Chapter 918 Beating the Cai Family
For Cai Yong, this old man, Cai Yu is dismissive.

Pedantic, old-fashioned, and stubborn are the labels of this old man.

If it weren't for this old man, she wouldn't have been betrothed to Taishan Yang's family at a young age.

It can be said that in Cai Yu's impression, there is no gratitude to the master, on the contrary, it is full of resentment.

But resentment is resentment, Cai Yong is still her father, so Cai Yu doesn't want anything to happen to him.

Fortunately, this old man doesn't have much political wisdom, and he can't do any great things. In this life, he can revise Hanshu and formulate some classics to be a learned person.

But what Cai Yu didn't expect was that the old man showed signs of forming a clique.

Some scholars from aristocratic families vaguely surrounded Cai Yong, forming a huge scholar force.

This force is so huge that even Xi Zhong, the governor of Yunzhou, can't take it lightly.

Because the leader of this force is Cai Yong, the father-in-law of Guo Jia's father-in-law and sister Cai Yan.

When Cai Yong was discussing the world's advice at home, he probably didn't expect that someone had started to interfere in Yunzhou's political affairs under his banner.

Under the banner of the Cai family, these people blatantly interfered in the affairs of grassroots officials.

Since ancient times, they have been officials from other places and local officials. Although this part of the group is unknown, they have mastered the actual power at the grassroots level.

When Guo Jia first arrived in Yunzhou, the aristocratic families in Yunzhou were on the opposite side. Naturally, Guo Jia would not be soft, so he was suppressed and has not recovered his strength these years.

Naturally, grassroots officials do not have their share.

After these years of recuperation, the aristocratic families in Yunzhou have calmed down, and they also understand that there is no way out to confront Guo Jia, so they wisely chose to save the country.

Through the platform of Cai Yong, I started to get in touch with the politics of Yunzhou.

Therefore, the local forces in Yunzhou, which were suppressed by Guo Jia, will gradually rise again.They tied Cai Yong to the chariot through the cloak of Confucianism, and used this to commit misdeeds. Poor Cai Yong was sold and didn't know?

This is very dangerous!

Of course, Cai Yong was also confused by others.

Cai Yu knew this old man, he didn't have much ambition.

Guo Jia also understood this, so he didn't say anything.

But if he didn't say anything, it didn't mean that he didn't have any dissatisfaction in his heart. After all, forming cliques was a king's taboo.

Everyone cheated her father, and Cai Yu was cheated by her father. After going through such a situation, her hard work all these years was in vain.

"Since you know that those Confucian scholars have no good intentions to tempt that old fool, why do you let it go?"

Cai Yu asked dissatisfied.

She has been away from home all these years, and she has never asked about the old man's affairs, but Guo Jia is different, he has always been very clear about it.

What made this girl dissatisfied was that this guy knew that the old man was confused, but he kept watching and didn't say a word.

How could this be done by the son-in-law?
Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Of course I can trust the old man."

Indeed, he knew Cai Yong's character well, but he was probably deceived by these sour scholars, and he himself didn't have much ambition.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Cai Yu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"We left this matter to Skynet. This bastard dared to plot against our Cai family. I will definitely make them pay the price!"

She gritted her teeth.

No need!

Guo Jia waved his hand.

In fact, he had already noticed the rise of Confucianism in Yunzhou, but he never said anything about it.

In the final analysis, all schools of thought serve the ruling class. As long as they keep themselves in order and cooperate with the people under the government's rule, Guo Jia doesn't bother to touch them.

Confucianism has been able to survive in China for thousands of years, so naturally they have their way of survival.

Of course, if they want to shake Guo Jia's rule if they overestimate their capabilities, Guo Jia will not be polite.

Now that their appearance has stabilized the rule of the grassroots, it is also a good thing for Yunzhou, so Guo Jia has no plans to move them.


Cai Yu was a little suspicious.

This guy Guo Jia is not talking ironically, is he?
"By the way, what happened to the person who asked you to check?"

Guo Jia changed the topic.

The reason why he wanted to tell Cai Yu was to remind this girl, don't even know that her own father was sold.

Wei Ping?
Hearing this, Cai Yu took out a scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Guo Jia.

Is it the Hedong Wei family?
Guo Jia opened it and took a closer look, with a smile on his face.

It has to be said that Cai Yu's ability to handle affairs is still very strong. In just a few days, he found out the details of Wei Ping.

This person comes from the Hedong Wei family, which is the same family as the original Cai Yu's man Wei Zhongdao.

It's just that for some reason, this person was expelled from the Wei family, then disappeared for a while, and when he finally appeared in Yunzhou, he was already a businessman.

Guo Jia's eyes suddenly narrowed.

His impression of Hedong Wei's family stays firmly on Wei Zhongdao. Originally, this tuberculosis ghost was Cai Yan's man, but Guo Jia's appearance snatched Cai Meimei back from his hands, and even beat him up. .

But I don't know if it was because of this reason that this guy met Hua Tuo and thus escaped the fate of an early death.

Now the whole family of Hedong Wei has taken refuge in Cao Cao and has become Cao Cao's guest of honor.

Since this Wei Ping came from Hedong, and he helped Cao Cao intentionally or unintentionally, he was probably an eyeliner sent by the Wei family.

The Hedong Wei family's expulsion of his name is just trying to cover up.

Having figured this out, Guo Jia suddenly said: "Keep an eye on this guy, don't startle the snake for now."

I see!
Cai Yu nodded.

She had already sent someone to keep an eye on Wei Ping.

Guo Jia took a few steps with his hands behind his back, and asked, "What's happening in Xiliang?"

If you want to defeat Chi Xiao, you must first start from the inside.Therefore, Guo Jiacai put the ambitious Ma Chao in Liangzhou to allow him to challenge Han Sui's status.

Han Sui is a shepherd in Xiliang, and Ma Teng is a shepherd in Yongzhou. Their status is generally high. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. It is destined that Han and Ma can only live one.

What Guo Jia has to do now is to recharge his energy, sit back and watch their internal strife, and close the net when it is about the same time.

"At the right time, give Ma Chao a little help. Only in this way can he be motivated."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

After all, Han Sui has been operating in Xiliang for many years, and Ma Teng and his son have been lingering in the Central Plains all these years.

Xiliang is the only way for the Han Dynasty to go to the Western Regions. Guo Jia wants to reproduce the Silk Road, so Liangzhou must be taken.

Only by winning Liangzhou can the external trade routes of Yunzhou be guaranteed.

At that time, all commodities in Yunzhou will be continuously transported to Central Asia, in exchange for countless real gold and silver.

This is also part of Guo Jia's grand strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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