Chapter 56

When Cai Yan brought his younger sister to the scene of the incident and looked at the members of the Cai family lying on the ground crying endlessly, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Don't think about it, this is also a good thing that Guo Jia in front of him did.

How dare he make trouble at the door of the old man's house!
Well played!
Cai Yu on the side was smiling.

She has long disliked these three uncles.

All these years when his father was living away from home, the three uncles often made things difficult for the two of them. Guo Jia's beating was like giving this girl a bad breath.

"Guo Jia, why are you beating someone?"

Seeing the three uncles with bruised heads and swollen faces on the ground, Cai Yan asked somewhat dumbfounded.

What these three people did was a bit excessive, but Guo Jia couldn't hit people with his hands.

The Cai family can be regarded as a respectable family in Chenliu. Guo Jia beat the elder brother's brother when he came to the door for the second time.

She was not worried about the three uncles, but worried that if it spread to her father's ears, it would leave a bad impression on Guo Jia.

Seeing Cai Meimei's resentful expression, Guo Jia's heart skipped a beat.

In the future father-in-law's family, beating someone is probably not a glorious thing, and Cai Meimei's face will be dull if the news spreads.

But this kind of thing naturally couldn't help Guo Jia.

He suddenly coughed and said, "Wen Ji, I was wronged. Who said I beat someone, did anyone see it? Stand up for me."

Naturally, he wasn't the one to fight. With so many subordinates present, it's his turn to make a move?

Zhao Dachui said with his head held high.

Cai Yan obviously didn't disbelieve what others said, but Cai Yan gained a bit of trust from this guy's dog-like appearance.

Really not you?
Cai Yan looked at Guo Jia in confusion.

The guy said seriously: "We are cultural people, what can a cultural person do?"

Seeing that Cai Yan was a little bit disbelieving, he pointed at a person.

"Who is that? What's the matter with your injuries? Whoever hit you, tell me, and I will decide with you."

When the servants of the Cai family heard Guo Jia calling him, they just raised their heads when they saw Dian Wei, Xu Chu and four staring at Guo Jia's back, cold sweat dripping down his back in an instant.

Zhao Dahammer was even more exaggerated, and the sledgehammer swung with a whining sound.

That means, Xiao Mian's mouth is smarter, whoever doesn't listen to the greeting, I will take care of him.

The man shivered violently, and his IQ reached [-] in an instant.

"Miss Hui, they didn't hit it, we accidentally dropped it."

Nima, do you understand bullying a fool?
If he dared to say no, he would have to be eaten raw by these three evil spirits.

Especially the one who wields the hammer. Wouldn't the person be beaten to a pulp with that hammer?
Yes, suffering is a blessing, and suffering is a blessing!
Don't you just get beaten?

Also better than dead.

"Did you fall?"

Guo Jia asked in feigned surprise.

This guy's face was blue and purple. If he had to say that he fell, it would be beyond the international standard.

"Did you fall, did you fall?"

The man forced a smile, which was uglier than crying.

What a joke, is General Silver Hammer standing behind you?
He didn't dare to make a mistake.

"what about you?"

Guo Jia asked everyone again.

Everyone was inspired by the previous person, so naturally they dare not report these culprits.

"The young one fell, and fell with Changfu."

"The small one also fell, and was tripped by Changfu."

"The young one was tripped by Changfu and others."


very good!

Guo Jia nodded: "You must be careful when you walk in the future. If you have nothing to do, look at your feet, maybe you can pick up money."

Yes Yes Yes!
These people nodded repeatedly, naturally they dared not say anything?
Seeing these people, Guo Jia was very knowledgeable, and immediately said to Cai Yan with a smile, "I told you it wasn't me, do you believe me now?"

After all, Cai Yan is a lady from a famous family, her mind is a bit simple, and she didn't go into it deeply.After casually complaining to Guo Jia, he sent the three unconscious uncles back to rest.

Thick-faced and black-hearted!
Cai Yu looked at this future brother-in-law with a smile.

Naturally, Guo Jia's two actions could not be hidden from her.

However, she didn't dislike Guo Jia's actions, on the contrary, she admired them.

Cai Yan appeased everyone, and sent the three uncles back in person.

Cai Yan had to take care of Guo Jia's misfortune.

Cai Meimei naturally didn't believe his nonsense, but she was very moved by his concern for Guo Jia.

After Guo Jia's "education", her three uncles were terrified and naturally dared not say anything.

This time it was just a little lesson, and it won't be so easy next time.Guo Jia dared to fight even the members of the Hedong Wei family, so how could he put the three small fishes of the Cai family in his eyes?


"Guo Jia!"

While Cai Yan was doing his aftermath, Cai Yu came to him with a smile.

Guo Jia's eyes fell on this future sister-in-law.

It is said that the two had met last time.

It's you?

Cai Yu smiled and said, "You must have guessed who I am, so I won't introduce myself. If you can successfully marry my sister, then we will be a family in the future. I heard that you are very Amazing, once we entered Zhongshan, we took care of the biggest family in the area.”

Guo Jia smiled, but felt a little guilty.

This little sister-in-law looks like that.

Sure enough, the girl tilted her head and glanced at Guo Jia, and said, "You said you are the old man's disciple? I'm a little strange, the old man is a rigid person, square is square, round is round, there is no flexibility place. With your temperament, how could he accept you as an apprentice?"

Guo Jia's heart skipped a beat.

At first he pretended to be Cai Yong's disciple, and that's how he gained Cai Yan's favor. In fact, he didn't even meet Cai Yong?
Originally, he planned to take Cai Yong back to Zhongshan, personally report the situation, and begged Cai Yong to accept him as a disciple.

Most likely, Cai Yong would not refuse.

But now Cai Yong didn't see it, if it was exposed here and aroused Cai Yan's resentment, it would be a bit bad.

What worries Guo Jia even more is that if Cai Yong is really as reclusive as his sister-in-law said, wouldn't it be extremely bad if he refuses to agree to the marriage between the two.

"Actually, there is no other way?"

Cai Yu said inscrutablely.

What a way?

Guo Jia asked in surprise.

Before he knew it, he had a lot of trust in this sister-in-law.

Cai Yu hooked her fingers, and Guo Jia turned her ear, only to hear the girl whisper, "Of course it's raw rice for mature rice, idiot!"

Said bouncing away.

Guo Jia's face darkened, and he stared at the girl's back in a daze.

Is this really my sister?

How could there be such an unreliable rush.


A look of eagerness flashed across his face.

If he really cooked cooked rice with Cai Meimei, then Cai Yong would have to admit it if he didn't.

In other words, what he is best at is cooking raw rice into mature rice!

(End of this chapter)

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