia didn't expect was that this Sun Jian was also the henchman of Shi Chang Shi, in other words, he was also promoted by bribing Shi Chang Shi.

"The imperial court accepted Liu Yan's memorial and changed the prefectural governor to the state shepherd, Liu Yan to the Yizhou shepherd, Liu Yu to the Youzhou shepherd, and Huang Wan, the imperial servant, to the Yuzhou shepherd."

Guo Jia waved his hand.

He already knew about this kind of thing.

Although the Yellow Turban Rebellion was the trigger for the decline of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was Liu Yan's memoir that really made the Eastern Han Dynasty lose control of the region.

Changing the governor to the state shepherd gave the locality the right to be independent, rich and powerful, and from then on, the local government had no taboo against the central government.

Cai Yu sneered.

"This Liu Yan is probably the chief culprit in the chaos!"

Not also!

Guo Jia waved his hand!

"Liu Yan is just a pawn, the real culprit is someone else."

Cai Yu frowned slightly, and looked at Guo Jia with some puzzlement.

The latter smiled lightly and explained: "Do you still remember the magic stick Xiangkai you met in Jizhou back then? This person is in Yunzhou now."


Cai Yu immediately remembered.

That is the magic stick to persuade Guo Jia to rebel.

At the beginning, Guo Jia seemed to want to cooperate with the organization behind him?
Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded.

"Liu Yan's letter was also instigated by someone. This person is called Dong Fu. Like Xiang Kai, he is from the same organization. If he hadn't told Liu Yan that Yizhou has the spirit of emperor, Liu Yan would not have written to ask Yizhou Mushou Not only him, the former Yan Zhong is also a member of this organization."

Cai Yu couldn't help being surprised.

"They are going to cause chaos in the world!"

Going around to persuade people with real power to rebel, and it's still an organization?
Who are these people?

Cai Yu was a little messed up.

"They are exactly the yin and yang system."

Guo Jia said slowly.

Yin and Yang!
Cai Yu's heart shuddered, and her eyes revealed an incredulous look.

The yin and yang family originated from the yin and yang family in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, and the founder was Zou Yan, who was married to Qi.It was only later that Emperor Qinshihuang burned books and killed Confucianism in the early Han Dynasty. Huang Lao did nothing to rule the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deposed a hundred schools of thought to respect Confucianism. In addition to the continuation of the three schools of Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism, some other schools have all disappeared.

Yin Yang family is also one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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