Chapter 415 Entering the Palace
"How can this be good?"

Inside the Mengjin checkpoint!
Empress Dowager Dong hugged Liu Xie and whispered in her mouth.

"Queen Mother!"

Cai Yan who was on the side comforted her and said, "Don't worry, with Feng Xiao and the Yunzhou Army here, they will definitely protect you and His Majesty."

She has great confidence in Guo Jia and the Yunzhou Army.

"That's good, that's good!"

Empress Dowager Dong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yuan Kai, this old thing is too hateful, he dared to lead troops to attack the checkpoint, did he put Aijia and His Majesty in his eyes?"

she said angrily.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, when Empress Dowager Dong encouraged Liu Hong to make Liu Xie the crown prince, apart from He Jin, Yuan Kai was the one who opposed him the most.

This old fellow is the Grand Tutor, the head of the group of officials, and the Yuan family is the fourth generation and the third prince, and has great influence in the ruling and opposition parties.

It was also the opposition of the gentry that made Empress Dowager Dong's plan to make Liu Hong the crown prince fail.

Now, the ten permanent servants are desperately trying to die and help Liu Xie to the throne. This Yuan Kai not only disagrees, but actually has the heart to abolish him.

It really makes no sense!
Regarding Empress Dowager Dong's broken thoughts, Cai Yan just smiled lightly and did not speak.

She has no interest in government.

This time, it was just to advance and retreat with Guo Jia.

No matter who is the emperor, it makes no difference to Cai Meimei.

Liu Xie suddenly said: "Aunt Wenji, your father Cai Yong is a learned man, and I have read the books he wrote. After returning to Beijing, I hope he can come back and continue to study."

Cai Yan froze for a moment, and then gave a little blessing.

"My concubine thanked His Majesty on behalf of my father. My father is doing well in Yunzhou. I'm afraid it will be impossible to enter Beijing for a while."

A flash of disappointment flashed across Liu Xie's face.

Although he is young, he is very smart.Knowing the importance of Cai Yan in Guo Jia's heart, he tried every means to please Cai Yan so that he could get through this calamity smoothly.

"This is not necessarily!"

Another voice suddenly sounded.

Cai Yu walked in with a smile.

"This is the concubine's own sister, Zhen Ji!"

Seeing her younger sister coming in, Cai Yan hastily introduced her, feeling a little nervous.

Not long ago, she found out that her younger sister was having an affair with Guo Jia in Shuai Zhang, and she was a little embarrassed to see her now.

"Little girl Cai Yu has seen the Queen Mother and Her Majesty!"

Cai Yu didn't show any shyness at all.

Empress Dowager Dong and Liu Xie stood up in surprise.

This was the first time they knew that Cai Yan had a younger sister.

"What a beautiful girl!"

Empress Dowager Dong said in surprise.

She is worried that she can't make friends with Guo Jiapan?
Cai Yu's appearance at this moment gave her a huge opportunity.

Liu Xie has just ascended the throne, and there is no queen at the moment. If he can marry Cai Yu and become brother-in-law with Guo Jia, wouldn't the throne be more secure?

Besides, if Cai Yong's domestic celebrities married her daughter as the queen, it would be easier to win the favor of those scholars.

The more Empress Dowager Dong thought about it, the more excited she became.

She immediately took Cai Yu's hand: "Zhen Ji, how old are you this year, have you ever betrothed to your in-law's family?"

not good!

Hearing Queen Mother Dong's question, Cai Yan immediately understood her thoughts.

She wanted to match Liu Xie.

Anyone can do it, except Cai Yu.

"Queen Mother!"

Cai Yan hurriedly said: "Sister She has..."

At this time Cai Yu suddenly said first: "Queen Mother, Zhen Ji is still in her boudoir."

good good!
Empress Dowager Dong was overjoyed and grabbed Cai Yu's hand.

"As soon as the Ai family saw you, they felt that they were destined for each other. It just so happened that Marquis Dong didn't have a queen, so it might as well be you."

This is absolutely impossible!
Cai Yan was taken aback.

Cai Yu is Guo Jia's woman, so Queen Mother Dong is asking for trouble if she poachs someone so openly and aboveboard?
elder sister!

Cai Yu suddenly gave her a meaningful look, and said slowly: "The matchmaker's words on this important matter of marriage should be decided by my father."

Cai Yan was a little dumbfounded.

Is this girl joking?
Why do you look willing?
Could it be that she really wants to be this queen?

Thinking of this, Cai Yan was a little puzzled.

No one in Yunzhou knew about Cai Yu and Guo Jia's affairs. As a sister, she also knew their relationship very well.

Cai Yu will not leave Guo Jia behind to be the queen.

Is there any purpose?
Thinking of this, Cai Yan's heart moved, and he stopped talking immediately.

This girl has been eccentric and very thoughtful since she was a child. Since she said so, she has her reasons.

"It's easy!"

Empress Dowager Dong laughed from ear to ear.

"When this matter is over, the Ai family will send someone to invite Mr. Cai to talk about this matter. In addition, Mr. Cai is also a pillar of the country, and he is a bit inferior outside. Why don't you come to Beijing and be the head of the country with peace of mind! "

Thank you Queen Mother!

A smile appeared on Cai Yu's face.


Zhen Ji!

After finally dismissing the Queen Mother and Liu Xie, Cai Yan immediately took his sister's hand to his room.

"What is your plan?"

Cai Yan asked word by word.

"People go to high places, but water flows to low places! Liu Xie is the son of heaven. If I follow him, I will naturally be the queen of the world."

Cai Yu said with a smile.

"You're not serious, are you?"

Cai Yan couldn't laugh or cry.

She knew that what this girl said was ironic.

Back then when she gave up the position of wife to Cai Yu, Cai Yu didn't even look at her, so how could she covet this queen in name only?

"Of course it's serious. In this way, you can stay and fly with Guo Jia, and you don't have to look at me anymore."

The smile on Cai Yu's face remained unchanged.

"What did you say?"

Cai Yan's face turned pale.

This matter has always been a thorn in her heart.

"Zhen Ji, let me say it again, if you really love Feng Xiao, I am willing to fulfill you."

As he spoke, he drew out his dagger.

She wants to show her ambition with death!

"Oh, my silly sister!"

Cai Yu was startled, and hastily grabbed Cai Yan's dagger.

"Am I teasing you? That is to say, do you really think I've taken a fancy to that brat?"

Hearing this, Cai Yan's heart finally sank.

"Then you still promise them?"

She asked a little puzzled.

"Who promised them?"

Cai Yu said word by word: "I'm just talking about the matchmaker's order from my parents. Do you think the old man will let me, who is unfaithful, filial, chaste, and unclean, enter the palace and become a queen?"

Cai Yan froze for a moment.

The old man in her family is definitely a lump of elm.

Cai Yu ruined the marriage and had ambiguity with Guo Jia, so Cai Yong naturally would not agree to her entering the palace and becoming a queen.

One is one, two is two.

Cai Yong would never agree, even if someone put a steel knife on his neck, he would not frown.

In other words, it is impossible for Cai Yu to enter the palace.


Cai Yan was a little puzzled again.

Since Cai Yu has no intention of entering the palace, what is the meaning of her actions?
As if aware of her sister's suspicion, Cai Yu pursed her lips and said word by word: "I want to enter Beijing with a legitimate name. It just so happens that Empress Dowager Dong gave me a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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