Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 815 Killing while talking and laughing

Chapter 815 Killing while talking and laughing

The servant girl couldn't stand the torture and died!

Cai Yu's expression was very calm, she just wiped the blood off her hands, as if she had done something insignificant.

Xi Zhongzheng on the side was sweating profusely.

Since the establishment of Yunzhou, there have been constant disputes. As the elder of Yunzhou, it is not that he has never seen dead people.

But Cai Yu's attitude of killing without batting an eyelid really chills Xi Zhong.

"Second Miss, this matter..."

Xi Zhong wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by Cai Yu.

She looked at Xi Zhong with a half smile.

"Master Inspector, don't worry, whoever is responsible is the one who is responsible. Skynet will not wrong a good person, of course..."

Her tone changed, and she said meaningfully: "I won't release a bad person."

Hearing Cai Yu's words, Xi Zhong's heart completely fell to the bottom.

He knew that something might happen to the actor this time.

Xiren, Xiren!

You are a trickster!
Xi Zhong whispered in his heart.


Bingzhou Shangdang.

Hearing the news that Guo Jia fell ill, Zhang Yang couldn't help standing up in surprise.

Yang Chougui also looked perplexed.

Although they assembled their forces to attack Yunzhou, they were still a little timid about Yunzhou's strength.

After all, Guo Jia has a great reputation, and countless forces have been lost to him over the years.

It was like a person wandering by the river who was about to cross the river, suddenly there was no water in the river, this sudden surprise caught them off guard.


Zhang Yang couldn't help swallowing some saliva, and asked impatiently.


Lu Bu suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in a low voice: "This is from our spy in Yunzhou. He has confirmed the news that Guo Jia is seriously ill. In addition, the genius doctor Hua Tuo is helpless."

Hearing that the genius doctor Hua Tuo was helpless!

Zhang Yang couldn't help but let out a long breath.

He slammed the table sharply.

"It's really God helping me!"

Zhang Yang was naturally happy.

Without the great general, he, the great Sima, is the talker of the court.

"Congratulations, lord, congratulations, lord!"

Yang Chou on the side smiled and stood up.

"My lord, using the army of righteousness to fight against traitors and traitors will naturally be beneficial. Before this army goes out, Guo Jia fell ill. Yunzhou will naturally surrender in anticipation."

Not bad!

Lu Bu also laughed and said, "This is a golden opportunity, and it is time for us to show our power in Bingzhou. Once Yunzhou is destroyed, brother will be the number one overlord in the world."


Zhang Yang laughed a few times, a little complacent.

Guo Jia is finished, everything in Yunzhou is naturally his, and it is not a problem to be proud of the world after getting Yunzhou, a fertile land.

"Lu Bu listens!"

Zhang Yang suddenly ordered.

Subordinates are here!
Lu Bu stood up immediately.

"I ordered you to be the vanguard and lead [-] troops to attack Xu Rong at Jingjing Pass. I will lead an army of [-] troops and arrive soon. I hope you will attack Jingjing Pass and pave the way for the army when the army arrives."

Jingjingguan is the road from Bingzhou to Yunzhou, and Guo Jia dispatched general Xu Rong to guard it.If you want to attack Yunzhou, you must first go to Jingjing Pass.


Lu Bu suddenly said: "Xu Rong, the gatekeeper of Jingjing, used to be from Xiliang's old department, and he had a lot of friendship with my younger brother. Now that Guo Jia has fallen ill and all the dragons in Yunzhou have no leader, Xu Rong is probably feeling a little worried. If we try to persuade him to go to Bingzhou at this time, we will definitely Can do more with less.”

good good!
Zhang Yang couldn't help being overjoyed.

If Jingjing Pass can be won without bloodshed, it will be a good start.

"Your brother is right. If Xu Rong is willing to defect to us, the general will invite the emperor, and prosperity and wealth are just around the corner. Do you have a suitable candidate?"

Zhang Yang asked impatiently.

Lu Bu hesitated for a while, and smiled wryly: "To tell the truth, when I was under Dong Zhuo's command, I had some disagreements with Xu Rongduo. If my younger brother sends someone there, it will probably backfire."

He paused, and continued: "I heard that General Gui and Xu Rong have met for a few times, I wonder if I can trouble General Gui to go there."

Gui Gu was stunned for a moment, he never expected that Lu Bu would recommend him to go.

Although he and Xu Rong had met for a few times, they were not familiar with each other. While hesitating, Zhang Yang said with a smile: "Okay, that's it, General Gui, I will trouble you."

Hearing that Zhang Yang had made a decision, Gui Gu had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "No!"

Although he disapproves of war, Guo Jia is now ill and the situation is very favorable to Bingzhou, so he doesn't insist on it anymore.

As for persuading Xu Rong?

He was not sure, so he could only try his best.

Brother wise!

There was a vague smile on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth.


In the middle of the night, a black shadow suddenly flashed into Lu Bu's camp.

"General Lu!"

The visitor clasped his fists, it was Zhang Yang's confidant Yang Chou.

He smiled and said: "The general has a clever plan. With a few words, Gui Gu will be dispatched. In this way, there will be no decent people around Zhang Yang. Everything is under our control."

It was Lu Bu's plan to recommend Guigu to Jingjing Pass during the day.

Zhang Yang had been dazzled by the victory for a long time, and without even thinking about it, he dispatched Gui Gu, who was the most loyal to him.

"How are the preparations?"

Lu Bu asked gloomyly.

Yang Chou said in a low voice: "Everything is ready, and most of the generals in Bingzhou have surrendered to the general. As long as the general rises, they will respond. But the general is outside, and the villain is inside. They will definitely be able to completely take down the Bingzhou army."

very good!

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Lu Bu's face.

He, Lu Bu, is a hero in the world, why should he submit to publicity?
Besides, he also defeated Li Jue and Guo Si to snatch the emperor back, and Zhang Yang was just sitting back and enjoying the success.

"Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang!"

Lu Bu sneered, and said, "Don't blame my brother for being cruel, but blame you for being overconfident. A local tyrant wants to rule the world. The world is not so easy to get."

The general said yes!
Yang Chou smiled and said, "Only a hero like a general is worthy of ruling the world. What is Zhang Yang? He is not worthy of carrying shoes like General Lu."

In fact, as soon as Lv Bu came to Zhang Yang, Yang Chou hooked up with Lv Bu. In order to please his new master, he did not hesitate to betray his old master, which shows how poor his character is.

Lu Bu felt very useful in his heart.

Since Chang'an's defeat after defeat, Lu Bu has been reduced from a prince to a bereaved dog. If Zhang Yang hadn't taken him in, he would have been homeless by now.

But Lv Bu was ambitious, even if he was sent to others, he would not be lonely.

From that day on, he has been thinking about taking over Zhang Yang's fortune.

Now the opportunity has finally come!

Show off!

A flash of contempt flashed in Lu Bu's eyes.

You will be the stepping stone for General Ben to rise to power.

(End of this chapter)

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