Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 380 Killing Pig's Magnificent Turn

Chapter 380 Killing Pig's Magnificent Turn
Hearing the ping pong pong of Jiade Hall, Yuan Shu outside the Jiade Gate showed a sneer in his heart.

He Jin is finished!
Nearly a hundred eunuchs were ambushed in the long corridor of the Jiade Palace. Although they were all missing something, they could kill He Jin with their lives.

Yuan Kui had already reached an agreement with Shi Changshi according to the dispatch.

The two sides jointly deal with He Jin.

Yuan Shu himself was a trap, deliberately leading He Jin into the encirclement of the ten servants.

"Hu Ben Zhonglang General Yuan Shu is here, please get in the car!"

Yuan Shu shouted loudly.

Even though the Yuan family has bullied He Jin, Yuan Shu can't show it, he still has to put on a show.

General, please get in the car!

The soldiers under his command didn't know why, so they also shouted.

While shouting, Yuan Shu gave a confidant a wink.

The confidant recalled that he led a few loud men and shouted loudly: "The ten permanent servants murdered the general, and the ten permanent servants murdered the general!"

While running, while shouting.

Soon the whole palace knew about it.

The ten servants murdered the general!

The guards of Weiyang Palace were also alarmed.

When Dong Zhong heard this, he looked at Yuan Kai in surprise.

"Teacher, how is this agreeable?"

According to the conspiracy of the two, the ten permanent servants executed He Jin in the Jiade Palace, and the two joined forces to kill the ten permanent servants.

At that time, after the chaos is quelled, one will succeed the general and the other will become the head of the important ministers.

Dong Zhong was already ready.

The guards of the palace also changed many of their confidants.

Unexpectedly, the news came out.

Besides Yuan Shu, who else could there be?
But why did Yuan Shu pass on the news? This would definitely startle the snake, and make Shi Changshi ready.

Dong Zhong was at a loss for a moment.

Yuan Kai suddenly winked at Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao understood, and cut Dong Zhong down with his sword.

Poor Dong Zhong was unprepared, and his head was cut off immediately.

Yuan Shao wiped the blood from his face, and immediately said sharply: "The Shichang Attendant Dong Zhong murdered the General in order to rebel. The soldiers of the Northern Army followed me and washed the palace with blood to avenge the General!"

As he spoke, he took the lead and rushed into Weiyang Palace.

He Jin was very kind to the soldiers. Hearing that He Jin was killed, the generals of the northern army were all jealous, regardless of whether it was true or not, and followed Yuan Shao into the palace.

As soon as Dong Zhong died, the southern army was leaderless, and they were defeated and scattered by the northern army.

Yuan Kai also drew his sword and shouted.

"Today I will avenge the General!"

As he said that, he rushed into the palace with a team of people, but his purpose was not to hunt down and kill the ten servants, but the two princes.

First kill He Jin with the ten servants, and then use thunder to defeat the ten servants and Dong Zhong.As for the chariot and cavalry general He Miao, Wu Kuang had already been beheaded by Yuan Kui.

In this way, the Guards fell into the hands of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu's two nephews.

As long as the two princes are eliminated while taking advantage of the chaos, Yuan Kai can justifiably lead the officials as Taifu and establish a new king.

The new king is just a puppet, and the power will naturally fall into the hands of Yuan Kai, so that the Yuan family will once again have power.


In the Jiade Hall, He Jin's hair was disheveled, but the long sword in his hand was flying up and down, and a dozen eunuchs fell beside him.

"Traitor, you are hiding too deeply."

Jian Shuo was surprised and angry.

He never expected that He Jin was actually a master, and his sword skills were not weak.

He Jin laughed a few times, and said, "Do you think the general will be defenseless when he enters the palace alone?"

As he spoke, he tore off the court clothes, revealing a golden armor inside.

It turned out that he had concealed his armor long ago, coupled with his sharp swordsmanship, he actually killed many of his subordinates.

Surround it, surround it!
Jian Shuo yelled and directed his subordinates to rush forward.

He already has some regrets.

Regretted that he personally dealt with He Jin.

He thought a pig butcher would be easy to deal with, but he didn't expect this pig butcher to be a master.


He Jin sneered, he was protected by armor, so he didn't care about the attack from the neck at all, and the long sword in his hand killed these eunuchs with all his strength.

All the eunuchs screamed and were defeated by He Jin immediately.

After all, they were eunuchs, not as bloody as men. When they saw He Jin being so brave, they panicked immediately, and many of them turned around and ran away.

do not run!
Jian Shuo shouted in panic.

If these people all run away, the big event will be over.

At this moment, a long sword suddenly pierced over without a sound.

With a puff, it pierced through Jian Shuo's back and came out from his chest.


Jian Shuo looked down at the blood on the tip of the sword, then let out a loud cry and stabbed He Jin's right chest with his sword. The sword pierced He Jin's golden armor very quickly.

But the golden armor was made by skillful craftsmen from the Western Regions, it was very strong, even if Jian Shuo stabbed it with all his strength, it could only penetrate a little bit.

This sword was Jian Shuo's dying counterattack. After the sword was released, he died immediately.

It never occurred to him that he would not be able to defeat He Jin in the end.


He Jin drew out his long sword, let out a bah, and covered his right chest.

Although it missed the point, it still stabbed him.

But he also succeeded in killing the eunuchs who were in ambush.

clap clap clap!
There was a burst of applause, and Zhang Rang's tall and thin figure appeared in front of He Jin.

"I really didn't expect that a pig butcher can also have great swordsmanship. He Jin, I, Zhang Rang, really underestimated you."


He Jin sneered.

He was about to find Zhang Rang, but unexpectedly, this person came to his door.

When he ascended to the position of general, he felt guilty. How could he not feel guilty when a pig butcher ascended to the position of general.

In addition to learning literature and martial arts, He Jin also hired a famous swordsmanship teacher to secretly practice a good swordsmanship.

I didn't expect it to come in handy today!

"Stop talking nonsense, take your life!"

He Jin walked a few steps quickly as he spoke, and stabbed Zhang Rang with the long sword in his hand.

Zhang Rang just smiled faintly, and stretched out the sword in his sleeve.

With a clanging sound, He Jin's long sword was swung away.


He Jin took a few steps back, touching the wound, grinning with toothache in pain.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

After one move, he immediately realized that he had underestimated Zhang Rang too. This eunuch's swordsmanship was extremely high, and his strength seemed to be even higher than him.

Ha ha!

Zhang Rang smiled sinisterly.

"He Jin, the old man will let you see the untold secret of Heishui today—the sword in the sleeve!"

Talking about fluttering long sleeves, he attacked He Jin.

As soon as the black water came out, the sky was turned upside down!
With He Jin's honorable status, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart when he heard this name.

Where there is black water, there are wars.

This black water has always been synonymous with death.

Once caught by them, even high-ranking officials could not escape death.

"So you are from Heishui!"

He Jin gritted his teeth.

Zhang Rang Yin Cece smiled, and said, "Yes, but it's a little late for you to know. When the black water comes out, the world will be turned upside down. He Jin, you are lonely on the road to Huangquan, so you and Jian Shuo can be your companions!"

As he said that, he rushed towards He Jin like a ghost!

(End of this chapter)

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