Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 539 New Favorite and Old Love

Chapter 539 New Favorite and Old Love

In addition, Yuan Shao called on the princes to form an alliance in Suanzao to attack Dong Zhuo together.

After a while, the princes responded one after another.

Inspector of Qingzhou Yuan Shao, Inspector of Yanzhou Liu Dai, Inspector of Yuzhou Kong Ni, the three chief inspectors.

Next are the post-generals Yuan Shu of Nanyang, Sun Jian of Changsha, Cao Cao of Dongjun, Yuan Yi of Shanyang, Yuan Yin of Runan, Zhang Miao of Chenliu, and Zhang Chao of Guangling.

The princes of the ten routes gathered the jujube.

The princes of the Ten Routes were big and small, the big ones brought three to fifty thousand soldiers, and the small ones had thousands of soldiers and horses.All together, the force exceeds 20.

Everyone recommended Yuan Shao as the leader of the alliance.

Although Yuan Shu was somewhat dissatisfied, he did not object.

Because Yuan Shao had the most soldiers and horses, there were actually [-] people, accounting for a quarter of the coalition army.

Since ancient times, the fist has had the right to speak, and this sentence is not false at all.

Yuan Shao was dressed in white filial piety, his eyes were red and swollen, and accompanied by Yuan Shu, Yuan Yi and Yuan Yin, he walked up to the rostrum.

As the children of the Yuan family, they all put on filial piety.

"Everyone, the bandit Dong threatened the emperor to go against the law. This is a national enmity. This thief killed more than a hundred members of my Yuan family. This is a family enmity. Yuan Shao is not talented. When he was enmity with the country and the family, he was promoted by you as the leader of the alliance. Yu Dang went forward bravely. , is incompatible with Dong Zhuo's dog thief."

Yuan Shao said impassionedly.


The Yuan brothers roared in unison.

As the sufferers, they also expressed that, after all, they were also avenging the Yuan family in name.

"What the lord says is true!"

Everyone nodded in unison.

Yuan Shao coughed and said, "Now the lord of the alliance announces his appointment!"

Everyone cheered up immediately.

"Appoint Yuan Shu as the Governor of Food and Grass in the rear, responsible for providing food and grass for the army."

Yuan Shu strode out and stood with fists folded.

His heart was already full of joy.

This is a good job.

There is no need to consume troops, and there is still a lot of oil and water to be fished.

This Yuan Shao winked a little, knowing to arrange an easy job for himself, which made Yuan Shu's resentment towards him a lot less.

Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao looked at each other, feeling a little unhappy.

Zhang Miao is the prefect of Chenliu, the jujube is his land, and the grain and grass here are all raised by him.

The two also devoted themselves to eradicating harm for the country.

As soon as Yuan Shao came up, he made his younger brother Yuan Shu the governor of food and grass, and kicked out Zhang Miao, the landlord.

Is this just demolishing bridges and beating cooks when you're full?
Zhang Miao was better, but his younger brother Zhang Chao was a little upset.However, for the sake of the overall situation, the two did not show it.

Yuan Shao continued: "Order Cao Cao, the prefect of Dongjun, to be General Fenwei and the commander-in-chief of the allied army, to assist the alliance in defeating the enemy."

Cao Cao also stepped forward.

Although Yuan Shao was a little at odds with him, he still recognized Cao Cao's resourcefulness at the moment.

"Order Sun Jian, the prefect of Changsha, as the vanguard to lead the troops to capture Sishui Pass."

Yuan Shao ordered.

Hearing that Yuan Shao handed over the vanguard position to Sun Jian, an outsider, everyone was very puzzled.

Although Sun Jian has some prestige, he is the prefect of Changsha. Changsha is far south of the Yangtze River.

For other princes, this is an outsider.

But it is also a matter of course!

Because being a pioneer is no fun.

It was just right to give Sun Jian such an outsider.

Yuan Shu also felt tense.


He reminded carefully.

Sun Jian is his ally, so naturally he will not let Sun Jian suffer.

