Chapter 558 Huang Xu and Huang Wudie
A family surnamed Huang in Huangjia Village outside Wan County.

A beautiful young girl came to an older teenager's bed with a soup bowl in her hand.

The young man had a sickly face and kept coughing.

"Brother, this is the pharmacy that father asked for from Dr. Zhang, should you drink the medicine quickly?"

the girl asked with concern.

The young man sighed and said, "Sister, elder brother is useless, you and father have been implicated!"

He is Huang Zhong's only son Huang Xu.

This man was weak and frail, and often fell ill.

In order to treat him, the Huang family, which was originally a well-off family, has also gone downhill in recent years.

My mother also passed away many years ago.

What makes Huang Xu even more uneasy is that his sister is not young anymore, and because of him, she can only stay at home to take care of this frail and sick brother.

The girl is naturally his sister Huang Wudie.

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Huang Wudie frowned slightly: "You are my elder brother, shouldn't it be right to take care of you? Don't think so much, you should take care of your illness."

Huang Xu sighed, and said to himself: "Sometimes, I really want to fall asleep and never wake up, lest you suffer from this ruthless torture."

elder brother!

Huang Wudie suddenly burst into tears.

She stretched out her hand to hold Huang Xu's hand, choked with sobs and said, "You must not say that. After your mother dies, you are the only hope of the Huang family. You must keep your body."

It was a good idea to persuade Huang Xu to drink the bowl of medicine.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

It's the father who's back!

Huang Wudie hurriedly put down the medicine bowl, came to the door excitedly, and opened the door.

But what surprised her was a handsome young man standing in front of the door.

This boy is very beautiful, with very delicate skin, Huang Wudie, who is also a woman, is a little envious.

"Who are you looking for?"

Huang Wudie asked in surprise.


A young man dressed as a servant beside the handsome young man suddenly asked, "Is Mr. Huang Hansheng here?"

It's for my father!
Huang Wudie hurriedly said: "It's unfortunate that you guys are here, father has been away for several days."

not at home?
Hearing this, the man was a little disappointed, and he looked inside suspiciously. ,

"Is the girl home alone?"

Hearing this, Huang Wudie suddenly became wary.

How can you ask that?

It's a matter of rudeness.

At this moment, Huang Xu's voice suddenly remembered.

"Sister, is father back?"

The sound is relatively weak.

With that said, he walked out with a cane.

Seeing her elder brother coming ill, Huang Wudie hurried back to support him.

"It's windy outside, what are you doing out there? If you catch a cold, you're going to have a fever again."

Said to help him to go back.

Hearing that it wasn't his father, Huang Xu was also a little surprised. He hesitated for a moment and looked at the two men in front of the door.

"Who are you guys, why are you looking for my father?"

He looked at the person suspiciously.

The people around the handsome young man clasped their fists and said, "We are from the Zhen family in Zhongshan. We have heard of Mr. Huang's reputation, so we are here to pay a visit."

Hearing this, Huang Xu also cupped his fists.

"I'm sorry, my father went up the mountain to fetch medicine for me. I've been away for three or four days, and I don't know when I'll be back. I let everyone miss it."

After all, he was the eldest son, so he spoke decently.

The visitor smiled slightly and said, "It's okay."

Then he looked Huang Xu up and down.

"Mr. Huang is seriously ill! It seems to be a congenital disease."

is not that right?

Sallow and emaciated, skinny, bags under the eyes are black.

Hearing this, Huang Wudie was a little unhappy.

"My brother is in good health. The day before yesterday he opened a five-stone bow, and he was able to spin a fifty-jin sword."

She was afraid that her brother would be sad when he heard it.

Ha ha!

Huang Xu smiled wryly, and glanced at the girl gratefully.

This girl has always been cute.

But if you are sick, you are sick, so what can you not say?
Besides, who in Nanyang doesn't know that Huang Xu is sick?
"You two are laughing. I have been a little weak and sick since I was a child, and I can't bear the cold. My family has done their best for me. My father is even more worried about this. I am really afraid that I will die if I don't have time to be filial."

Huang Xu said mockingly.

elder brother!
Huang Wudie hurriedly said: "You will be fine."

Ha ha!

The man smiled and said, "Mr. Huang was joking. To be honest, I have been weak and sickly since I was a child, and I am not much better than you. A genius doctor once said that I will not live to be 40 years old. But this Today, after a lot of conditioning, the root cause of the disease has been eradicated, so it’s still alive and well.”

Hearing this, the brothers and sisters of the Huang family suddenly felt hopeful.

Huang Wudie grabbed his hand even more excitedly.

"What's the name of that genius doctor, and where is he now?"

The man smiled slightly and looked at Huang Wudie.

The latter blushed, let go of his hand in a hurry, and took a few steps back.

She was so excited just now that she forgot about whether a man and a woman can kiss or not.

Huang Xu took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice, "Brother, is what you said true?"

Innate diseases are the most difficult to cure. Huang Xu gave up a long time ago, but now he suddenly heard that someone has cured him, and he couldn't help feeling hopeful again.

Since others can be cured, why can't I?
The visitor said nothing, just looked at Huang Xu.

Huang Xu suddenly came to his senses, and hurriedly said: "I'm completely confused, come here, please hurry up!"

Since there is something you want from others, how can you let them stand up and talk?

Soon, the Huang family brothers and sisters invited Guo Jia into the courtyard.

The people who came were naturally Guo Jia and Zhen Tuo.

Zhen Tuo dressed up as a wealthy son, and Guo Jia dressed up as her entourage. After inquiring about Huang Zhong's residence, he came to see him.

Unexpectedly, Huang Zhong didn't see him. Instead, he saw Huang Zhong's son Huang Xu and daughter Huang Wudie.

Guo Jia had long heard that Huang Xu was weak and sick, but now he saw that he was indeed a sick child.

But what surprised him was that Huang Xu's illness was somewhat similar to his own, and it seemed to be a problem with the fetal belt.

If Huang Xu's illness is really similar to Guo Jia's, then he is sure to use his own experience to cure Huang Xu's illness, and at worst he can prolong his life.

In this way, Huang Zhong had no choice but to follow him wholeheartedly.

The Huang family was also a well-to-do family in the early days, with a deep courtyard and a pavilion in the courtyard.

Everyone sat down as the guest of honor.

Huang Wudie hurriedly brought up a plate of green fruits.

Treating guests with unripe fruits, it seems that the Huang family is really not well off.

Huang Xu clasped his fists and said: "My family treats my illness, it doesn't cost a lot, and there is nothing decent to treat me, I still hope Haihan."

Zhen Tuo came from a wealthy family, so this kind of fruit is naturally not attractive, so he didn't do anything.


Guo Jia picked up the fruit with a smile, raised his sleeve, wiped it, and took a bite.

Although this fruit is green and astringent, it has a different taste.

(End of this chapter)

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