Chapter 413 Fighting Lu Bu

The iron halberd collided with the broadsword, and sparks burst out.

Both of them had numbness in their arms.

"It's you!"

Yan Liang soon recognized Dian Wei.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

Back then in Jizhou, it was this ugly ghost who defeated him.

"Ugly ghost, you came just in time. Is your grandfather looking for you?"

Yan Liang snorted, raised his sword, and attacked Dian Wei without thinking.

It is said that Yan Liang traveled across the Bohai Sea, except for his righteous brother Wen Chou, he has never met an opponent.

However, in the battle of Jizhou, he was defeated by an ugly man who used double halberds.Not only was it defeated, but it was also a disastrous defeat. The two thousand cavalry were all ruined.

But Yan Liang refused to accept it. When he was defeated by Dian Wei, it was because he had no intention of fighting, so Dian Wei beat the shit out of him.

Now that he is a battle general in front of the battle, Yan Liang will naturally not be timid.


Hearing these two words, Dian Wei ran away.

He hated these two words the most.

"You bastard, are you handsome? Bah, you're far worse than my fourth brother."

Dian Wei's twin halberds greeted them like a wind-blown cloud.

Frame the frame!
The two didn't pay attention to any moves at the moment, and simply competed for strength.

In terms of strength, in Yunzhou, Dian Wei claimed to be the second and no one dared to claim the first.

Even Xu Chu, a tiger idiot, is just as good as him.

But this Yan Liang is really different, he is not weaker than Dian Wei in terms of pure strength, and Yan Liang is more proficient in bow and horse, riding and fighting than Dian Wei.

The two of them met their opponents at this moment.

Here Dian Wei and Yan Liang fought real fire, and Wen Chou fought Zhao Yun to the death. Although Zhao Yun's spear skills have surpassed him, but his strength is limited. Once he meets a desperate opponent, the victory or defeat will become unpredictable immediately. stand up.

The four generals fought against each other, and the fight was so dark that everyone was dazzled.

This is the real battle!

This idea came into everyone's mind at the same time.

Zhou Cang on the side was sweating profusely!

He underestimated the heroes of the world a little bit. If this Yan Liangwen Chou came up, it would be easy and pleasant to abuse him.

Fortunately, those who played just now were just some idiots, otherwise the one lying dead must be Zhou Cang.


it is good!it is good!it is good!
Dong Zhuo was very excited.

One out is four.

How can he not be excited?
If he wins all four of them, is there anyone in the world who is the opponent of the Xiliang Army?

"Wen You, find a way, find a way to convince these four people, as long as they are willing to follow Dong Zhuo, they can ask for anything."

Dong Zhuo shouted excitedly.


Li Ru was a little dumbfounded.

What the Xiliang army can afford, the Yuan family can naturally afford, and Yunzhou is naturally rich and rivaling the country.

It may be difficult to convince these four fierce generals.

Not everyone is like Lu Bu.

Although they were all stirring the spoons in the same pot, Li Ru didn't have a good impression of Lu Bu, a guy who was a seller and wanted glory.

foster father!

Lu Bu was a little upset when he heard Dong Zhuo say that.

If he didn't show his skills, he might be underestimated. How could he hang around in Xiliang in the future?

"I'll let you see, baby, how majestic we are in Xiliang!"

As he spoke, he lifted the reins, and the red rabbit horse under his crotch rushed into the battle like a gust of wind.

In other words, the four of them were fighting each other in the arena, and Lu Bu was a little eager to see it.

Chituma deserved to be number one in the world, and rushed into the formation like a ray of red light under Lu Bu's urging.

Lu Bu!

Zhao Yun and Dian Wei immediately noticed Lu Bu's joining, and immediately became vigilant.

If anyone in the world made the two of them vigilant, it was only Lu Bu.

When they were in Wen County, the three had fought against each other before, and they knew Lu Bu's abilities very well.

"What are you dawdling about, you've completely lost the face of the coalition forces!"

Lu Bu sneered and rushed into the battle formation.

Brush brush!
Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand quickly stabbed at Zhao Yun and Dian Wei, and it turned out to be one against two.

Dian Wei and Zhao Yun both swung their weapons, followed by Lu Bu's move.


The two of them took a step back with their horses, and their arms went numb at the same time.

Zhao Yun and Dian Wei looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other's eyes.

In the battle of Wen County, the three of them fought against each other. Although they were not as good as Lu Bu, they were not far behind.

Now that Lu Bu has one against two, he still has the upper hand, which surprised them very much.


Once a person's martial arts has reached a certain level, it is very difficult to improve.

Lu Bu will definitely not make such a big improvement in a short period of time, he must have received other assistance.

Zhao Yun and Dian Wei immediately noticed the red rabbit horse under Lu Bu's crotch.

This horse is very handsome, its whole body is fiery red, and it doesn't even have a single hair.

God horse!

The two of them understood.

It turned out that the reason why Lu Bu became so strong was entirely because of the BMW under his crotch.

After forcing the two of them back with one move, Lu Bu was refreshed.

"Come on together!"

Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand was swept away by a gust of wind, wrapping Zhao Yun and Dian Wei in it.

Originally, there was not much difference in martial arts between the three of them, but Lu Bu was a bit overwhelmed by one against two.But Dian Wei was not good at riding and fighting, and Zhao Yun had been fighting Wen Chou for so long, his physical strength had already declined.

In addition, Lu Bu got the help of Chituma, and for a while it was like a god's help, and he actually had the upper hand with one enemy and two.


Everyone changed color.

Sure enough, it is Lu Bu among men and Chitu among horses!

The four generals fought in the dark, and as soon as Lu Bu came out, he overwhelmed the four of them and became the focus of the battlefield.

Lu Bu fought more and more courageously.

When he was in Wen County, he was stabbed by Zhao Yun, and he was deeply ashamed. Now that he had the opportunity, how could he let it go so easily?

Eight of the ten moves were aimed at Zhao Yun, and the rest were directed at Dian Wei. This man is not proficient in cavalry, and he can deal with it with only [-] to [-] percent of his energy.

Lu Bu had a good time playing, Yan Liangwen, who was beside him, was a little upset.

They played well, so why are you in the limelight.

A frontier general dared to take their lead.

"Kid Xiu Kuang, I, Yan Liang, are here too!"

Yan Liang brandished a broadsword and joined the battlefield again.

"Zhao Yun, we haven't decided the winner yet?"

Wen Chou bandaged the wound a little, and continued to rush over with a gun.

In this way, it becomes three-on-two.

The battlefield was originally narrow, but now that two people were inserted, Lu Bu felt a little bit bound.

"Get out, don't get in the way!"

Lu Bu said angrily.

"You are the one who got out. We were ordered by General Yuan to kill the enemy general. What are you doing here, a general from Xiliang?"

"Barbarians who don't know the rules, don't back down!"

Yan Liangwen Chou, you said everything you said.


Lu Bu was furious, and didn't care about dealing with Zhao Yun and Dian Wei, Fang Tian turned his halberd towards Yan Liangwen Choujuan.

Bastard, dare to attack us!
Yan Liang and Wen Chou were also angry, and the two of them raised their weapons simultaneously, and immediately started fighting with Lu Bu.

 Thanks to the book friend [Mojin Xiaowei] Huan Ling for the reward of ten thousand coins!

(End of this chapter)

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