Chapter 881 Raid on Jizhou

The location of Wan County is rather embarrassing, Zhang Xiu has already voted elsewhere, but he has not found a good place.

Guo Jia is the strongest of the surrounding princes, if you can rely on him, it is also a good choice.


Zhang Xiu frowned slightly.

There is another obstacle to seek refuge with Guo Jia, and that is Zhao Yun.

Zhang Xiu and Zhao Yun are brothers, and they both studied under Tong Yuan, a spear master.

Tong Yuan has always praised Zhao Yun, thinking that he can achieve great things.

Zhang Xiu was naturally unconvinced, and competed with Zhao Yun everywhere.

Now that Zhao Yun is in full swing in Yunzhou, he used to feel a little bleak now.

Moreover, Zhang Xiu was still a little unwilling to be pressured by Zhao Yun.

Jia Xu knew what Zhang Xiu was thinking, and said with a smile, "The general's jurisdiction extends beyond Yunzhou."

Hearing Jia Xu's words, Zhang Xiu woke up like a dream.

Not bad!

Guo Jia's power occupies the land of the three states, he can go to a certain job in another state to avoid Zhao Yun's edge, and it will not be so embarrassing.

"Sir said so!"

Zhang Xiu was convinced, clasped his fists and said: "In this case, I will rely on the master."

Seeing that Zhang Xiu agreed, Li Ru finally let go of his worried heart.

"Don't worry, general, everything is on Li's body!"

And slow!

Jia Xu suddenly interrupted the two of them.

"What's your opinion, sir?"

Zhang Xiu looked at Jia Xu puzzled.

Jia Xu grinned and said, "Yunzhou has many soldiers and generals. If General Zhang goes to Yunzhou like this, it will be difficult to be taken seriously."

Not bad!

Zhang Xiu also nodded.

Yunzhou is powerful, and he is not inferior to him. If he really goes like this, he will probably not be taken seriously.

"According to Mr., what should we do?"

Zhang Xiu asked modestly.

He also knew that his strength was too small to accommodate Jia Xu, a great god, and Jia Xu didn't recognize Zhang Xiu as the master, so he was very polite to him everywhere.

Ha ha!

Jia Xu smiled slightly, and said: "Another good opportunity, if the general does well, Jia can guarantee that he will become the guest of honor in Yunzhou."

Then he told Cao Cao's conspiracy to attack Guo by false doctrine.

Zhang Xiu was not stupid, and immediately understood what Jia Xu meant.

"Sir, do you want me to take the opportunity to attack Cao Cao and help Yunzhou? If so, I will send troops now."

He was a little impatient.

If he helped Yunzhou before taking refuge, Guo Jia would definitely treat him differently.


Jia Xu hurriedly waved his hand.

"Half-du attack, wait for Cao Cao to make a move, it's not too late for us to do it. Besides, Wan County's troops are too weak to take down Yanzhou. We can unite with Lu Bu and Liu Biao. I think they are still interested in Yanzhou."

Clever plan, clever plan!
Zhang Xiu was overjoyed.

It must be right to listen to Jia Xu in everything.

"I'll write to Lu Bu and Liu Biao right away."

Said and hurried away.

Li Ru squinted at Jia Xu, puzzled and said, "Why do you have to wait for Cao Cao to do it before you do it? Aren't you deliberately making Yunzhou suffer?"

Jia Xu smiled and said nothing.

He has his own plans.

The icing on the cake doesn't let timely help.

If Cao Cao didn't do anything, it would naturally not highlight the role of Zhang Xiu.

He, Jia Xu, naturally also needs a capital to get in.

Therefore, Yunzhou also has to suffer from this loss.

Old fox!
Li Ru shook his head helplessly, he also understood Jia Xu's thoughts.

In fact, if it were him, he would do the same.

In some respects, the two are similar.

I hope Yunzhou will not suffer too much from this loss.


Wei County is involved in the country.

Sheguo is a vassal state. This is the west gate of Wei County, and it is also the only way for Bingzhou and Sili to enter Ye County. Since Dong Zhuo's rebellion, Sheguo has stationed a large number of troops and horses to prevent the princes from the West Road from coming. commit.

Dong Zhuo was defeated, the Xiliang army was in conflict, and after the two capitals were abandoned, the pressure on the west gradually decreased, and Shexian County's defenses were not so tense.

The general who guarded the city returned to the courtyard in the city as soon as it was dark, and passed out with his arms around the singer.

After he left like this, there was no life on the top of the city. The soldiers were drowsy and drowsy, drinking and drinking, not knowing that the crisis was coming.

Twenty miles away from Shexian County, there was a cavalry force hidden in a dense forest, led by a tall and thin general, Xia Houyuan, the general of Yanzhou.

I saw that he estimated that the time was almost up, then waved his hand and sneaked under the city wall of Sheguo with his men and horses.

People hold Trojan horses and rings, and the journey is quiet.

The torches on the top of the city flickered, and the soldiers hid in the tower.

Xia Houyuan snorted, and a team of death squads started to climb up from the bottom of the city with ropes in hand.

Then there was a flutter of chickens and dogs jumping on the top of the city, and the city gate slowly opened.

Xia Houyuan swung his sword and charged into Sheguo first.

In one night, Sheguo, the west gate of the Wei army, fell into the hands of Cao Cao.

Xia Houyuan, courtesy name Miaocai, was a brother of Cao Cao's family. He was good at running thousands of miles, five hundred and six days a thousand in three days.

After Cao Cao implemented the plan of attacking Guo by false ways, he handed over the task of raiding Sheguo to Xia Houyuan.

Sheguo is the west gate of Wei County. If you want to surprise Jizhou, you must first take down Sheguo.

Because only Xia Houyuan has the ability to complete the task.

Xia Houyuan lived up to expectations, and led five thousand cavalry on a starry night march, and it took only six days to defeat Sheguo.

Three days later, Cao Cao's army successfully entered She County and officially opened the west gate of Wei County.

At this time, Xu Shu of Ye County was still kept in the dark. When Xia Houyuan's vanguard swept away the obstacles between Sheguo and Ye County, he finally understood Cao Cao's intentions, but it was too late.

"Come here, report to the lord quickly, Cao Cao is attacking Guo through false means, and he has already colluded with the Huns."

Xu Shu didn't expect Cao Cao to do this, so he was in a hurry.

"Lord Inspector, Cao Cao came prepared. Our troops are too scattered, and we will definitely be defeated one by one in the long run. Why don't we shrink our troops first and plan for others."

Yu forbidden to remonstrate.

After defeating the Qingzhou Army, Jizhou's defense line had been disbanded, and Xu Shu also dispersed Ye County's troops to the surrounding areas.

This will strengthen the surrounding area.

Xu Shu immediately reported the news to Guo Jia, and at the same time withdrew his troops to defend Ye County.

Cao Cao's army has taken down the big Wei County, and Bingfeng is pointing directly at Ye County.

Xu Shu lost the opportunity and had to order Yu Jin to defend Ye County to the death, and sent messengers to Hejian Kingdom for reinforcements.

Jushou, Prime Minister of Hejian, did not dare to neglect, and immediately ordered Gao Lan to raise five thousand troops to aid Ye County.

However, Cao Cao was prepared and ordered Xia Houyuan to meet the enemy. The latter showed his might again, and the cavalry raided Gao Lan's army.

Gao Lan suffered heavy losses and retreated to Hejian Kingdom in embarrassment.

Cao Cao was well prepared, brought a large number of catapults, and attacked the city at night.

Xu Shu and Yu Jin had no choice but to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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