Chapter 810 Perfect match
Not only Hua Tuo was not clear, but the Cai family sisters were also at a loss.

It stands to reason that Guo Jia also has a lot of women, and he has worked hard. Why did Zhang Ning give birth to a son?
They are all hens, why can you lay eggs?

If it wasn't for Guo Ye's resemblance to Guo Jia, the girls would have suspected that their man's head was green.

Cai Yu always felt that the Daoist sect had some ulterior motive, so he secretly investigated Zhang Ning, but he didn't find out why.


Zhang Ning was a little embarrassed.

This question has always been an unsolved case, and it is also what the Guo family woman is eager to know.

Of so many women, she gave birth to a son by herself, and she was the only one in Guo Jiana's shoes. How many people died of envy.

But Zhang Ning was also confused, and she couldn't say what the reason was.

"Maybe it's because of the practice of law!"

Zhang Ning hummed as low as a mosquito.


Cai Yu shook her head decisively.

She has investigated this matter, learned and practiced the law, and she also sought practice from Guo Jia in this regard.

But in the end it was nothing.

Therefore, she concluded that this and practicing the Fa were not the main reasons.

The main reason should still be on Zhang Ning.

Hua Tuo said in a low voice: "Mrs. Zhang, I don't want to pry into your privacy. The general's health is not good now. I can only think of a way from this aspect."

Medicine and medicine can't kill the disease, but Guo Jia's body suffered a serious loss, and he was not sure of curing it.But there is no problem to maintain it for a few years with drugs.

If he could figure out Zhang Ning's pregnancy, he could conceive all the daughters of the Guo family in the past few years and make Guo Jia's offspring flourish. He would also have an explanation for the Cai family.

Zhang Ning frowned slightly.

She also knew the seriousness of the matter, but...

How dare you say such a thing?
If she wants to tell everyone the details of the two people's happiness, then how will she see people in the future?

Hua Tuo looked at his words and knew that Zhang Ning wanted to say something, but it was just out of face, so he said sincerely first: "Mrs. Zhang, the little old man wants to ask you a few questions, please answer them truthfully."


Zhang Ning nodded.

It is better for Hua Tuo to ask than for her to say it herself.

Besides, she didn't know what to say or not to say.

"When you were pregnant, when was the last time your wife had sex with the general?"

Hua Tuo asked hurriedly.

This is the most crucial question.

The Cai family sisters both pricked up their ears and listened intently.


Zhang Ning's face immediately turned crimson.

When Guo Ye was pregnant, the two were not in the room, but in the warehouse in Wuji County.

At that time, when Yuan Shao flooded Wuji County, Guo Jia was leading his men to control the flood, and Zhang Ning went to condolences, so the two hit it off.

Therefore, the child's name is Guo Ye, to commemorate this field battle.

"You said it, what's there to blush."

Cai Yu was a little upset.

Of the four people present, three were Guo Jia's women, and the other was a genius doctor in the world, with high morals and high prestige, and there was no distinction between men and women.

Zhang Ning's awkwardness made her very upset.

" the warehouse of the Wuji County Government Office."

Zhang Ning could only bow his head.

Hearing this, except for Cai Yu, Hua Tuo and Cai Yan were a little silly.

In this era, there is still some etiquette. Housework is a big gift between husband and wife, so it is natural to be more polite.

These two people are actually fighting outside, it's really...

But then again.

It was the first time in the world that field battles could produce results.

Could it be the reason for this?


Cai Yu quickly dismissed this idea.

It is said that the two have been together for a few years. Because they get together less and leave more, it is not easy to meet together, and field battles are nothing new.

The two fought in the field and didn't get any results!
Why did Zhang Ning plant it?
It's also an intervertebral disc, so why is she protruding?
Obviously, Hua Tuo didn't believe this statement either.

Although fighting in the field was beyond the rules, it was not something shocking to the world, and he didn't bother to care about the general's hobbies.

"Ma'am, did you eat anything that day, or did something strange happen?"

Hua Tuo asked.

Daomen is not only proficient in Taoism but also good at alchemy, and Zhang Ning may have taken some pills or something.

"No! We in Taipingdao never practice alchemy, nor take pills!"

Zhang Ning shook his head.

The Yellow Turban Road is a little different from the Tianzhu Mountain lineage, they only use talisman water instead of alchemy.

is it?

Hua Tuo was obviously disappointed.

He didn't get anything useful from Zhang Ning.

Is this really a fixed number?

He smiled wryly and shook his head.

Perhaps this is Guo Jia's fate!


Zhang Ning hesitated for a while, but still bit the bullet and said: "That day was the time when my Tiankui came... I was a little bit reluctant at first, but my husband was coming, and I didn't expect to be pregnant with Ye'er..."

She didn't say anything next, and her face turned even redder.

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked.


The sisters of the Cai family felt their scalps tingling.

It's just envy and jealousy!

Although they don't know much about medical skills, they are still very clear about women's bodies.

Tiankui is a menstrual event, and it is generally impossible to conceive during this period.

It's nothing more than playing in the field, Zhang Ning Tiankui came, and she was able to get pregnant. This is really an anecdote in the world.

Hua Tuo was also dumbfounded.

Is that okay?

But it really overturned his cognition.

The impossible has become possible.

Cai Yu murmured, "It's unreasonable for you to be pregnant with Tiankui once a month."

She didn't know what to say anymore.

no no no...

Zhang Ning suddenly felt a little embarrassed and said: "I am a little different from ordinary girls. Since the first time I came at the age of 14, there will only be once a year, and the date is not fixed."

Everyone was stunned again.

There is only one tiankui in a year, and she is still pregnant.

God loves Zhang Ning so much!
Hua Tuo's heart moved, and he slapped his thigh suddenly, saying: "I understand, I understand! In fact, I should have thought of it a long time ago. The world is really big, and there are no surprises."

Uncle Hua!
Cai Yu hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

Hua Tuo took a deep breath and said: "The general is born with weak body and weak life, which belongs to Shaoyang, while Mrs. Zhang is in excellent health, her life is full, and she belongs to the body of Laoyin. Whether it is Shaoyang or Laoyin, it is the body of Laoyin. It is very difficult to conceive. But once they meet, the yin and yang of the two sides can be adjusted, so that harmony can be achieved."

The three women were at a loss.

What Hua Tuo said about young yang and old yin, and the adjustment of yin and yang, they were confused.

"Uncle Hua, can you explain it clearly?"

Cai Yan asked puzzledly.

This matter is related to Guo Jia's safety and their happiness, so naturally they cannot be regarded as the same.

 I'm in a hurry today, so I can't update it. Starting next month, I will update three times a day. There will be a wave of explosions in the middle of the month. In addition, thank you book friends for your rewards, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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