Chapter 544 Conspiracy
Li Su's style is light and cloudless, without the slightest color.

This made everyone very strange.

There are only two people who can reach this level, one with a clear heart, and the other with great treachery and evil.

No matter how you look at it, Li Su doesn't want to be a villainous person.

Sun Jian and his subordinates looked at each other before slowly saying, "What's your purpose here?"

Logically speaking, Li Su, as the guard of Sishui Pass, naturally couldn't come out easily.

Besides, he had just killed Zu Mao, so it would be very dangerous to enter the Jiangdong barracks now.

Li Su clasped his fists suddenly and said, "General Sun, I came this time to make a sacrifice."

Hearing this sentence, Sun Jian couldn't help but be surprised.

10,000+ allied forces have been besieging for more than ten days without any progress, now that Hulao Pass has been withdrawn, this Li Su actually wants to offer it?

My lord, don't believe his lies!

Han Dang hurriedly stood up.

"This man killed Dayong and was covered with the blood of my Jiangdong army. How could he sacrifice the checkpoint? He must have some conspiracy."

Not bad!

Huang Gai also followed suit.

The personal friendship of Jiangdong's four generals is still very good.

Zu Mao died in the hands of Li Su, and they were also very sad.

Li Su smiled lightly, and said: "The two armies are fighting each other. I was Dong Zhuo's subordinate before, so naturally I have to serve Dong Zhuo. Zu Mao is an enemy, so I should be divided if I kill him. Besides, we are fair Competing skills. He is dead, and it can only be said that his skills are inferior to others."


The three generals were at a loss for words at the same time!

Indeed, Li Su and Zu Mao were fighting one-on-one.

Zu Mao died at the hands of Li Su, he was indeed not good at learning.

Hearing what Li Su said, the three really couldn't say anything to refute.

is it?

Sun Jian hesitated.

"Now that you come here to offer a pass, shouldn't it also be the master of each?"

General Sun!
Li Su clasped his fists and said: "The reason why I said this is to tell you. Now, I am no longer Dong Zhuo's subordinate. Since I am not Dong Zhuo's subordinate, there is no need to stick to Surabaya Pass."

Everyone looked at each other again.

What exactly does this mean?
Li Su did a good job, why didn't he play with Dong Zhuo?

Sun Jian didn't believe it.

When the 10,000+ allied army joined forces to attack Surabaya Pass, Li Su didn't even show any intention of surrendering.

Why did he just step forward and surrender after he withdrew?

Not to mention that Sun Jian didn't believe it, neither did Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang.

"My lord, don't be fooled, this guy is probably here to feign surrender!"

Huang Gai snorted.

"Hehe, General Sun, I, Li Su, came to see you at the risk of being killed, do you think it's just to feign surrender?"

Li Su said with a sneer.


Sun Jian didn't speak again.

If Li Su is really a false surrender, he can let others come, but the price of coming by himself will be very high.

From this point of view, Tao does not seem like a false surrender.

"What exactly do you want?"

Sun Jian asked puzzledly.

Although he was sure that Li Su was not a false surrender, he did not believe that Li Su would really give up the Surabaya Pass to Sun Jian.

"I have already said, dedicate the Surabaya Pass to General Sun."

Li Su said lightly.

it is good!
Sun Jian nodded and said: "In this case, then you can let the people at Sishui Pass withdraw and let our people go in. As long as you master the pass, I will trust you."

If Li Su really came to offer a pass, he would naturally be happy to accept it.

Li Su continued: "Although I don't want to continue to serve Dong Zhuo, the soldiers who closed the pass may not have the same idea as me. Therefore, the general must go to take this Sishui Pass in person."

Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and Han Dang's face changed drastically.


They surrounded each other with weapons.

"This guy lures us into the customs with smooth talk, don't be fooled!"

Sun Jian also had a gloomy face.

Could it be that this guy really earned himself into the level and then got rid of it?


Li Su laughed again.

"It is said that Jiangdong Sun Jian is brave, but unexpectedly he is as cowardly as a mouse. Since I, Li Su, went to your camp alone, don't you dare to go to the Sishui Pass with me?"

Sun Jian's face turned red as he spoke.

He was also very brave at first, but after suffering successive defeats at the Surabaya Pass, he became a little cautious now.

"Li Su, why are you doing this?"

Sun Jian asked puzzledly.

Here, he has believed three points.

He is not benevolent and I am not righteous!

Li Su sneered, and said, "Since they won't give me a way out, naturally I won't let them have a good time."

Sun Jian's heart moved, and he could hear the resentment in Li Su's heart.

This kind of resentment cannot be pretended.

it is good!
After hesitating for a while, Sun Jian finally made up his mind.

Wealth is in danger!
Now that he has encountered this opportunity, he has to give it a go.

If it is done, it will naturally become famous all over the world.

Even if he lost, he would not be in vain as a hero.

So brave!
Li Su praised: "Since this is the case, prepare yourself. At midnight, I will open the city gate to welcome you into the customs. I don't need to teach you how to do it then!"

for sure!
Sun Jian nodded resolutely.


Li Su cupped his fists, turned around and floated away, without even looking at the swordsmen around him.

good man!
Seeing this, Sun Jian's eyes showed a hint of admiration.

"Master is not allowed!"

Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang hurriedly stopped them.

They always thought it was a conspiracy.

say no more!

Sun Jian suddenly said decisively: "In the battle of Sishui Pass, we suffered heavy losses. If the later general hadn't replenished our troops in time, we would have been defeated by now. Jiangdong Jianer's blood cannot be shed in vain. I have already decided not to take Sishui Pass Not going back to Jiangdong."


Cheng Pu suddenly said: "Since the lord has made a decision, then the subordinates will enter the customs for the lord, and the lord will lead the troops to wait outside. If it is successful, then rush in at once. If it is not successful, it will not be too late for the lord to leave."

He was also worried about Sun Jian.


Sun Jian suddenly laughed loudly.

After laughing, he suddenly darkened his face: "Could it be that you all think I'm a coward?"

dare not!

Everyone clasped their fists in unison.

Sun Jian suddenly grabbed the handle of the knife.

"Since I, Sun Jian, have experienced hundreds of battles, I have long put life and death aside. Before the Sishui Pass, thousands of Jiangdong children have already shed blood. As the commander, how can I retreat? How can I see the face when I retreat? Jiang Dong's father?"

He suddenly drew the knife violently.

The little one broke into two pieces.

"Slay the Surabaya Pass and swear to avenge my brothers."

Sun Jian shouted loudly.

Cheng Pu and others were also infected.

"Slay the Surabaya Pass and swear to avenge my brothers!"

Everyone roared in unison.

Sun Jian snorted and withdrew the ancient ingot knife.

"The whole army is ready to cook at the first watch and dispatch at the second watch. We must enter Surabaya Pass on time!"

Everyone responded in unison, and went to prepare separately.

Whether it is true or not, they have to try their best.

(End of this chapter)

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