Chapter 368
He Jin was shocked, and the wine bar in his hand fell to the ground!

Not long ago, he received the news that Bingzhou Army Wen County was defeated.

The Bingzhou Army and the Yunzhou Army met Wen County, the [-] Bingzhou Army attacked the [-] Yunzhou Army, but they were defeated, and Ding Yuan also died tragically at the hands of his own people.

In this way, the reinforcement of the Bingzhou Army is finished.

"Ding Yuan, you idiot!"

He Jin said angrily: "[-] against [-], the whole army is still wiped out. What the hell, this...this is just...he..."

He is a little incoherent!

In other words, since ascending to a high position, this general has also put away his butcher's style, and learned from Zhou Gong Wang Mang to be courteous and corporal, and his export must also cater to those scholars.

It's a pity that the one who kills the pig is the one who kills the pig. No matter how it is packaged, it still reveals the nature of Dou Sheng Xiaomin.

After learning that the Bingzhou Army was over, the general couldn't help but began to swear.

Yuan Kai on the side frowned, as if he was very resistant to He Jin's swearing.

The reason why a large family can become a large family is because of the accumulation of several generations for hundreds of years.

A person like He Jin is basically an upstart in the officialdom.

Generally speaking, nouveau riche are not welcome.

So Yuan Kai also looked down on people like He Jin.

But if you don't like it, you don't like it. Now the two sides must help each other. If He Jin falls, he and Yuan Kai will have a hard time.


Yuan Kui said in a low voice: "Ding Yuan is finished, and the only foreign aid left is Dong Zhuo's troops. In order to prevent Guo Jia from entering the capital, let's hurry up and let Dong Zhuo enter the border!"

Although He Jin summoned Ding Yuan Dong Zhuo to Beijing, he kept him stationed outside Luoyang.

Although he has repeatedly made foolish moves, he still has this common sense of defense.

But now that Ding Yuan has been defeated, and Guo Jia is about to enter Beijing, He Jin urgently needs a strong foreign aid to check and balance Guo Jia.

"Immediately order the Tongguan guards to let Dong Zhuo into Beijing!"

He Jin hurriedly ordered.

During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, He Jin was the General, in charge of the Imperial Army Guard Xu Jingshi, and the guards at the eight checkpoints around Luoyang were under He Jin's management.

He also took this opportunity to replace his own people.

The Tongguan guard is one of them, and he naturally obeys He Jin's orders.

very good!

Hearing this, there was an imperceptible sneer on the corner of Yuan Kai's mouth.


He Jin suddenly remembered something, and hurried to the map.

"Mengjin is in the southwest of Wen County, and the guard of Mengjin is a member of the ten permanent servants. Come here and order Lieutenant Bao Hong to lead five hundred cavalry to Mengjin overnight, capture Mengjin's guards, and prevent Guo Jia from entering the capital."

On the one hand, Dong Zhuo was urgently summoned to Beijing, and on the other hand, Guo Jia was prevented from entering Beijing. He Jin also made two-handed preparations.

Yuan Kai said with relief: "Dong Zhuo has [-] Xiliang soldiers who are brave and capable of fighting, and Bao Hong is a steady man. He will definitely be able to prevent Guo Jia from entering Beijing."

After hearing Yuan Kai's words, He Jin made up his mind.

In fact, he is not worried about things outside, but what he is worried about at the moment is inside the palace.

Emperor Ling of Han has not shown his face for several days, Weiyang Palace has been completely sealed off, and the leader of the team is General Wei Dong Zhong, nephew of the current Empress Dowager.

Dong Zhong controlled the southern army and was responsible for guarding the palace.

The ten permanent attendants said to the outside world that the emperor wanted to practice in seclusion and not see outsiders, and they would convey all important events.

He Jin wanted to force his way into the palace

Even when Empress He went to Weiyang Palace in person, she was blocked by Empress Dowager Dong.

Not only that, He Jin, Yuan Wei and all the officials jointly wrote a letter requesting the establishment of the prince to be the prince, but there was no news of it.

For this reason, He Jin has always been worried.

We must find a way to make the emperor appoint the prince as the prince!
He Jin made up his mind.

Prince Bian is his nephew, whether he can succeed to the throne is directly related to the future prosperity and wealth of the He family.

At such a time, He Jin would naturally not tolerate accidents happening.


Weiyang Palace!
"Report, report!"

A little eunuch ran in in a panic.

"Father, father, great joy, great joy!"

The little eunuch said out of breath.

Seeing his subordinates being so reckless, Zhang Rang was very upset.

"If you have something to say, what's the proper way to panic?"

During this period, the emperor's condition deteriorated, and the ten permanent attendants blocked the news.

But facing the accusations of the ministers and He Jin's imminent move, Shi Changshi was also worried and extremely nervous.

Little things can touch their tight nerves.

Yes Yes Yes!
The little eunuch was taken aback, then let out a few breaths, and immediately said: "I just got the news that Guo Jia's Yunzhou Army was intercepted by Ding Yuan's Bingzhou Army in Wen County, but the Bingzhou Army showed great power and sent The Bingzhou army was defeated. The Bingzhou army was defeated, and Ding Yuan also died at the hands of his adopted son Lu Bu."

Bingzhou Army lost, Yunzhou Army won!
Everyone heard these two key words accurately.

I was stunned for a while!

The eunuchs in the room cheered in unison.

Zhang Rang was also a little excited.

Guo Jia really lived up to his expectations.

Ding Yuan was He Jin's dogleg with a gold medal, and he was probably instructed by He Jin to intercept the Bingzhou Army in Wen County.After entering the capital and annexing the state army, He Jin once again lost a powerful bargaining chip.

it is good!
Zhao Zhong patted his thigh.

"The Yunzhou Army really deserves its reputation, so our chances of winning will be greater!"

During this period of time, Emperor Hanling's health was deteriorating, and the ten permanent attendants blocked the news, and joined forces with Queen Mother Dong to conspire to make the prince Xie the crown prince.

Everything was ready, and Emperor Han Ling's last move was also written. As soon as Emperor Han Ling died, he would immediately announce it to the world and support the prince Xie as the emperor.

But Prince Bian's uncle, He Jin, the great general of the dynasty, holds a large army and controls most of the troops around Luoyang, and all the officials are on He Jin's side.

If the elders are abandoned and the younger ones are replaced, He Jin will definitely be angered.

It is also because of this reason that the ten permanent servants did not move for a long time.

General Wei Dong Zhong's subordinate Southern Army may not be the opponent of He Jin's army.

But now it's different, Guo Jia, whom Shi Changshi has been looking forward to, has finally arrived.

The Yunzhou army is brave and good at fighting. Once they enter the capital, they will be the biggest backing of the ten permanent servants. They will not be afraid of He Jin at all.

"It's not too late, I'll go to meet the Queen Mother immediately."

Zhang Rang suppressed his joy and said in a low voice.

Empress Dowager Dong has always disliked the He Jin brothers and sisters, and has always been partial to the Prince's Association in the matter of establishing the crown prince. Now the Han Ling Emperor is going from bad to worse. Prince.

The biological mother of the Prince Xie was a beauty who had been poisoned by Empress He. She was lonely and helpless since she was a child, and was raised by Empress Dowager Dong.

If he becomes the emperor, he will naturally rely heavily on the Empress Dowager Dong and Shi Changshi.

Shi Changshi and Dong's family naturally also get what they need.

Zhao Zhong responded and followed Zhang Rang to the residence of Empress Dowager Dong.

(End of this chapter)

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