Chapter 4 Dian Wei
At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the front hall!

"Someone's fighting, someone's fighting!"

"This girl is really pitiful. She is going out to sing and make money at such a young age."

"The waiter in this shop is not a thing. When he sees the beauty of the girl, he comes over to make a move."

"Fortunately, the strong man stopped drinking."

"Fight well, if you treat this kind of person, you must fight!"

In front of the wine shop, there was a circle of people, all of whom came to watch the excitement.

A burly man in the middle grabbed a shop waiter and said viciously: "If you bully the poor again, a certain family will tear your bones apart."

As he spoke, he picked up the shop waiter with one hand.

What a lot of strength!
Everyone applauded in unison.

The waiter in the shop is not considered thin, the big guy can lift it up with one hand, his arm strength is naturally extraordinary.

Guo Jia and the others couldn't sit still any longer, they came out to watch the fun, but he only glanced at it, and a burst of ecstasy immediately flashed in his heart.

Because he saw the double halberds on the back of the big man.

The big man threw Xiao Er on the ground and let out a bah.Then came to the crying little girl.

"Girl, are you okay!"

The little girl is about fourteen or fifteen years old, but she just hangs her head and weeps, unable to see her face clearly.

"Get out of the way, out of the way, out of the way!"

After a while, the waiter with a bruised nose and a swollen face led a team of officials over.

"Officer, he is the one who committed murder and beat people here."

He pointed to the big man and said.

It turned out that this guy was a little upset after being beaten, but he was not the opponent of the big man, so he ran to the street to attract a team of officials.

"Who are you, in broad daylight, dare to beat people at the feet of the emperor? Follow me from left to right."

The leader of the official messenger obviously knew Xiao Er from the shop, and he wanted to arrest the big man viciously with the chains.

The big man's face changed, and he said angrily: "What kind of law has this family violated, you will arrest people if you don't ask the indiscriminate ones."

Then he stretched out his hand and just pushed it, and several officials surrounded him couldn't stand still and immediately fell to the ground.

"Boldly making trouble for the people, dare to attack the officials?"

The leading official stared wide-eyed, and then pulled out his waist knife.

The big man snorted, and slowly stretched his hands behind his back.

He has a case in hand, so naturally he can't let these people catch him back, he might have to kill a bloody road.

"Do you still dare to arrest with weapons?"

The official was even more angry: "Brothers, go and call someone, I don't believe it, and you, a foreigner, can't be cured?"

The big man had already grasped the iron halberd with both hands, seeing that a bloody battle was inevitable.


At this moment, Guo Jia left the crowd and slowly came to the field.

Seeing Guo Jia's gorgeous clothes and imposing manner, everyone immediately showed a look of awe.

In the Han Dynasty, the square was the square, the city was the city, and the two sides were separated. The dignitaries and some people with status lived in the square, and ordinary people lived in the market, so it is also called the market.

"what happened?"

Guo Jia asked lightly.

Seeing Guo Jia coming, the officials restrained their arrogance.It's okay for them to bully ordinary people, but they can't afford to provoke high-ranking officials.

"Is such that……"

The people on the side slowly explained the reason.

It turned out that when the big man went to drink in the shop, he happened to see the waiter in the shop touching a girl who was singing, making more than a few noises.

Unexpectedly, the waiter in the shop heard that the big man had a foreign accent, and suddenly became a little arrogant, scolding him for meddling in his own business.

The big man was annoyed, so he almost beat up the guy.

This guy called the official messenger who came to inspect, and the next thing happened.

After hearing the whole story, Guo Jia sneered and said, "So that's it!"

His eyes fell on Xiao Er's body, and his voice gradually turned cold: "I am the new prefect of Zhongshan County. Originally, this matter was out of my control. But since it happened, I can't let it go easily. Xiao Er, you molested a good family Women, what should I do?"

The shop clerk fell to his knees with a plop, he never dreamed that he would run into a high official.

In his eyes, the official post is considered heaven.

"Forgive me, forgive me!"

At this moment, he kowtows like garlic!
The sheriff is a very powerful official, how can he be provoked by a poor man?

Seeing that Guo Jia had intervened, the officials were submissive for a while, and brought the waiter back to the county government office for disposal.

As for the others, they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"Thank you, Mr. Fu!"

The girl sighed slowly, and said in a sobbing voice.

Guo Jia glanced at her in surprise. He has always been attracted by the big man and ignored the real master who caused the conflict.

But seeing this woman's eyebrows are like crescent moons, eyes like morning stars, although she is not very old, she reveals a kind of coquettish attitude that looks down on all living beings.

And the Fujun she mentioned just now proved that this woman should have studied.Only those who have read the book know how to call the county magistrate Fujun.

"What's your name, why are you singing here?"

The woman was blessed again, and lightly opened her red lips: "The little girl's surname is Ren, a native of the Northland, and she fled here from a disaster in her hometown. Her parents died of illness, and she has no relatives. It is really helpless to sing and sing. I hope the Lord will check it out."

Guo Jia nodded slowly, and his eyes once again fell on the big man beside him.

Seeing the pair of iron halberds, he basically confirmed the identity of the big man.

The person in front of him is the famous ancient evil Lai Dianwei.

You can't go wrong with this look.

It was really scary to see it at night.

At this time a fat merchant came out.

"Miss Ren, it's not easy to make a living here. Seeing that you are so pitiful, let me show you the way. I heard that Lord Wang Yunwang of Luoyang raises singers in his home. You can try your luck."

"Thank you uncle!"

The woman is also blessed.

The surname is Ren, the surname of Beidi, Wang Yun.

Guo Jia's mind suddenly flashed, and he almost cried out.

"Are you Diao Chan?"

he asked in surprise.


The woman froze for a moment and shook her head.

Guo Jia suddenly laughed and said, "Yes, yes, you are Diaochan, no, no, you should not be called Diaochan now."

The woman was confused by his words, she stared at Guo Jia with her wonderful eyes, and didn't know what to say.

Guo Jia doesn't care so much at the moment, he has already confirmed Diao Chan's identity.

When luck comes, it really can't be stopped.

"Girl, I still lack a servant girl by my side. I don't know if the girl is willing to give in. Of course, the salary is easy to talk about."

Guo Jia asked with a smile, like a big bad wolf tempting a little white rabbit.

It's really lucky to meet Diao Chan after walking down the street. These are the four great beauties later.

How could Guo Jia let it go so easily?

The woman did not expect happiness to come so suddenly.

Guo Jia's face is like a crown of jade, coupled with a harmless smile for humans and animals, it can indeed make a little loli fall in love.

Although she can be a singer in Wang Yun's house, but Wang Yun is already a bad old man, how can she compare to this young and handsome prefect?

"Little girl is willing!"

she said hastily.

It was the first time she felt dependent after wandering outside for so long.

"That's great. From now on, you'll be called Diao Chan."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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