Chapter 801

Today's Yanzhou is also considered to have a strong army and horses. Although its strength is not comparable to that of Qingzhou, it still has a population of several million and an army of more than [-] under its jurisdiction.

Yanzhou's army is strong and strong, and Cao Cao's advisers are like rain and generals.

If the Yanzhou army also participated in the crusade against Guo Jia, with Cao Cao's shrewdness and good fighting skills, it would definitely cause great harm to Yunzhou.

Cao Cao's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked, "Wen Ruo, what do you think?"

Xun Yu twirled his beard and said, "If you let the lord fight a war, what would you do?"

Cao Cao frowned slightly, and said: "I will order the Bingzhou army to cut off the west road, the grassland tribes to cut off the north road, and Yanzhou and Qingzhou to cut off the south road and the sea road. In this way, there will be problems in the economic and trade system of Yunzhou. There is no commercial system With the support of Yunzhou, Yunzhou will soon be unable to support it. At that time, it is Guo Jia who should be anxious. We will stick to the city at the border and turn defense into offense. The Yunzhou army must take the initiative to open up trade routes. Guarantee the smooth flow of trade routes .”

A look of contempt flashed across his face.

This is the best way to deal with Yunzhou.

This idiot Zhang Yang has a great opportunity, but he doesn't know how to make use of it, he is really an idiot.

If it was Cao Cao who commanded it himself, it would definitely cause huge damage to Yunzhou.

But here comes the question, why did Cao Cao help Zhang Yang, a bastard, do such a thankless thing?
The lord is really amazing!

Xun Yu smiled and said, "With Zhang Yang's ability, he is naturally not Guo Jia's opponent. We will not help Zhang Yang get out of the fire. But we can make a fuss about it."

Make a fuss?
Cao Cao's spirit was shaken, and his head didn't hurt anymore.

Xun Yu is not only Cao Cao's right-hand man, but also Yanzhou's first military division, although this military division is good at strategy and neglects tactics.

"My lord, we don't have any friendship with Zhang Yang, let alone take advantage of him. What's more, he robbed the emperor and made our plan come to nothing. It's impossible to help. If we don't do some damage, we'll be worthy of him."

Not bad!

Cao Cao nodded.

He thought so too.

I'd rather be the world's people than the world's people to blame me.

This bastard Zhang Yang ruined Yanzhou's plan, Cao Cao naturally hated him, help?Go dreaming.

"Since we won't help Zhang Yang, we can only help Guo Jia."

Cao Cao hurriedly stopped Xun Yu.

"Wen Ruo, you made a mistake. I won't help Zhang Yang, let alone Guo Jia. You know, there is only hatred between us."

The feud between him and Guo Jia is not so easy to unravel.


Xun Yu smiled lightly, and said: "There are only eternal interests, and there are no eternal enemies. There will be no benefit for us to help Zhang Yang. But helping Guo Jia is different. First of all, Yunzhou has many soldiers, generals, money and food, which can afford us benefits. In addition, Yunzhou is surrounded by enemies, and helping him at this time is equivalent to sending charcoal in a timely manner. I think the general will not treat Yanzhou badly."


Cao Cao stopped talking.

Although he didn't like Guo Jia either, he was very happy to get benefits from Yunzhou.

Who doesn't know that Yunzhou is the business center of the Han Dynasty, and the supply of war horses alone is a huge number every year.

War horses are the lifeblood of forming cavalry.

Cavalry is still very fierce in this era.


Cao Cao hesitated again.

He and Guo Jia have never been on good terms, so how can he reconcile with Yunzhou?


Xun Yu smiled, he understood Cao Cao's thoughts.

"A miraculous doctor came to Changyi City, and I have already invited him here. This miraculous doctor is able to cure general illnesses."

He said and clapped his hands.

A tall figure walked in, it was Hua Tuo.

Since leaving Yunzhou, he has been erratic, traveling thousands of miles, healing the people along the way.

Hua Tuo's technique is brilliant, and he doesn't receive any compensation for treating diseases. He is very popular among the people and is called a miracle doctor.

"This is the genius doctor Hua Tuo, who is also from the same hometown as the lord."

Xun Yu said with a smile.

It turned out to be Mr. Yuanhua!
Cao Cao hurriedly stood up. The two were both from Peiguoqiao County, and he had also heard of Hua Tuo's name.

"See you sir!"

Hua Tuo said without saying a word.

Along the way, he has met many officials, and he has no special feelings for Cao Cao.

Sir please sit down!

Cao Cao immediately invited Hua Tuo to sit down.

He was not happy because of Hua Tuo's medical skills, but because of Hua Tuo's identity.

Everyone in the world knows that Hua Tuo used to be the dean of Yunzhou Medical College and a celebrity around Guo Jia.

Cao Cao was worried that he had no way to talk to Guo Jia, when Hua Tuo came suddenly, he was really overjoyed.

Seeing a doctor is the second best thing. It is still a good thing for Yanzhou to be able to let Hua Tuo build a line.

"I heard that Mister is the dean of Yunzhou Medical College?"

Cao Cao asked hastily.

Hua Tuo frowned slightly.

He studied medicine to cure diseases and save people, but Guo Jia used his medical skills to kill many innocent people. This was the opposite of Hua Tuo's philosophy, so he left Yunzhou.

During these years of traveling in the rivers and lakes, many people wanted to get on the line of Yunzhou through him, but they were all rejected by Hua Tuo.

Different road non-phase plan.

Now that he has broken with Guo Jia, he will naturally not go back.

"It used to be! But now it's broken. The general hated me when he heard my name. As a last resort, I escaped."

Hua Tuo blocked Cao Cao's mouth first.

That's it!

Cao Cao's eyes suddenly narrowed.

He didn't know whether what Hua Tuo said was true or not.

But being able to tie Hua Tuo to Yunzhou is also a stepping stone.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao suddenly became happy.

"In this case, please send a letter to Mr. Cao. Of course, Mr. Cao will not treat Mr. badly."

Hua Tuo suddenly stood up.

"If you want to deliver the letter, you have plenty of subordinates. Hua is a doctor, and he treats doctors for a living. If you don't have any illness, then Hua will leave."

Said to leave.

Ha ha!

Cao Cao suddenly blocked Hua Tuo's way, and said with a smile: "Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Since you are a doctor, you must save me, a dying person!"

His face suddenly sank.

"Come here, send a carriage quickly and send Mr. Hua Tuo back to Yunzhou."


Hearing this, Hua Tuo was taken aback. He struggled to leave, but was captured by the Xiahou brothers who came after hearing the news.

After everyone left.

A smile appeared on Xun Yu's face.

He clasped his fists and said, "Congratulations, my lord. In this way, we are on the line with Yunzhou. As long as the letter is sent to Guo Jia, he will definitely appreciate your kindness."


Cao Cao couldn't help laughing out loud.

"All of this is Wen Ruo's ingenious plan. If it weren't for this Hua Tuo, it would not be easy for me to gain Guo Jia's trust. Mr. Hua, Mr. Hua, you have been of great help."

(End of this chapter)

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