Chapter 76 Arithmetic
Guo Jia!

Just when Guo Jia was preparing to create a group of educated hooligans.

His sister-in-law Cai Yu suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I can't see it, you are quite skilled!"

Cai Yu looked at Guo Jia with a smile.

With Guo Jia's victory, the unhappiness in her heart has long been thrown out of the sky.

"Hehe! Trifle!"

Guo Jia said with a smile.

But he said in his heart: "Sister-in-law, does your brother-in-law have many tricks? How much have you only seen?"

This fellow suddenly looked at Cai Yu's red lips, and couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion.

By the way, this sister-in-law's lips are full and moist, and it feels great to kiss her.

It's a pity that Cai Yan broke in at that time, otherwise he could have a good taste.

Facing Guo Jia's obscene gaze, Cai Yu didn't care at all.

"Hey, it's quite low-key! You wrote this word, so you made this word too."

The girl's smile didn't change.

"Of course! When I was at home, I was called Yingchuan Talent."

Guo Jia said confidently.

What a joke, defeating Gu Yong, a great talent in the south of the Yangtze River, is a matter of showing his face, so he naturally wants to put some gold on his face.

is it?

Cai Yu showed a sly smile on his face: "In this case, great talent, please explain, whose year is the ninth year of Yonghe, and what does it mean to be in Guichou? Is it possible that this word is yours for decades? made?"

Guo Jia's smile stopped abruptly.

Grass mud horse, showing his stuff again.

When Wang Youjun wrote this Lanting Preface, it was more than 100 years later.

He copied it smoothly, and wrote the family's year name on it.

Guo Jia was greatly embarrassed by such an obvious mistake.Cai Yu was probably not the only one who discovered it.

Cai Yong was delighted to see Lie Xin, even if he found out, he didn't take it seriously.

If Gu Yong's heart is ashamed, he probably didn't take it seriously.

Cai Yan probably noticed it too, but this girl didn't want to make trouble, so she didn't say anything.

Only Cai Yu was taken advantage of by this guy, and felt a little bit annoyed at this moment, so she came out to run on Guo Jia.


Guo Jia coughed a few times, faltering a bit and being speechless.

Seeing that Guo Jia was speechless, Cai Yu's heart eased a lot.

It is said that this girl took advantage of her, and the girl was very upset.

"Look at the year number, you wrote the characters, but you definitely didn't make the words, and you created the cursive script, hehe, maybe not!"

This girl has an exquisite heart.

After finally getting the chance to run on Guo Jia, she naturally wouldn't let it go.

The reason why Guo Jia was able to win was entirely due to the glory of this new font.

If Cai Yong and others knew that this font was not created by Guo Jia, then the result may not be like this.

But with the opportunity to step on Guo Jia to vent her anger, this girl is of course a big step on her!

Guo Jia was a little upset, and said angrily, "Which side are you on?"

He had to admit that this sister-in-law was a monster.

Just from the slightest mistake to almost aware of everything.

never mind!

Cai Yu smiled.

Seeing Guo Jia was about to turn into anger from embarrassment, so she stopped running.

After all, she also wanted Guo Jia to win.

Although this fellow copied the font from nowhere, it must have worked hard to be able to write to this level.

Anyway, he really did win.

"Okay, you've passed this game."

Cai Yu smiled and said, "What about the next arithmetic? It is said that this Gu Yong was taught by Zheng Xuan, and Jiuzhang's arithmetic is even better than the old man."

Confucian scholars in this era are also academics, and literati who can't settle accounts are not called literati.

Nine Chapters of Arithmetic!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

Although the wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated, the superficial mathematical theory of Jiuzhang arithmetic is nothing to him as a traveler.

Guo Jia said with a smile: "You just put your heart in your stomach. Look at how your brother-in-law abused this Gu. Don't forget, a kiss from my sister-in-law will kill the whole world. It is said that the effect is almost over, you If I don’t kiss again, I might lose the next match.”


It's okay not to mention this section, but Cai Yu becomes annoyed when it is mentioned.

This guy obviously has a plan in mind, but he lied to her that his sister-in-law kissed her brother-in-law and killed the Quartet, and took advantage of him.

It's nothing more than taking advantage, but my sister even found out.

This made Cai Yu feel ashamed.

"Bastard Guo Jia, you're talking nonsense!"

She won't fall for it.


The second competition is arithmetic!
Cai Yong sat in the middle, Guo Jia and Gu Yong stood on the left and right sides.

After the first fiasco, Gu Yong quickly adjusted his mentality and became energetic.

Perhaps Guo Jia has made some achievements in calligraphy, but in terms of arithmetic, he has been taught by a famous teacher, even Cai Yong is far behind him.


Cai Yong coughed and stood up slowly.

"Shushu has a long history. There are records of knotting in ancient times, and there are nine chapters of arithmetic left by the sages. Shushu is also one of the six arts. We should be sensitive and eager to learn and not ashamed to ask."

After some opening remarks, he went on to say: "Since it is arithmetic, the most important thing is arithmetic. Not long ago, the old man had a difficult problem, and he was still puzzled. Now the two are competing in arithmetic, and the old man will take this problem. Come out. Listen carefully, there are pheasant rabbits in the same cage today, with 35 heads on the top and 94 feet on the bottom, how many are the pheasant rabbits?"

Hearing that Cai Yong had proposed a question, Gu Yong was shocked.

I saw him sitting down, writing something on the paper with his right hand, and grasping the counting chip with his left hand, crackling and calculating.

Guo Jia was taken aback for a moment, then a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Seeing that Guo Jia didn't move after hearing this, the Cai sisters became a little anxious.

What is this guy doing?
Didn't you hear me clearly?
The examiner has asked a question, and you have to answer it, what's the point of standing still?
Also, there is a time limit for answering questions.

At this time, the servants of the Gu family started to make noise again.

"Hey, that surnamed Guo, do you really know how to do arithmetic?"

"If you don't, just admit defeat quickly, so as not to embarrass yourself!"

"Haha, I'm afraid he can't even use counting chips!"

"No, he is a genius in the sky, so he can figure it out without counting."

"There's no need to figure it out, haha, he really thinks he's a god."

Everyone immediately gloated.

This is called home field advantage.

My son is in the competition, although they can't help, but booing, it is still possible to divide the hearts of the competitors.

Guo Jia!

Cai Yu was a little anxious, she said angrily: "Sit down and count, the time is almost up!"

This guy was full of confidence before, why is there no movement now.

Could it be that the effect of a sister-in-law kissing her brother-in-law to kill the Quartet really came?
Thinking of this, Cai Yu felt a little regretful. I knew that I would have just kissed to maintain this effect.

(End of this chapter)

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