Chapter 568
Speaking of this incident, Qiao Rui was full of bitterness.

He hated the perpetrator.

You say it's not good for you to hit anyone, but you want to hit Yuan Yao.

Who is Yuan Yao, that is Yuan Shu's own son.

You beat someone's own son on someone's territory, who wouldn't be angry about this matter?

You beat someone and ran away, leaving behind a mess, and Qiao Rui was the unlucky one.

Qiao Rui couldn't complain anymore.

It was the young man who suddenly stood up.

"General Qiao, is it a tall, strong, vicious-looking man who beat you?"

Hearing this sentence, Qiao Rui's eyes straightened immediately.

He hastily grabbed the young man.

"Have you seen it, where is he? Tell me quickly, it's a great job."

Qiao Rui who said this was already a little excited.

As long as the murderer is caught, he will be able to go on business smoothly.

The young man smiled slightly and said, "To be honest, I happened to be by my side when the incident happened. I have some impressions of the murderer..."

Very good!
Qiao Rui patted his thigh.

It was chaotic at the beginning, and he didn't see the murderer's appearance clearly, and he couldn't tell anything specific after searching for several witnesses.

I just vaguely know that this person is tall and strong, with a rather vicious appearance.

Only then did Qiao Rui notice the young man beside Mi Zhu.

But seeing this person's face is like a crown of jade, his eyes are full of spirit, his temperament is elegant, and he seems to have a bookish air.

What a handsome man!

Qiao Rui couldn't help but praise.

He is also a handsome man himself, so he has a good impression of this young man.

It has to be said that good looks can take advantage of everything.

Who is this……

Qiao Rui hurriedly asked.

Mi Zhu hurriedly said: "This is my younger brother Mi Jia!"

Mi Jia!

Qiao Rui frowned, he only knew that Mi Zhu's younger brother was Mi Fang, and Mi Jia appeared out of nowhere.

But he didn't care.

The Mi family is a wealthy family in Xuzhou, and Mi Zhu has a younger brother, so it's normal that Qiao Rui doesn't know him.

"Brother Mi!"

Qiao Rui said kindly: "Do you know the whereabouts of the murderer?"

This Mi Jia is naturally Guo Jia.

He smiled slightly and said: "Coincidentally, I really know the whereabouts of this murderer."


Qiao Rui became even more excited, he hurried forward a few steps and took Guo Jia's hand.

"Brother Zhen, since you know, tell me quickly. This is a great achievement!"

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "He's already left the city."

Hearing this, Qiao Rui couldn't help but sit on the ground.


It's all over.

Once this person leaves the city, the murderer can no longer be caught, and everything about him is over.

With a wry smile, he picked up his glass and drank it down.

His expression was indescribably lonely.

If the murderer was hiding in the city, he still had some hope that he would be able to find it one day, even if he couldn't find anyone, he would still be able to find the body.

Once the person is out of town, things are difficult.

After all, Nanyang is well-connected, and finding someone is like finding a needle in a haystack.

It's his bad luck, how could this kind of thing happen to him?

never mind!

Qiao Rui shook his head.

Now that the person is dead, it is useless for him to block it, so it is better to take the opportunity to let the Mi family's caravan go out of the city, which can be regarded as paying back Mi Zhu's favor.

"Needless to say, Zizhong, prepare yourself, I will withdraw my troops and let your caravan go out."

"General Qiao, don't be sad, things may turn around."

Guo Jia said with a smile.


Qiao Rui was stunned for a moment, then looked at Guo Jia in disbelief.

The latter suddenly said: "Although this person left the city, he didn't go far."

Hearing this, Qiao Rui became excited again.

"Where is he? This general is going to catch him now!"

He was full of confidence again.

As long as this person is caught, even if it is a corpse, he, Qiao Rui, will be regarded as a dead man.


Guo Jia smiled again, and said, "General Qiao may not be able to arrest him, but it is possible to bring him back."

Bring it back!
Qiao Rui was dumbfounded again.

He suddenly lost his voice: "You mean, the murderer is dead?"

Guo Jia nodded.

"That's right, it's in a well ten miles outside the city."

Qiao Rui was dumbfounded again.

He has been searching for so many days but there is no clue. Why did he meet Guo Jia as soon as he came out, and he was a dead person?

Are you serious?

Qiao Rui asked suspiciously.

Guo Jia nodded.

"If General Qiao doesn't believe it, you can go to the well ten miles outside the city and have a look. I reckon the body will still be there."

it is good!
Qiao Rui immediately stood up and said loudly, "Come on, get out of the city immediately. If you live, you want to see people, if you die, you want to see corpses."

Within a meal, Qiao Rui's men fished out the body from the well and sent it to the county government.

Good guy!
Qiao Rui was also shocked when he saw the corpse on the ground.

Due to being soaked in the well water, it was the face that was so horrible that it was impossible to tell who it was, but he was tall and strong, somewhat resembling the murderer.

Qiao Rui took a closer look and asked doubtfully, "Did you really see him jump in with your own eyes?"

He has some doubts.

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded emphatically.

"This person seems to know that the crime is serious and there is no way out, so he jumped into the well and committed suicide."


Qiao Rui looked at the corpse again.

He is not a fool, where can't he see the flaws?

Since this person escaped, how could he commit suicide by jumping into a well?
Besides, the body has already soaked in such a state, who can recognize that it is the murderer who beat Yuan Yao back then?
At this moment, Mi Zhu cupped his hands suddenly and said, "Congratulations, General, the murderer has been caught. In this way, Mrs. Yuan has an explanation. The common people can live and work in peace and contentment. This is all thanks to the General."

After hearing Mi Zhu's words, Qiao Rui's heart skipped a beat and she immediately understood.


It doesn't matter whether he is the murderer who beat Yuan Yao, as long as he is found by Qiao Rui.

Besides, how could Mrs. Yuan know that the corpse in front of her was not the murderer?
As long as he, Qiao Rui, insisted that this was the murderer, wouldn't it be over if he handed over the body to Mrs. Yuan?

As for Mrs. Yuan's belief or not, that's not what Qiao Rui cares about.

Besides, what if she doesn't believe it?

Could she still find the real murderer?

Having figured this out, Qiao Rui immediately cheered up.

"That's right! The murderer who beat Mr. Yuan has finally been found. The Sky Net has not revealed it, and this fellow knew he had committed a serious crime, so he committed suicide by throwing himself into a well. No wonder we couldn't find anyone after searching for so many days. He was already dead. "

Hearing what Qiao Rui said, some clever subordinates nodded in agreement.

"The general is right, the murderer has been found."

"Mr. Yuan has a spirit in the sky, so this fellow will not end well."

"Can you speak? Mr. Yuan is still alive? That's called good fortune."

"What kind of blessing and fate is so great, it is obviously protected by the gods..."

Everyone said something to each other, and they made peace one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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