Chapter 846

Hearing Huang Xu's doubts, Xun You just glanced at him indifferently.

This young man is courageous and resourceful, and in time he will become a unique figure.

Guo Jia sent Huang Xu here because he hoped that he could learn from Xun You and become a general in Yunzhou to resist in the future.

"General Huang, I just want to make the fortress deaf and blind!"

Xun Yousi said slowly.


Hearing what Xun You said, Huang Xu couldn't help being stunned.

What he said was also a tactful reminder to Xun You not to make foolish moves.

But this military adviser knew that it was a foolish move to withdraw to Wubao at this time, but he still insisted on doing so, there must be something strange in it.

Thinking of this, Huang Xu hurriedly said: "Military division, if it is normal, there is not much loss in the fortress. But at this moment, Bingzhou Qingzhou has entered the territory of Yunzhou. We also have [-] nomads here. The northern fortress is The barrier in the north of Yunzhou, once we shrink our formation, this fortress will become an isolated city. If the vagrants from outside come in, wouldn’t we become the sinners of Yunzhou?"

As a lieutenant general, he still had to remind Xun You.

is it?

Xun You smiled lightly, and asked back, "Do you think these [-] homeless people dare not go south because they are afraid of the northern fortress?"


Huang Xu shook his head in embarrassment.

Although the fort also adopted a lot of tricks to deceive the vagrants for a few days, making them think that a lot of troops had entered the fort.

After this period of silence, most of these people will realize that the northern fortress is just a bluff.

But they still kept their troops on hold, which made Huang Xu also feel strange.

"Perhaps Xu Bugu is cautious and wants to wait until the battle between Jizhou and Yunzhou is clear before dispatching troops."

Huang Xu explained.

There is such an aspect!

Xun You nodded affirmatively, then shook his head and said, "But it's not the main thing."

Huang Xu fell silent again.

After all, he is a fledgling kid who has not yet grown to the level of Xun You, nor is he qualified to have access to the information that Xun You can.

Ha ha!

Xun You smiled and said: "They are waiting and watching, but they are not waiting for the results of Bingzhou and Jizhou, but waiting for the arrival of June."


Hearing what Xun You said, Huang Xu's heart suddenly moved, as if he had thought of something, but it was difficult to grasp it for a while.

They are waiting for the rainy day!
Xun You didn't hold back anymore, and reminded Huang Xu straight to the point.

After being reminded by Xun You, Huang Xu suddenly came to his senses.

Yes, these people are waiting for the rainy day.

Because the firearms in Yunzhou cannot be used only on cloudy and rainy days.

Yunzhou's firearms cannot be used, so the threat to them is greatly reduced.

In this way, they are considered invincible.

After all, the strongest Southern Huns and Xianbei on the grassland were destroyed by Yunzhou's firearms.

Grassland people have always been very afraid of these mysterious weapons.

That's it!

Huang Xu understood everything at once.

No wonder Xu Bu Gu has been standing still outside the Great Wall, he is waiting for an opportunity.

He admired Xun You even more.

From the very beginning, the military adviser saw through the minds of the nomads.

"Military Master, since this is the case, let's take advantage of the rainy day before the lord attacks them."

Huang Xu immediately made a suggestion.

In order to better guard the fortress, Guo Jia left a hundred artillerymen in the fortress, and they had a lot of firearms in their hands.

Xun You smiled slightly and said, "Can you... catch up?"

Huang Xu was speechless.

Although gunpowder weapons are powerful, they are still somewhat powerless against the mobile and flexible cavalry.

If they sent the artillery out, these vagrants would surely disperse.

The reason why Xianbei's 3 horses were successfully wiped out last time was that Guo Jia and Xun You jointly set up a trap, allowing Kirby to fall into it.

Gunpowder weapons are extremely lethal to dense formations.

What should I do?
Huang Xu was a little at a loss.

Take the initiative but can't fight, and can't wait?

It seems that we really have to defend the walled city to the death.

But in this way, wouldn't Yunzhou become a horse farm for others, who could come and go whenever they wanted?
alright, alright!

Xun You smiled slightly and said, "I won't hide it from you. The reduction of troops this time is also the Lord's intention."

What Guo Jia meant!
Huang Xu's heart moved, this time he grasped the information keenly.

Since it is the intention of the lord Guo Jia, then this matter is a bit strange.

It seems that this lord has never been in a loss-making business.

He asked the lord of the fortress to shrink his troops. Could it be that he wanted to let the vagrants in on purpose?

Huang Xu trembled, and suddenly thought of something.

"Military lord, what do you want?"

he asked aloud.

Not bad!

Xun You nodded slowly.

"My lord intends to use Yunzhou as a bait to lure these [-] homeless people to go deep, so as to make a complete end. One battle will solve all hidden dangers."

In Yunzhou, Xi Zhong, Xu Shu and Xun You were able to keep up with Guo Jia in terms of resourcefulness.

So when Guo Jia made a move, the three of them understood what he meant.

But Huang Xu's resourcefulness is not as good. If it weren't for Xun You's suggestion, he would still be kept in the dark at this moment.


Huang Xu said in shock, "This is a big gamble!"

One hundred thousand homeless people is not a small number. Once they are put into Yunzhou, it will cause great damage.

Can Yunzhou hold it?

Do not worry!
Xun You smiled and said, "My lord has already prepared it. This time he dug a hole that is big enough to fit these vagrants in."

As he spoke, he patted Huang Xu on the shoulder.

Although it is not clear what means Guo Jia has, Xun You still believes that Guo Jia can win.

What the northern fortress has to do now is to fully cooperate with Guo Jia and let these nomads enter Yunzhou.


Wan County!

Cao Cao was in a hurry to attack Zhang Xiu when he suddenly received news from the north.

Yuan Shao is defeated!

Seeing this news, Cao Cao was not surprised.

Because Yuan Shao was not Guo Jia's opponent in the first place, so it was only natural that he was defeated.

But the second news made him feel a little stunned.

Lu Bu actually led his army straight to Puyang, with some evil intentions!
Yanzhou is Cao Cao's lair. If Lu Bu takes it down, Cao Cao will be homeless.

So Cao Cao immediately withdrew his troops back to Yanzhou.

It doesn't matter whether Wan County is hit or not, Yanzhou must not lose.

Cao Cao retreated, Zhang Xiu was happy, and was about to join forces with Liu Biao in pursuit.

Jia Xu said that there is a limit to advancing and retreating, and if you chase it, you will lose!
The two didn't believe it, and led the army to pursue it.

Cao Cao had been on guard for a long time, leaving behind an ambush to defeat the two of them.

Zhang Xiu went back to see Jia Xu in embarrassment.

Jia Xu asked him to pursue Cao Cao again. Although Zhang Xiu was a little puzzled, he still followed Jia Xu's suggestion and pursued Cao Cao again.

Cao Cao didn't expect that Zhang Xiu would dare to chase after him. He was caught off guard for a while, and he was defeated.

Nanyang has been able to maintain peace ever since.

Zhang Xiu respected Jia Xu even more and obeyed his words.

(End of this chapter)

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