Chapter 907 Guo Jia's Gadget
Blending wine is the most important method of wine making in later generations. Some products are written as grain brewing, but in fact they are purely fools.

How can you make wine with so much grain?
Besides, a winery brews so much wine every day, who has the time to brew it with grain.

Therefore, most of the wines circulating in the market in later generations are blended wines.

It is made by fermenting food with high alcohol content such as corn sugar cane to extract alcohol, and then blending this edible alcohol with flavor and distilled water according to a certain ratio, and labeling it becomes pure grain brewing.

Here is a little contempt for the domestic wine making industry. Most people treat consumers as fools.

It's really not easy to drink pure grain brewing.

Of course, in this era, Guo Jia doesn't have to think about consumers, because even if he uses blended wine, it's the only one in the scorpion's shit.

"The manufacturing process is very mature, and workshops can be built at any time."

Guo Jia made a confession to Su Qinglian.

Very good!
Su Qinglian said excitedly: "I'm going to inspect it now, and then build a brewery, trying to make the first batch of goods in a short time."

Wine is the favorite commodity of merchants. It has a wide range of uses and a large audience. It is not afraid of damage and can be transported and stored for a long time.

If the wine in Guo Jia's hands can be produced on a large scale, within three years, he will be able to monopolize the entire Central Plains.

Because after drinking this kind of wine, no one is willing to drink any low-purity local wine.


Su Qinglian pondered for a while, and said worriedly: "Although wine can solve the urgent need and add a way to Yunzhou's finances, it is only a drop in the bucket. After all, this thing is just a non-staple food."

It is somewhat impossible for the millions of people in the north to rely on this wine to feed themselves.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I have some rare things."

As he spoke, he dragged Su Qinglian into the room.

Guo Jia's room is very spacious, and there are four treasures of the study in it.

The first thing that catches the eye is the stack of papers on Guo Jia's desk.

good paper!

Su Qinglian was naturally a man of knowledge, and was attracted by the paper on Guo Jia's desk at first sight.

As a businessman, Su Qinglian naturally knows the four treasures of the study.

Paper is the most important component.

In fact, paper appeared as early as the early Han Dynasty, but the paper at that time was not smooth, rough, unsuitable for writing, and very expensive.

Therefore, bamboo slips are still the main carrier of writing.

After the eunuch Cai Lun improved papermaking in the Eastern Han Dynasty, paper became common, but it was still rough and expensive, and it was not something that ordinary people could enjoy.

As a modern person, Guo Jia felt very awkward writing on the slips, so he set up a paper-making workshop in the backyard in his spare time, and made paper according to modern methods.

In terms of raw materials, in addition to the original hemp and mulberry, it has also been expanded to use mulberry bark and rattan bark to make paper.In terms of equipment, the papermaking technology of the Han Dynasty is inherited, and more movable curtain bed paper molds are used. A movable bamboo curtain is placed on the frame, and thousands of sheets of wet paper can be removed repeatedly, which improves work efficiency.In terms of processing and manufacturing technology, lye cooking and boiling have been strengthened, the quality of paper has been improved, and processed paper such as colored paper, coated paper, and filler paper has appeared.

Therefore, the paper made by Guo Jia is smooth and easy to write on, and more importantly, it is cheap.

Of course, these papers are also specially used for government consumption, and there is no plan to put them on the market.

But now that Yunzhou is in financial crisis, Guo Jia has no choice but to use this technology.

"Husband, your paper is very fine, far better than Caihou paper."

Su Qinglian was pleasantly surprised, picked up the paper on Guo Jia's desk, and said fondly.

Of course!

Guo Jia said proudly.

He is a person from later generations, and there is a difference of thousands of years, can it be the same?

"The paper cost?"

Su Qinglian was very concerned about this issue.

The price is the last word. If the paper made by Guo Jia is more expensive than Caihou paper, then there is no prospect.

Very cheap!

Guo Jia smiled and said, "A price you can't imagine!"

Immediately told Su Qinglian the cost price.

He used the improved method of later generations to make paper, of course it is of high quality and low price.

Hearing this price, Su Qinglian couldn't help opening her mouth.

If the cost of Guo Jia's papermaking is really so low, it can be promoted nationwide. I am afraid that it will not take long to replace bamboo slips, which is a bulky writing medium.

Fine wine, paper, these two things gave Su Qinglian a big surprise.


She still shook her head.

The two things are still too thin, and there seems to be something missing.

no problem!
Seeing Su Qinglian's expression, Guo Jia knew that these two things were not enough, so he took out a pair of transparent bottles from the room and put them in front of Su Qinglian.

Is this a crystal bottle?

Su Qinglian said in surprise.

She is also a person who knows the goods.

Crystals are naturally mined crystals that take a long time to shape.

It takes a lot of hard work of a skilled craftsman to be able to polish it into two cups.


Guo Jia shook his head.

Grape wine luminous cup, urge you to drink Pipa immediately.

Merchants from the Western Regions brought a lot of wine, and Guo Jia usually liked it, but he had to use a luminous glass to drink wine, so Guo Jia wanted to make glasses for later generations.

But making glass is not an easy task.

However, Guo Jia finally created it. Although it is a bit rough, it is already very exquisite in this era.

"This is called a glazed cup. I made it. If conditions allow, it can be mass-produced."

As he spoke, Guo Jia took out another mirror.

This is a by-product of glassmaking.

This is……

Su Qinglian took the round mirror and saw her own face clearly, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

As a woman, she has many mirrors.

But the mirrors of this era are all bronze mirrors, no matter how smooth they are polished, it is impossible for them to reflect so vividly as they are now.

"It's called a mirror, and it's specially made for women. With this thing, those bronze mirrors can be thrown away."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

When he built this thing, he was just doing it smoothly, and he never thought of using it to make money.

But looking at it now, it's definitely a good idea.


After getting these two things, Su Qinglian hugged Guo Jia excitedly, and she said incoherently: "Great, great, with these few things, it will be difficult for Yunzhou not to make money. Can you The value of knowing this thing is far greater than the previous two.”

How many ladies and daughters there are in the country, everyone needs one or two sides, and what a quantity it will be.

That's why Su Qinglian said that it would be difficult not to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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