Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 849 Guo Jia's Preparation

Chapter 849 Guo Jia's Preparation

Water can put out fire is common sense!

It stands to reason that Xu Bugu's method is always wrong, but it is less feasible.

Even if each of them carries water that can put out the fire, how can the Han people give them the opportunity to put out the fire?
"Okay, you virtuous king, you are also called a method? Once the two armies fight, even if we have water in our hands, how can we have a chance to extinguish the opponent's firearms?"

Fu Luohan also pouted, somewhat disapproving.

Water can extinguish fire, but it must also have a chance to extinguish fire.

Once there is a war, people will naturally not watch you bring water.

The method is useful, but what if it cannot be done?

Isn't this useless?


Seeing everyone's disdain, Xu Bugu laughed again, and he suddenly had a sense of superiority in IQ.

"Everyone, although we can't do it. But someone can do it!"

He said mysteriously.


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being stunned again.

And this kind of person?
"where is he?"

King Midang asked again.

If such a person really exists, then he is no longer a human being, but a god.

Xu Bugu suddenly pointed to the top, and said mysteriously: "God!"


Fu Luohan was still a little confused.

God is naturally able to do it, but they can't invite it?

Hu Chuquan trembled, as if he had guessed something.

"You mean rainy day?"

King Midang asked excitedly, he already understood Xu Bugu's intention.

If you attack Yunzhou on a rainy day, Yunzhou's firearms will have no effect.

Not bad!

Xu Bugu smiled and said, "I have asked the Han people to calculate that this June is a month with frequent rains. As long as we attack on cloudy and rainy days, Yunzhou's firearms will become useless."

That's it!

King Midang and Fu Luohan nodded.

Only now did they understand why Xu Bugu had been standing still. He was not waiting for the situation, but for timing, waiting for the continuous rain in June.

Once it rains continuously, Yunzhou's firearms will no longer be effective.

At that time, relying on their superiority in cavalry, they will definitely be able to kill all of Yunzhou.


King Midang scratched his head.

"If it's raining, our bow cavalry won't be able to play a role!"

indeed so!

Bowstrings are afraid of water, and once soaked, they lose their effect.

Besides, rainy days also have a great impact on the accuracy of archery.

Bow riders are basically useless when it rains, and they can't play their due role.

is it?

Xu Bugu said disapprovingly: "Even if we don't have bows and crossbows, we still have scimitars and spears. How can the Han people be the opponents of our grassland warriors?"

Not bad!

King Midang and Fu Luohan also showed smiles on their faces.

Even without bows and crossbows, their cavalry is still the best, and the Han are no match at all.

Goodbye Youxian King!
The two were sincerely convinced and completely obeyed the command.

If Xu Bugu's method is followed, they will definitely be able to take down Yunzhou at the least cost.

Thinking of the richness of Yunzhou, the two couldn't help showing greed on their faces.

Once Yunzhou is captured, they will definitely plunder vigorously.


Su Bugu suddenly raised his voice.

"To the future of the grassland, cheers!"


King Midang and Fu Luohan held up the kumiss.

Hu Chuquan hesitated for a moment, but still raised his glass.

Although he hated Xu Bugu somewhat, but after listening to Xu Bugu's suggestion, he also felt that it made sense.

It is definitely not possible to fight recklessly. Marching on a rainy day may reduce casualties.


The wine glasses of the four touched together!

Yunzhou, Lunu City!

Cai Yu hurried into Guo Jia's room.

"The news has already been released. I'm afraid Xu Bugu's eyes have started to turn red. I guess, once it enters a continuous rainy day, they will rush to the city of Lunu as soon as possible."

very good!
Hearing this, Guo Jia breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "This time, I will definitely let them go."

The conspiracy of riding outside the Great Wall is slowly unfolding, and the Yunzhou side is also in full swing.

In order to eliminate the nomads in Bingzhou in one fell swoop and eliminate the hidden dangers in the Central Plains, this plan to lure wolves into the house was formulated.

He intends to show off his wealth in Lunu, and publicly airs the property of the treasury and the grain and grass in the warehouse.

After several years of operation, Lunu City has long been like mountains of gold and silver, with piles of grain and grass, and the spies in the city are drooling.

Intentionally let them spread the news.

With the greed of grassland nomads, knowing that there are so many things in Lunu City, they will definitely come here in full force.

Once these nomads are eliminated, the hidden dangers of the grassland will no longer exist, and the Central Plains will be able to obtain at least several decades of peace.

"Are you really sure about dealing with these homeless people?"

Cai Yu didn't have that much confidence.

According to the information she received, this time the nomads from Bingzhou came in full force, with a total strength of 12.

This is 12 cavalry!
On cloudy and rainy days, gunpowder weapons cannot play their full role. It is not an easy task for 12 troops to deal with [-] people.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Do you want me to lose, or do you want me to win?"


Cai Yu couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

She naturally thought that Guo Jia had won.

Right now, both the Cai family and her, Cai Yu, are bound together with Guo Jia, and if something happens to Guo Jia, they cannot be alone.

That being the case!

Guo Jia suddenly smiled mysteriously, and said, "Then give me some encouragement! A kiss from my sister-in-law will kill my brother-in-law!"


Cai Yu was stunned for a moment, and then there was some confusion on his face.

She suddenly remembered that Guo Jia had molested her back then.

It was this guy who cheated him of his first kiss by saying that his sister-in-law kissed her brother-in-law and killed the Quartet.

Now that the two have already slept together, and she has become the brother-in-law's little lover, she will naturally not believe Guo Jia's nonsense.

Hearing these words again, Cai Yu suddenly felt nostalgic.

However, Cai Yu wanted to be Guo Jia's right-hand man, so she always avoided having an intimate relationship with Guo Jia.

Because that would affect her judgment and make it difficult for her to integrate into the role of Guo Jia's helper.

"Why, don't believe it?"

Guo Jia looked at Cai Yu with a smile.

For some reason, he likes to tease this sister-in-law very much.

" are the one to blame!"

Cai Yu rolled his eyes at him, and said solemnly: "Now we are just a superior-subordinate relationship. If you say such crazy words again, I will get angry."

She said she was angry, but there was a smile on her face.

Guo Jia laughed a few times, then suddenly hugged Cai Yu and kissed her.

"My sister-in-law will kill everyone with a kiss. This time, I will definitely win."

Cai Yu didn't notice for a while, but he was forced to bear it, and was so angry that he chased and beat Guo Jia.

It was so easy to feel that she was ruined by this bastard again, which made Cai Yu very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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