Chapter 407 What kind of person
"Subordinate Wang Kuang!"

"Subordinate Qiaomao!"

"My subordinate Bao Xin!"

Greetings to Lord Zhonghou!

Yuan Shao's commander-in-chief, three generals in full armor appeared in front of Yuan Shao.

"The three came just in time!"

A smile appeared on Yuan Shao's face.

"Guo Jia's rebels threatened the Queen Mother and His Highness with evil intentions. Now that the Yunzhou Army has occupied the city, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. This general is at a loss what to do."

Don't worry Zhonghou!

A general stood up, it was Wang Kuang.

"This time, I will go to Hanoi and bring back [-] crossbowmen and catapults to help out. A mere Mengjin is nothing to worry about!"

Wang Kuang was originally He Jin's subordinate. During the Shichang Shi Rebellion, he was ordered by He Jin to return to his hometown to recruit crossbowmen.

Wang Kuang is a good comrade. He faithfully carried out He Jin's mission and recruited five thousand crossbowmen.

But when he returned to Luoyang, He Jin was finished, and all his subordinates belonged to Yuan Shao.

Wang Kuang was at a loss at first, not knowing who to talk to.

At this time, Yuan Shao suddenly threw out an olive branch, and Wang Kuang also fell into Yuan Shao's arms.

It is said that the two have a good relationship, and the Yuan family is the fourth generation and the third father, so it is also very good to follow him.

So Wang Kuang voted under Yuan Shao's command.

Others who have the same idea as him are Qiao Mao and Bao Xin.

Bao Xin was the captain of cavalry under He Jin's command, and he was also ordered to go to his hometown to recruit soldiers. When the recruitment was completed, he came back and saw that the boss was gone.

However, the new boss looked good, and Bao Xin was logically placed under Yuan Shao's command.

As for the bridge shell, it is a little special.

Bao Xin and Wang Kuang were originally He Jin's subordinates, and they were ordered to recruit soldiers when they went out.

But Qiao Mao was not, he was originally the prefect of Dongjun, not too far from Luoyang, he came to cheer on He Jin's order.

Unexpectedly, this prestige did not help, but instead killed the boss.

Fortunately, Yuan Shao didn't think that Qiao Mao was a disaster, instead he sincerely asked Qiao Mao for help.

Naturally, Qiao Mao would not refuse Yuan Shao's olive branch, so he took the county soldiers and joined Yuan Shao's army of rebels.

The three of them add up to [-] to [-] troops. In addition to Yuan Shao's soldiers transferred from around the capital, nearly [-] soldiers and horses have gathered around Mengjin.

With soldiers and horses in hand, Yuan Shao also had confidence in his heart.

"Everyone, now that traitors and sycophants are in power, we naturally cannot sit idly by. Tomorrow, please join me, Yuan Shao, in hunting for thieves. After the matter is completed, everyone will be rewarded!"

Yuan Shao is also a bit eloquent.

I haven't started doing it yet, so let me promise the benefits first.

"I used to serve the general!"

The three naturally agreed.

Many people bully few people, and justice eliminates evil. Where can such a good thing be found?
They are naturally very happy.

very good!

Yuan Shao nodded in satisfaction.

Guo Jia!

A cold light flashed across his eyes.

"This time, let's settle the old and new accounts together."



Seeing Huangfusong came back, Lu Zhi, Zhu Jun and others immediately stood up, and they also stayed up all night.

General Huangfu!

Wang Yun also stood up.

"I don't know what's going on?"

Huangfusong immediately explained what Guo Jia meant.

When they heard that Guo Jia planned to let Liu Xie succeed him in Mengjin, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"How does this make it?"

Lu Zhi was dissatisfied.

Although he is a literati, his temperament is as straightforward as Huangfu Song.

Confucianism values ​​etiquette the most, and the succession of the emperor naturally has its own etiquette. How can it be done in this wilderness?As a Confucian scholar, Lu Zhi was naturally dissatisfied.


Zhu Jun hesitated for a moment, then said: "It's not impossible, I'm afraid Yuan Wei won't agree."

He didn't have much thought.

Of course Yuan Kui would not agree!

Wang Yun on the side said, "If he succeeded here, it would be impossible for him to do anything. This Guo Jia is so powerful, he hit the vital point of the Yuan family right away."

The three people in the tent were all surprised.

"Appreciate further details!"

The three asked humbly.

In terms of war, they may be far better than Wang Yun, but when it comes to politics, the three together are no match for Wang Yun.

A look of admiration flashed across Wang Yun's face, and he explained sincerely: "At present, the prince Liu Xie has two difficulties when he goes back. One is whether he can succeed to the throne, and the other is who will assist the government. If it weren't for the insistence of the three, He has long been abolished by Yuan Kai, how can he succeed? Even if he can succeed, he is still young, and if someone else comes to assist the government, the vitality of the Dong family will be greatly damaged, and this will naturally fall into Yuan Kai's hands Come on, Yuan Wei may be in control of the power at that time. But..."

He paused, and said, "If Mengjin succeeds to the throne, these two problems will be easily solved."

The three are still a little puzzled.

"The first thing you said, I can understand. Once the prince succeeds to the throne, he will be a righteous emperor. Even if Yuan Kaiquan wants to abolish it, it will not be easy. But the second thing..."

Huangfu Song shook his head.

"No matter what, with the strength of the Yuan family, the government will eventually fall into their hands."

No, no!

Wang Yun shook his head and said: "After succeeding to the throne, it is natural that the ministers will be greatly rewarded. Now that the queen mother and the prince are under the protection of Guo Jia, how can they only reuse the Yuan family? I think this is the purpose of Guo Jia. Although he Promise not to enter Luoyang, but it still affects the development of the court."

That's it!

The three of them suddenly realized.

This Guo Jia doesn't want the Yuan family to dominate!

Wang Yun smiled and said: "However, this kind of development is still very beneficial to us, so why not do it? If this is the case, the Yuan family should be the ones who should be troubled."

Not bad!

Huangfu Song nodded.

If this is the case, the rights of the Yuan family will inevitably be further hit.

How could Guo Jia tolerate the Yuan family's dominance?
Besides, the queen mother and the prince are in the Yunzhou military camp, so there is no need to worry about the Yuan family's coercion and temptation.

it is good!
Lu Zhi was overjoyed.

"In that case, what are we waiting for?"

He wished that Liu Xie would succeed to the throne immediately, and then assign meritorious officials to weaken the strength of the Yuan family.

Shang Shu, don't worry!
Wang Yun smiled and said: "The next thing is the direct contest between Guo Jia and the Yuan family, so we don't need to worry about it. Let's prepare for His Highness' enthronement in Mengjin now!"

He is very optimistic about this Guo Jia.


Zhu Jun also smiled.

"The old man wants to see Yuan Wei's frantic expression!"

It is said that the three of them were demoted from Beijing at the beginning, and there was some reason for Yuan Wei in it. Now Yuan Wei is acting like he is monopolizing power, which makes them very dissatisfied.

If there is someone who can rule the Yuan family, they are naturally very happy.

The only one who can deflate Yuan Kai is this Guo Jia!
This young man is not simple!

Guo Jia!

A complicated look flashed in the hearts of the three of them!

What kind of person is this person?

(End of this chapter)

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