Chapter 79 The words are amazing
Sure enough, it was as Guo Jia expected.

A stick of incense passed quickly, and Gu Yong didn't even count half of it.

"Guo Jia, you are clearly making things difficult. This kind of calculation is not something that can be calculated by a stick of incense."

He showed a look of resentment, and continued: "I will be able to figure it out when you give me a stick of incense."

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

"You can't calculate the time for another incense stick?"

Gu Yong's tone froze immediately.

Indeed, the more calculations on this problem, the greater the amount of calculations. It took him one stick of incense to add up to [-], and it would take at least two sticks of time to add up to [-] from fifty.

"This is simply not something that can be calculated in a short time!"

Gu Yongwu said to himself.

is it?

Guo Jia sneered, and said, "I came up with this question. If I figured it out, you would definitely be dissatisfied. How about it, I can just find someone and give me a few pointers, and I can figure it out."

This is impossible!

Gu Yong said with a sneer.

He has learned arithmetic for so many years, and it still requires a lot of calculations to solve this problem. Even if Guo Jia can calculate it, it is still very difficult to instruct a newcomer to calculate it in a short time.

very good!Let you be convinced!

Guo Jia nodded, looked around, and finally fell on the sisters of the Cai family.

In this yard, only the sisters of the Cai family can learn some arithmetic rules.

"Second Miss, come here!"

Guo Jia said with a smile.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, this guy was a bit serious.

Cai Yu was slightly startled.

She originally thought that Guo Jia would choose Cai Yan?

After all, Cai Yan's arithmetic is much better than hers.

It's you!
Guo Jia nodded.

"I...I can't do it. My arithmetic is very bad, I can barely do it."

Cai Yu suddenly felt guilty.

It's not that I'm afraid of what my sister will think, but that I'm afraid that my level is not enough to embarrass Guo Jia.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can count."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

He suddenly clapped his hands.

A group of Tiger Guards suddenly broke in and lined up.

Fortunately, the Gu family's yard is very spacious, and there is no sense of crowding with more than 100 people lined up in a row.


Everyone was at a loss for a moment.

It's just a question, what is this guy doing with so many people?
Is it ready to start the film if there is a disagreement?
If this is the case, the Gu family should make some preparations.

Even Gu Yong secretly told his subordinates to get ready, anyway, he is not afraid, two thousand private soldiers ambushed outside the door?

Guo Jia looked calm and led Cai Yu to the front of the crowd.

"Second Miss, look, these one hundred people represent one hundred numbers. My problem is to add up these one hundred numbers."

Cai Yu nodded, and said in a low voice: "I know, but I really can't do it, or you can call my sister up. She is better at calculation than me."

This girl is still a little guilty.

Guo Jia smiled, suddenly lowered her voice, and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, just follow my method. Even a fool can figure it out quickly."

Only the two of them could hear the voice.

Hearing this, Cai Yu's heart immediately relaxed.But she soon realized something was wrong.

What do you mean a fool can figure it out?
Is this guy looking down on his IQ?
Cai Yu suddenly became a little annoyed, if she hadn't been in full view, she would have gone to twist Guo Jia's ears in the morning.

"Miss Er, these one hundred people represent one hundred numbers, from the beginning to the end of the hundred. You can treat these people as counting chips, and start counting now."

Guo Jia waved his hand, indicating that it was time to light the incense.

Cai Yong immediately asked someone to light the incense head.

Wait a minute, wait a minute!
Cai Yu was a little anxious, and said, "I haven't started yet?"

At least let her get ready!
Need not!

Guo Jia said with a smile: "There is a skill in answering this question. You can't calculate step by step like some idiots."


Gu Yong who continued to calculate on the side suddenly turned livid.

Of course the idiot was talking about him.

He originally wanted to refute a few words, but he swallowed his words.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

He wanted to see how Guo Jiang trained Cai Yu to be a master of arithmetic.

"The first and the last to go out!"

Guo Jia suddenly called out.

The first and last members of the Tiger Guards lined up and stood together.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Second Miss, look. The first person represents one, and the last one represents one hundred. The sum of the two is..."

One hundred and one!

Cai Yu said hastily.

She is not a novice who doesn't understand anything, and this kind of simple calculation comes with just opening her mouth.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded, and continued: "The second and penultimate come out!"

Soon, the second and penultimate members of the Tiger Guards came out and stood together.

"The second one represents two, the penultimate one represents 99, the two add up..."

One hundred and one!

Cai Yu quickly figured it out again.

Children can be taught!

Guo Jia smiled and nodded.

Cai Yu's face darkened suddenly.

This is her father's patent, Guo Jia, a bastard, dares to take advantage of her.

It really makes no sense!
But when he thought that this guy even took away his first kiss, Cai Yu felt a little downcast.

Maybe this guy is her nemesis!
"The third person and the third last come out!"

Guo Jia ignored Cai Yu and shouted immediately.

When the third and penultimate members of the Tiger Guards stood up, someone already felt that something was wrong.

Cai Yu was the first to react.

Although she is not very good at arithmetic, she has a changeable mind and quick response, and she quickly noticed the problem.

Because the end-to-end sum of the three groups of queues is one hundred and one.

Is this a coincidence?
Cai Yu narrowed his eyes.

Not a coincidence!

The fourth and penultimate is also one hundred and one.

The fifth and fifth-to-last is also one hundred and one.

When she counted the past in surprise, she found that, adding the head to the tail, it was still one hundred and one.

Cai Yu seemed to understand something in an instant, but it was difficult to grasp it for a while.

Seeing Cai Yu's reaction, Guo Jia smiled slightly.

He chose this girl after careful consideration.

Cai Yu was the one who reacted the fastest among the crowd, so she must be able to understand her intentions.

Sure enough, Cai Yu lowered his head and pondered for a while, then suddenly excitedly said: "I understand, I understand. The answer is five thousand and fifty."

"Correct, the answer is five thousand and fifty!"

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Everyone was stunned again.

If Guo Jia calculated it himself, everyone might not be surprised.

Because this question was posed by him, it is understandable that he knows the answer.

But the answer came from the mouth of Miss Cai Jiaer.

This confuses everyone.

Is it true that Guo Jia can give people a solution to this kind of problem by giving some random pointers?
(End of this chapter)

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