Chapter 812
"Second miss, I am the governor of Yunzhou, and I am a subordinate of the general. I only obey the orders of the general in my life. I definitely don't do anything for personal gain."

Xi Zhong said hastily.

Now is the critical time, he doesn't want any accidents, so he must be firm.

Everyone in Yunzhou knows that Cai Yu is Guo Jia's favorite person, and now that Guo Jia is sick in bed, who knows if he came to test him?

is it?

Cai Yu looked at Xi Zhong with great interest.

"The general has already handed over the affairs of Yunzhou to Lord Inspector. If someone takes advantage of the chaos at this time, what should you, Lord Inspector, do?"

After Guo Jia fell ill, the young master Guo Ye disappeared again, and many people began to have other ideas.

This is also a matter of course, after all they can be loyal to Guo Jia, but if Guo Jia is dead, there is no guarantee that they will not have other ideas.

Although Yunzhou, Jizhou, and Youzhou are all Guo Jia's territories, Yunzhou is where Guo Jia's foundation lies.

So the attitude of the governor of Yunzhou Xizhong is very important.


Xi Zhong said without hesitation.

very good!

Cai Yu nodded slowly.

She is still very satisfied with Xi Zhong's performance.

"Since that's the case, the governor's lord will go with the little girl!"

Cai Yu said with a smile.

Xi Zhong was stunned for a moment, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the lady's gourd, so he had to bite the bullet and follow.


A compound in Lunu City.

This is the residence of Xizhong, the governor of Yunzhou.

For this right-hand man, Guo Jia will naturally not treat him badly.

Xizhong's mansion is second only to the General's mansion in scale.

Xi Zhong is a busy man, he spends most of his time working in the government office, and his younger brother Xi Ren has been taking care of the mansion.

Although Xi Ren and Xi Zhong are siblings of the same mother, they are just like ordinary people.

So Xi Zhong didn't find any errands for his younger brother, just let him take care of the affairs of the mansion.

The prime minister's concierge is the seventh-rank official.

Although Xiren is the big steward of the opera mansion, all he comes into contact with are high-ranking people in Yunzhou. If he wants to follow the path of Xizhong, he must pass the level of Xiren.

Therefore, Xiren is considered a hot figure in Yunzhou.

On this day, a group of people came to the governor's mansion, all of whom were from Yunzhou's aristocratic families, and the leader was Xinpi.

After the last profiteer incident, Simpi was put on death row.

Xin Ping intends to exterminate relatives righteously, but Xi Zhong considers that Simpi is just covering up a profiteer and the crime is not fatal, so he pardons Simpi and demotes him to a commoner.

Although he lost his job as an official, Xin Pi climbed up the path of opera benevolence again and became the apprentice of an opera artist.

"Second Master, everyone is here!"

Simpi said with a smile.

In recent years, Xizhong has been in full swing in Yunzhou, and Xiren is naturally a hot figure, so a group of friends have gathered around him.

Among them, Simpi is the head.

Second Master!

Everyone clasped their hands together.

Although Xi Ren is an idiot, his brother is Xi Zhong, who is the governor of Yunzhou.

Although Guo Jia is a general, he is often away from home, and everything in Yunzhou is also taken care of by Xi Zhong.

It can be said that he is the actual controller of Yunzhou, with one person under ten thousand.

This is a thick thigh, and everyone will naturally hug it tightly.

"Everyone is here?"

Xiren said confidently.

Over the years, with the help of Xi Zhong, his big housekeeper has also risen with the tide.

Even a senior official with two thousand shi will be polite to him.

Everyone sat down as the guest of honor!

"Second Master!"

Simpi leaned over: "Have you heard any rumors?"


Xiren froze for a moment: "What's the rumor?"

He is just a mediocre person, and he is not very sensitive to politics, otherwise Xizhong would not let him spend his time at home.

Simpi coughed, glanced left and right, and suddenly lowered his voice: "The news just came that the general was suddenly sick in bed, and there was constant crying in the mansion, and the genius doctor Hua Tuo was also helpless. It seems that he is really dying."

His face was a little gloating.

For Guo Jia, Xin Pi has a lot of resentment in his heart.

The two brothers defected to Guo Jia together, and they were both from Yangdi, Yingchuan, from the same hometown.

Xin Ping has been on the rise, but Xin Pi has never been reused.

Xin Pi thinks that his talent and knowledge are much higher than that of his brother Xin Ping, but Guo Jia has always reused his brother Xin Ping and ignored him, feeling very dissatisfied in his heart.

With great difficulty, Xinpi ascended to the position of Lunu county magistrate, but he almost lost his life because of covering up profiteers. If it wasn't for Xizhong's intervention, he would have been separated by now.

The reason, of course, is that Guo Jia is not good, so Xin Pi has incomparable resentment towards Guo Jia.

Now that Guo Jia had fallen, he was naturally extremely excited, and immediately gathered his party members to report the news to Xiren.

Hearing this news, Xiren couldn't help but be surprised.

"The general is dead?"

His voice trembled a little.

Guo Jia is the pillar of Yunzhou. He has calmly resolved all previous crises in Yunzhou. The people of Yunzhou have always regarded this general as a god.

So even though Zhang Yang's 30 troops came to attack, everyone in Yunzhou didn't take it seriously, because the general Guo Jia was there, and whoever came had to lie down and get out.

Now that he suddenly heard the news that Guo Jia was dying, Xiren's first thought was Yunzhou pills.

"How to do how to do?"

Xiren panicked.

He got up and wanted to find Xi Zhong.

Guo Jia is over, can Yunzhou still hold on?
Isn't the enemy about to attack in the blink of an eye?

"Second Master, don't panic!"

Seeing Xi Ren so panicked, a flash of contempt flashed in Xin Pi's eyes.

Although he chose the path of Xiren, he looked down on Xiren very much.

This man is a complete mediocrity.

But they have a good brother, although Xizhong didn't give Xiren any official position, but he handed over the butler of Xijia to him.

The playwright is a dignitary in Yunzhou, and the housekeeper is a fat job. This is what my brother should do.

On the other hand, Xin Pi's elder brother, Xin Ping, not only didn't help Xin Pi find any errands, but wanted to kill his relatives righteously.

So Xin Pilian also hated his elder brother, and the two families didn't have much contact with each other.

"Our Yunzhou is already extraordinary. With the army guarding the outside and the governor inside supporting us, it is not so easy to fall down."

Xin Pi analyzed the situation and talked about the good things about Yunzhou.

It has to be said that he still has some insights.

Not bad!

Everyone also responded one after another.

Hearing that everyone was so confident, Xi Ren breathed a sigh of relief, and then wiped the cold sweat off his face.

"It scared me to death. I thought Yunzhou was going to die?"

Xin Pi smiled slightly, and said, "Second Master, Guo Jia has fallen, although Yunzhou is not finished, but it is almost the same."

Xi Ren was a little confused by what he said.

Didn't you say that Yunzhou was impenetrable before, but now it's over again?

(End of this chapter)

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