Chapter 833
When Lu Bu heard that Guigu had returned alive, although he was a little surprised, he also didn't take it seriously.

Although Xu Rong didn't kill Guigu, he was a little surprised, but everything was under their control at the moment, even if Guigu didn't die, there would be nothing wrong with it.

"General Lu, it's not that simple!"

Yang Chou paused and said: "My eyeliner by Zhang Yang's side reported that Gui Gu came back from Xu Rong and immediately came to Zhang Yang's tent, where the two discussed for an hour. It seems that Gui Gu also brought back a prisoner. The two discussed After that, the prisoner died. What is even more worrying is that when they were talking, they drove everyone out."


Lu Bu frowned, a little stunned.

Where did the captives come from?

At this moment, a soldier suddenly walked in.

"General Lu, Da Sima sent someone here!"

Hurry up please!

Lu Bu waved his hand to signal Yang Chou to hide, then straightened his clothes and walked out with all the generals.

"Meet General Lu!"

The person who came was Zhang Yang's confidant.

"I don't know what orders the great Sima has?"

Lu Bu asked politely.

"Great Sima invited General Lu to a banquet to discuss the upcoming war."

The visitor also said politely.

That's it!

Lu Bu nodded slowly.

"Go back and report to Da Sima, I, Lu Bu, will definitely be there on time."

The person who came didn't say anything, just cupped his fists, turned and left.

When they were far away, Yang Chou came out.

"General Lu, something is wrong. Why did Da Sima summon you just after Guigu came back? Could it be that this is a Hongmen banquet?"

Yang Chou asked worriedly.

Lu Bu's face also darkened.

If he didn't know Gui Gu and Zhang Yang's conspiracy, he would have gone there without hesitation.

Just like this, he also hesitated in his heart.

To go or not to go?
General Lu!
Yang Chou paused and said, "Are you still hesitating?"

He was already a little timid, and he dared not go to the banquet even if he said nothing.

Lu Bu took a few steps with his hands behind his back.

Right now they have only two options, one is to pretend that nothing is wrong and rush to the banquet.

Perhaps this is a misunderstanding.

The other is to raise troops immediately and attack Guigu with the strength of two people.

Only in this way, it will completely tear the face apart. Although 6 people have an advantage over Guigu's 4 people, it is still somewhat difficult to completely eat them.

How to do?
Lu Bu also hesitated.

He didn't dare to take any chances.

"Send the order, the whole army is assembled, ready to attack at any time."

Cao Xing, Hou Cheng, Wei Xu and Hao Meng responded in unison.

General Lu is mighty!
A smile appeared on Yang Chou's face.

"General Yang, go back immediately and be ready to strike at any time."

Yang Chou also responded.

Finally started!

Lu Bu took a deep breath and looked outside the tent.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.


"Big Sima, it's not good!"

Guigu walked in with a heavy face.

"I just got the news that after Yang Chou went to Lv Bu's barracks, Lv Bu started dispatching troops."

He also planted an eyeliner in Lu Bu's military camp, and naturally Lu Bu's dispatch of troops and generals could not be hidden from Gui Gu.

Zhang Yang felt a chill in his heart.

"Has the news leaked?"

The reason why Lu Bu did this was probably because their scheme was exposed.

"Brother Gui, what should we do now?"

Zhang Yang was a little lost.

He was not a person with ideas in the first place, and it was all thanks to Gui Gu's help that he stabilized his position.

Gui Gu thought for a while, and said decisively: "There is only one way now, and that is to get rid of the traitor Yang Chou first, regain the military power in his hands, and then concentrate our forces to destroy Lu Bu's Liangzhou army."

He is still somewhat strategic.


Zhang Yang hesitated.

"In case Yang Chou did not betray, wouldn't we hurt the hearts of our own people by doing so?"

This is his character, he is indecisive, unable to make up his mind at critical times.

My big Sima!
Guigu was angry and funny.

"When is this, you are still indecisive. Although there is no evidence to prove that Yang Chou is collaborating with the enemy, he is very close to Lu Bu, which is a problem in itself. To be on the safe side, we can take Yang Chou first and take him back. His military power. After the truth comes to light, he will be held accountable."

He persuaded tactfully.


Zhang Yang nodded hastily.

Gui Gu was well aware of Zhang Yang's temperament, so he had already thought of a countermeasure early in the morning.

"To take down Yang Chou this time, Da Sima must do it himself."

Guigu said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Zhang Yang hesitated again.

He didn't want to take any chances.

"Don't worry, Da Sima, everything is left to the subordinates, you just need to show your face."

Gui Gu promised with a strong oath.

Yang Chou and Gui Gu are Zhang Yang's right-hand men, and they are also deeply trusted by Zhang Yang.

There is some disagreement between the two, and it may be difficult for Guigu to monopolize Yang Chou.

In case it was self-defeating and forced Yang Chou to turn against him in advance, it would be a little troublesome.

So Guigu decided to invite Zhang Yang to play.

Zhang Yang is the master of the two, as long as he shows up in Yang Chou's barracks, he can suppress Yang Chou's army.


Zhang Yang finally nodded.

As of now, it can only be so.


After Yang Chou left Lu Bu's barracks, he hurried back to his barracks.

As soon as he walked into the camp, he immediately saw a person sitting in the handsome tent, it was Gui Gu.

why are you here!
Seeing Gui Gu here, Yang Chou was startled suddenly, forced himself to suppress his panic, and hurriedly said, "Why did you come in person? Just send someone if you need anything."

Although he had a smile on his face, his heart was very troubled.

is it?

Gui Gu smiled and said, "I don't have anything to do, so I took people to look around. In addition, Da Sima asked me to bring some gifts to reward the soldiers."

He stood up slowly as he spoke.

Seeing Gui Gu doing this, Yang Chou was slightly relieved.

Maybe things are not as they thought.

"Don't worry, Da Sima, with his subordinates, he will definitely let him sit back and relax!"

Yang Chou said with a smile.

He was originally ugly, and he was promoted by Zhang Yang all the way.

Now with a slanderous smile, it's even uglier.

Gui Gu smiled lightly, then clapped his hands.

A group of soldiers came in and lifted a large box.

"Big Sima is real!"

Yang Chou rubbed his hands, and said embarrassedly: "I don't have any credit for this, and I still need to be rewarded by the great Sima, and General Gui personally sent it."

At this moment, his heart was completely relaxed.

Since Zhang Yang rewarded him with a gift, there would be no crisis. He must be thinking too much.

With a wave of Gui Gu's hand, his subordinates opened the box, revealing the contents inside, which were indeed a pair of chains.

(End of this chapter)

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