Chapter 399 Taiyuan Wang Yun
Outside the city, the tents of the ministers.

Yuan Kai sat in the middle.

Now he is the Taifu, above the Sangong, and has become the principal.

Under him, Yuan Shao and other cronies sat, and on the other side sat Huangfusong, Zhu Jun, and Lu Zhi, and the two sides were clearly separated.

"Guo Jia has left us here for a day, what do you guys think?"

Yuan Kui spoke first.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

What can they think?
Originally, Yuan Kai was able to monopolize the government, but suddenly three Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun jumped out to sing the opposite.If it's just the three of them, that's all. Behind him is Dong Zhuo, a heavyweight prince. Tens of thousands of Xiliang troops are stationed outside Luoyang City. Even the powerful Yuan family dare not underestimate them.

In this way, it becomes two heroes side by side.

Yuan Kui was inclined to establish a new emperor, and Huang Fusong and others insisted on bringing Liu Xie back to succeed him.

In fact, it is not a compromise. Even if Liu Xie comes back, Yuan Kai will still be able to monopolize the government. Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi and others are not Yuan Kai's opponents at all on the political battlefield.

But what both parties did not expect was that Guo Jialai suddenly appeared on the way. He held the Queen Mother Dong and Liu Xie tightly in his hands, and it seemed that he would not let go easily.

Two heroes standing side by side will eventually become the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Whether it's Two Heroes Standing Together or The Romance of the Three Kingdoms has nothing to do with them, anyway, they are all soy sauce.

However, Guo Jia left them here, and everyone felt somewhat resentful.


Yuan Shao stood up first.

"My nephew has already mobilized [-] northern troops and [-] local troops, carrying a large amount of siege equipment. If Guo Jia doesn't know what to do, we will break Mengjin and rescue the queen mother."

How can others sleep soundly on the side of the couch?

The Yuan family has been planning for so long, so naturally they will not give up the fruits of victory easily.

If you can't say it, you can only use your fists and feet to move the real chapter.

Anyway, in the end, it depends on strength to speak.

The general He Jin died, the chariot general He Miao died, and the Wei general Dong Zhong died. The military power coefficient of Luoyang fell into the hands of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu.

Not only that, Yuan Shao also inherited the title of Captain Xiyuan and became the leader of several other captains.

In addition, Wang Kuang of Mount Tai and Qiao Mao, the prefect of Dongjun, who originally belonged to He Jin, also belonged to Yuan Shao.

As a result, Yuan Shao's strength was unprecedentedly strong, and he didn't pay much attention to the Mengjin Pass with only 3 people.


Hearing Yuan Shao's speech, Lu Zhi stood up again.

"At this moment, the Queen Mother and His Highness are in the Yunzhou military camp, what if they accidentally hurt them?"

He was well aware of the Yuan family's conspiracy, so he resolutely opposed it.

Not bad!

Zhu Jun also nodded and said, "The king is the king, and the minister is the minister. What is the difference between attacking Mengjin and rebelling?"

The two are staunch supporters, so they naturally have to confront the Yuan family.

Yuan Shao said angrily: "A country cannot be without a king for a day. Guo Jia is obviously using the Queen Mother and the prince Liu Xie as threats to plot against him. He won't let us meet for a day, we can wait for a day, if he won't let us meet for a year , do we have to wait for a year? What about the imperial court and all the officials?"

Not bad!

The courtiers who supported the Yuan family catered one after another.


Lu Zhi said nothing.

He didn't know Guo Jia well, and he didn't know what this person was going to do?
In case this person has any ulterior motives and comes to coerce the emperor to make the princes, things will become more complicated.

"Guo Jia will definitely send His Highness and the Queen Mother back to the palace!"

Huangfusong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Huangfusong has been dealing with Guo Jia, and he knows this young man quite well.

Yunzhou has strong soldiers, strong horses, strong horses and rich horses, which can rival the country. If Guo Jia rebelled, he would have rebelled long ago, and he couldn't wait until now.

In addition, if Guo Jia had the intention to coerce the emperor to order the princes, he would have brought the queen mother and Liu Xie back to Yunzhou long ago, and would never confront Meng Jin with the officials again.

Although he didn't know what Guo Jia was going to do, Huang Fusong still believed that Guo Jia would not rebel, and naturally he would not embarrass Empress Dowager Dong and Liu Xie if he would not rebel.

is it?

Yuan Shao sneered and said, "It seems that Zuo Cheqi knows Guo Jia very well!"

How could Huangfusong fail to hear this sentence with a gun and a stick.

dare not!

Huangfusong just smiled lightly.

"Guo Jia is a person, although the old man is not very clear. But the combat effectiveness of the Yunzhou Army is obvious to all. The Huns are powerful, but they are not subdued by the Yunzhou Army. By the way, the combat effectiveness of the Yunzhou Army, Yuan Xiaowei It should be clearer. Of all of you present, only Colonel Yuan has fought against the Yunzhou Army, how about Captain Yuan to talk about how the Yunzhou Army is doing?"

People are getting old!
Huangfusong changed the subject and uncovered Yuan Shao's scar.

What he meant was, don't think that you can start a fight with the Yunzhou army by recruiting some mobs. If you really fight, you may not be their opponent.

At the beginning, Yuan Shao was beaten up by Guo Jia. Although this matter was suppressed by Yuan Kai, it became a laughing stock in the army.


Yuan Shao opened his round eyes angrily, but couldn't speak.

His defeat at the hands of Guo Jia was a stain on his life.

"Left chariot, Captain Yuan, stop arguing."

At this time another scribe stood up, it was Henan Yin Wangyun.

Although Henan Yin is the same as the county guard in terms of rank, he has jurisdiction over the surrounding areas of the capital and has great power.

In addition, Wang Yun belonged to the neutral faction in the court, neither the Yuan family's camp nor the royalist faction.

Therefore, in the court, Wang Yun's words still have some weight.

He said slowly: "Let's think about how to stabilize the government as soon as possible."

Hearing what Wang Yun said, everyone fell silent immediately.

There have been turmoil for a few days now, and the government has been in a state of desertion. If this continues, the entire court may collapse.

"Zigan said so!"

Wang Yun's words were supported by some neutral ministers.

Since the matter of the emperor's succession cannot be resolved for a while, it is best to solve the problem of government affairs first.

Yuan Kai's eyelids twitched, and he said with a half-smile: "I don't know if Wang Lingyin has a good opinion?"

Wang Yun jumped out to mention such a sentence at this time, which caught Yuan Wei by surprise.

He had some doubts about Wang Yun's purpose.

"Yun thought that first set up a temporary palace nearby, Yi Taifu, Situ in charge of political affairs, Yi Taiwei left chariot and former general in charge of military affairs, let the government run for the time being."

Wang Yun said lightly.

Yuan Kai's eyes suddenly narrowed.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Sangong basically became a false title, just a reputation, and political affairs were all in the hands of Santai, among which Shangshutai was the most important.

Yuan Kui, as the Taifu, also served as the Minister of the Book, can be said to be the head of the officials.

As soon as this Wang Yun came up, he proposed that Taifu and the three princesses should be governed, and it would be fine to divide Yuan Wei's rights, but he actually wanted Dong Zhuo, an outsider, to lead the army?

Is this Wang Yun going to make such a fuss?

(End of this chapter)

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