Chapter 860
Under the leadership of the Southern Huns, 12 grassland nomads marched into Yunzhou in a mighty manner.

The 12 cavalry may seem like a large number, but they are divided into four parts.

The 3 army of the Southern Xiongnu Youxian King Xu Bugu, followed by the 4 troops of the Zuo Xian King Huchuquan, and the other [-] were the troops of King Midang and Fu Luohan.

From the perspective of military strength, the Southern Huns are the absolute main force, and the two together have a strength of 8.

But Xu Bugu and Hu Chuquan have a feud against their father, so they are destined not to trust each other.

In addition, although King Midang and Fu Luohan have also sent troops, they may not take advantage of Xu Bugu's fire.

Therefore, these four people also have their own ghosts.

Give the opponent an opportunity.

"What, use room?"

Cai Yu looked at Guo Jia in surprise.

Since ancient times, using space has been the favorite method of both warring parties.

Low cost, safe and effective, and no side effects.

But the success rate is relatively low.

She never expected that the army was overwhelming, and Guo Jia was still thinking about how to use the space.

"Guo Jia, did you make a mistake? Could this be your strategy against the enemy?"

Cai Yu was angry and anxious.

Originally, Guo Jia was so resolute, she thought Guo Jia had some great trick, but she didn't expect it to be a divorce.

When is this, someone's knife is already on your chest, do you still have time to use the alienation plan to make the enemy fight?

That's right, it's a distance meter!

Guo Jia nodded with a smile.

"The enemy is approaching fiercely, and our first step is naturally to divide them first."

Cai Yu immediately poured a basin of cold water on him.

"Although Skynet also has eyes and ears in the southern Huns, but now is the stage of war, the enemy's control is relatively strict, and those eyes and ears are useless. Besides, even if they spread rumors in their territory, it will not affect the situation on the front line."

Guo Jia asked her to use people from Skynet to spread rumors among various tribes in Bingzhou.

Ha ha!

Hearing Cai Yu's words, Guo Jia couldn't help laughing.

"That's not necessarily the case. If the conspiracy fails, we can also use Yangmou."


Cai Yu frowned slightly, not knowing what he meant for a while.

Guo Jia stretched out his hand and whispered something in her ear.


Cai Yu froze for a moment, then asked in surprise, "Can this work?"

It's up to people!

Guo Jia smiled faintly, and said, "Even if you can't successfully differentiate them, you still have to plant the seeds of differentiation in their hearts. Although the seeds don't grow for a short time, once there is a suitable soil, they will take root and germinate."

"When is the right time?"

Cai Yu asked.

"Of course it is..."

Guo Jia suddenly paused, and said word by word: "When they suspect each other."

Mutual suspicion!

Cai Yu stopped talking.

Although she didn't know what Guo Jia was thinking, she had no choice but to help him accomplish this.

Cai Yu had no choice but to trust him.

"Leave this matter to me, and I will do it well!"

Cai Yu said softly.

The predecessor of Skynet was engaged in intelligence, and it basically had eyes and ears everywhere, and it was familiar with doing this kind of thing.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded and said: "If you can arouse their suspicion, girl, you will have made the first contribution."

Once the four people suspect each other, the 12 troops will split into several forces, which can be defeated individually.

Cai Yu naturally understood this truth, but it was hard for her to believe that a simple countermeasure could have serious effects.


After seeing off Cai Yu, Guo Jia rushed to the Yunzhou Chamber of Commerce without stopping.

In order to solve the unfair competition among merchants in Yunzhou, Guo Jia established the Yunzhou Chamber of Commerce and handed it over to Su Qinglian, a merchant.

Su Qinglian is a descendant of the merchant, and has unparalleled experience in running a business. Since she took charge of the chamber of commerce, there has never been a businessman breaking the law in Yunzhou.

Guo Jia is doing his best.

As soon as I walked into the gate of the chamber of commerce, I heard noises coming from inside.

"President Su, our Changsheng company is considered a time-honored brand in Yunzhou. We have followed the general since he was the sheriff. These years, we have fully supported the general. If you want money and people, we will give it to you. Changsheng has never said a word. Now that the rainy season and the upcoming war have caused the cost of goods to increase, but you let us not sell at a premium, isn’t this killing us?”

that is!

Another voice said: "President Su, although we are not comparable to the Su family, we were also the first old people who defected to the general. We are also familiar with your old man. The rise in prices is caused by objective reasons. Besides, our acquisition is also a waste of money. It’s a bit unreasonable not to let us sell it at a premium!”

"President Su, we also know that a war is about to take place, and we also want to take this opportunity to buy some materials. The materials are in our hands, and they are also in the hands of the general. When the time comes for the general to need something, we will naturally use our hands Serve it up."

Everyone complained one after another.

Hearing this, Guo Jia outside had a wry smile on his face.

Businessmen are always a profit-seeking group.

With the coming of the war, the materials in Yunzhou began to skyrocket, and these businessmen also began to hoard and drive up prices to make a fortune.

In order to stabilize prices in Yunzhou, Guo Jia ordered the Chamber of Commerce to suppress the price of goods, not to sell at a premium, and not to drive up materials.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a rebound in the market. The merchants hoarded a large amount of materials in the early stage, and now they suddenly refused to let the price increase. Wouldn't it be a big loss for them?

Ever since, they have found the chamber of commerce theory.

These profiteers!

Dian Wei couldn't help but squeezed his fists: "We were born and died for Yunzhou, but they drove up prices behind us and made the country rich. It's really out of the question."


He said viciously, "Do you want me to teach my brothers a lesson and teach these unsightly things a lesson?"

Not only Dian Wei, but other Tiger Guard soldiers are also gearing up.

They don't have a good impression of these profiteers who made a fortune for the country.

No need!

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

It is understandable for a businessman to seek profit. Although it is shameful to make money for the country, it is not a crime to die.

Because Yunzhou is a commodity economy.

The war and the arrival of the rainy season have caused a short-term crisis in the supply of goods in Yunzhou. Merchants with a keen sense of smell have seized this opportunity, taking advantage of the situation to stock up and prepare to make a fortune.

Of course, they still believed that Yunzhou believed in Guo Jia, otherwise they would have packed up and left long ago, and they would not have left behind to make a fortune for the country.

These years, they have also made contributions to Yunzhou. From this point alone, Guo Jia cannot kill them.

But it's okay to teach a lesson.

"Don't worry, President Su will take care of it!"

Guo Jia crossed his arms and stood aside to watch the excitement.

He believed that Su Qinglian's ability could solve this matter safely.

(End of this chapter)

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