Just find any unacceptable reason and push it away. Anyway, so many people don't have to worry about having no cannon fodder.

But Sun Jian strode forward and clasped his fists in response, very happy in his heart.

In addition to serving the country, he also wanted to make a name for himself in the world this time. This pioneer is in the right position.

Seeing that Sun Jian agreed, Yuan Shao heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, he didn't deliberately bully the outsiders.

Most of the armies of the ten princes were recruits. Except for the mighty Jiangdong disciples brought by Sun Jian, the rest were just strong outsiders and middle-aged.

Although Yuan Shao had strong soldiers in his hands, he was not willing to use them.Others are useless, so I can only hand it over to Sun Jian.

Originally thought that Sun Jian would not accept it, but to Yuan Shao's surprise, Sun Jian accepted it smoothly.

Then Cao Cao read the call to action.

Dong Zhuo bullied the heavens and the earth, filthy palaces and confinement, and harmed living beings; he was ruthless and full of crimes!Today, according to the secret order of the emperor, a large gathering of volunteers vowed to wipe out China and wipe out the gangsters.Wang Xing volunteers to vent public anger; support Wang Yan to save the people.When the call to action arrives, it can be implemented as soon as possible!
After reading the proclamation, the princes formed an alliance with blood, and began to divide their troops into two groups.

All the way led by Sun Jian to attack Sishui Pass, all the way led by Yuan Shao to attack Hulao Pass.


Soon the news of the tenth army marching into Luoyang spread to Luoyang.

Dong Zhuo, who was enjoying the bodies of the concubines and concubines left by Emperor Ling of Han, couldn't help but shivered, and became a little impatient for a moment.

Speaking of this period of time, he spent a lot of nights in the dragon bed.

The maids and concubines left by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty were all accepted by this guy.

damn thing!
Dong Zhuo suddenly pulled out his sword and killed a court lady, and came out in a hurry.


Li Ru immediately greeted him.

"Wenyou, you came just in time, hurry up and think of a way for the old man."

Dong Zhuo looked gloomy.

After Li Ru hadn't opened the door, Lu Bu who was on the side suddenly stood up.

"Father, don't worry! The Kwantung Army are all newly recruited soldiers, and their fighting power is weak, incomparable to our Xiliang Army. My boy is willing to lead his troops to take Yuan Shao's head."

It is said that Lu Bu has not fought a serious battle since he defected to Dong Zhuo. Hearing that the Kwantung Army is coming, he is a little eager to try.

After all, the Kwantung Army is weak, and the Bingzhou Army in Lu Bu's hands is considered elite.

Hearing what Lv Bu said, Dong Zhuo laughed out loud.

"With Feng first, I have no worries."

Lu Bu was also triumphant.

At this time, someone else said: "How can you use a sledgehammer to kill, I, Hua Xiong, can repel them without the need for General Lu to come out."

As he spoke, a big man stood up.

This person is nine feet tall, and he is Guanxi Huaxiong, Dong Zhuo's subordinate.

Hua Xiong is Dong Zhuo's old department, and Lu Bu is Dong Zhuo's new favorite. The two stood up one after another, but it was a struggle between the old department and the new favorite.

Although Lu Bu was favored, he was a monk halfway, not an old man from Liangzhou.

The old people in Liangzhou were naturally unwilling.

A flash of anger flashed across Lu Bu's face, and he said in a low voice, "General Hua, leave this battle to me."


Hua Xiong waved his hand.

"Hua Xiong is very loyal to the lord, how can these little people dare to despise the lord, how can I, Hua Xiong, agree?"


He cupped his fists and said: "My lord, please agree, I, Hua Xiong, will definitely let these Xiaoxiao know how powerful our Liangzhou army is!"

He bit the word Liangzhou Army very hard.


Dong Zhuo laughed again.

"Okay, I will appoint you as the governor, and go to Surabaya Pass to kill the Kwantung Army."

A smile flashed in Hua Xiong's eyes, and he looked at Lu Bu proudly.

What about new favorites?
Sometimes old love can still be relied on.

(End of this chapter)

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