Chapter 91

When Zhao Yun and others rushed to Wuji County, they found the empty barracks and the four gates of the county seat closed, and their faces changed color.

They are still late.

Liu Bei has already controlled two thousand soldiers and horses in Wuji County and occupied the county seat.

Guan Yu was furious and patted his horse forward.

"My husband Liu Bei, get out of a certain family!"

The sound was like thunder, soaring into the sky.

He believes in loyalty the most, and now that Liu Bei has tricked him, he is naturally furious.

"Liu Bei, you despicable villain!"

Zhang Fei also cursed.

"Two virtuous brothers!"

Liu Bei burst out from the top of the city with a smile.

"How is the matter entrusted to you by Brother Yu?"

It's okay that he didn't mention this section, but when he mentions this section, he becomes angry again.

This bastard pretended to ask them for help, but secretly took away their military power.

He, why didn't he see that this is a hypocrite before.

"Liu Bei, you shameless villain. You lied to our brothers and took away our military power. Get out of here quickly, I will kill you alive."

Zhang Fei shouted.

He has been confused by Liu Bei's shamelessness.

Zhao Yun said loudly: "Listen, brothers of Wuji County. Liu Bei falsely passed on the prefect's order and conspired to murder the prefect, but he has already been thwarted by the prefect. Now he is a bereaved dog. If you are still a good man in Zhongshan County, kill this guy , open the door and surrender."

Don't listen to his nonsense!

Liu Bei shouted loudly: "Guo Jia, as the prefect, left his post without authorization, and deserves death. Although Liu Bei is just a commoner, he can't tolerate this kind of stupid official who has no king, no court, no people. Liu has already reported it to the court. Leaving one's post without permission is a capital crime, and Guo Jia will be dismissed and beheaded in a short time. At that time, Liu will be the prefect of Zhongshan, and everyone will be Liu's hero."

Liu Bei also had considerations in choosing to flee to Wuji County. Wuji County is the territory of Guan Zhang.

In the past few months, Liu Bei has not less attracted these fellow villagers. In private, many people have taken refuge in Liu Bei, but Guan Zhang has been kept in the dark.

Having benefited from Liu Bei, these fellow villagers naturally want to speak for Liu Bei.

So as soon as Guan Zhang went out, these people launched a coup d'état and got rid of Guan Zhang's confidantes, and Liu Bei took the entire army under control.

"Brothers, Mr. Liu Shijun is a good man in our Zhuo County, and Guo Jia is a traitor. As men of Zhuo County, how can we serve our lives to a traitor?"

"Support Liu Shijun and arrest Guo Jia, a rebellious minister and thief."

"Brothers, since Guo Jia is dead, Shijun Liu will be our prefect, and we will be his heroes at that time. Shijun Liu is benevolent and righteous, so naturally he will not treat us badly."

The defenders at the head of the city looked at each other in blank dismay, they were all big soldiers, how could they tell what was what?
What Zhao Yun said was reasonable, and what Liu Bei said seemed to be reasonable. They were not sure who to listen to.

Seeing this, Liu Bei made up his mind, and said to the people below with a smile: "Yun Chang, Yi De, Zi Long, you are all heroes in this world, why would you pay for a dying man? Come to my side , I, Liu Bei, regard you as brothers and sisters."

Liu Bei man!

Guan Yu was furious.

"A certain family will kill you, a despicable villain!"

As he said, he clapped his horse and whipped his whip and rushed forward.

Shoot the arrows!

Liu Bei said lightly.

On the top of the city, rolling stones, wooden arrows and arrows fell one after another. Guan Yu couldn't move forward, so he had to yell at him.

Second brother!

Zhang Fei immediately went up to him and grabbed his rein.

"Third brother let go, a certain family listened to Liu Da'er's slander, and failed the trust of the lord. Now the only option is to die."

Guan Yu said angrily.

Second brother!

Zhao Yun also rushed over and advised: "Don't worry, I believe these brothers were also deceived by Liu Bei for a while, and they will realize it in a short time. At that time, we will take down Liu Bei with all our might."

If Liu Bei escaped, Zhao Yun was still a little worried. Now that Liu Bei has robbed Guanzhang's army and fled into Wuji County, he really thinks he is smart.

Although Wuji County is a county seat, it is not impenetrable. Liu Bei hides in it like a turtle in a urn, and now he can't escape even if he wants to.

As soon as Zhongshan's army arrived, Liu Bei could not escape even with his wings.

At this moment, a burst of flying dust rose, but it was Zhang Xi and Gao Lan who killed it.


"Zi Long!"

The two were a little surprised when they saw each other.

"Aren't you in Anguo? How did you come here?"

Zhao Yun asked in puzzlement.

Could it be that they were also ordered to capture Liu Bei?

There is no need for such a big fanfare!
"Following the orders of your lord, come to arrest the court's most important criminal!"

Zhang He said in a deep voice.

The imperial court wants to commit crimes?

Zhao Yun's heart sank, and he said, "Who gave this order?"

"Liu Shijun of the Prefect's Mansion!"

Zhang He said without thinking.

During this period of time, Liu Bei went around buying people's hearts, and Zhang He, who held the military power, would naturally not neglect.

The relationship between the two is pretty good, so when they heard Liu Bei's order, they didn't say a word, and the soldiers from the county came to Wuji County.

"You have been fooled by Liu Bei!"

Zhao Yun said with a pause.

Be fooled!

Zhang He Gao Lan was dumbfounded.

What is this with what?
At this moment, another group of troops came galloping, and the leader waving a Guo character banner, but it was Guo Jia who brought Yu Jin and Xu Huang's [-] troops to Wuji County in person.

After all, he was a little worried about Liu Bei, so after dealing with Lu Nu's matter, he immediately led his troops.

The lord is here!

Seeing this, Zhao Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately rode his horse to meet him.

"My lord! This subordinate is incompetent, and has been fooled by Liu Bei."

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei got off their horses and fell to their knees.

Seeing Guan Zhang's face full of shame, Guo Jia's heart sank first, and then he heaved a sigh of relief.

Originally, when Liu Bei came to Wuji County, he was worried that the two would be instigated against each other. After all, in the original plot, the three of them had a constant relationship.

But now it seems that Guo Jia is worrying too much.

"Get up!"

Guo Jia waved his hand and said.

Taking advantage of the time, he had already learned the truth from Zhao Yun.

Liu Da'er is very capable, he was able to cheat two thousand soldiers from Guan and Zhang after a crushing defeat.

It seems that during this period of time, he has not lost his business.


A sneer appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

Even if Liu Daer controlled two thousand soldiers, it would be wishful thinking to rely on the small town of Wuji County to stop Guo Jia from him.

For Liu Bei, Guo Jia was extremely energetic.

The name of the ultimate scourge is not for nothing, Guo Jia was just a little careless, and was almost turned over by Liu Daer.

My lord!

Zhang He Gao Lan immediately greeted him.

"Why are you here?"

Guo Jia asked puzzledly.

A flash of embarrassment flashed across the faces of the two of them. They were tricked by Liu Bei, and they were tricked by Liu Bei's order.

"Forget it, it's just right to come, take your troops and prepare to attack the city!"

Guo Jia waved his hand.

He has made up his mind that Liu Bei must not be allowed to escape from Wuji County again.

(End of this chapter)

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